Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos) NINE MONTH SUCCES UPDATE


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

Just reached my sixth month mark on finasteride, very hard to tell if there is improvement or not, really depend on the lighting. In some I look like a mature hairline, others make me look NW2.5+. Well, if anything things didnt get alot worse so I guess that is positive. No (noticable) sides whatsoever. I think that the hairs on my hairline are thickening, but it is a very slow process. Here is a situation now, shorter hair.



I never had strong sidehair and speaking of slow balding here is a picture of my hair on the age of 15. As you can see there is a difference, even though it isn't a shoking one and the hair is already getting thinner there.


Also had a good conversation with a wig wairer and that might always be my last resort. Anyway curious what you guys think.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos) SIX MONTH UPDATE

you're hair looks very thick in the picture. It looks like all you have is a little recession.
That said, you need to look to your maternal grandfather and father to help predict future hair loss. Or even better get the HairDX test or a miniaturization study done.
I will tell this though I went to high school with a friend who at age eighteen was a norwood 3 that was thirty years ago. Well I hooked up with him on face book this past year and he is still a norwood 3 and his hair is still as thick as it was in high school.
You're hair is better then his at nineteen.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos) SIX MONTH UPDATE

Thanks, but my dad has been losing it for like 30 years and his crown is going now (nw5-6) but my maternal grandfather has everything. Is it possible i'll end up somewhere in the middle? Or is it either the one or the other


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos) SIX MONTH UPDATE

I'd stay on finasteride, you probably won't lose any density. Hairline looks like its ok, I wouldn't worry about it. You might be the same for 30+ years on finasteride.

If you're that concerned you could do minoxidil on the temples.

You're no where near 'wig wearing' territory.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos) SIX MONTH UPDATE

Yes you could end up like your maternal grandfather.
My brother has the exact same hair as our mothers father
and I have hair like my fathers so it could go either way.
The best thing to do is to keep an eye on it and see if there is any change.
Certainly taking Propecia cannot hurt especially if you are not
having any side effects.
Just have a doctor who is knowledgeable about hair loss
help you monitor your progress.
But in my opinion from the pictures you posted it looks good.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos) SIX MONTH UPDATE

Thanks for the input guys. What I ment was; I seem to have 'the balding gene' so will I end up like my father (NW5/6) or is there a possibility of it halting somewhere in between since my maternal grandfather has all of his hair?


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos) SIX MONTH UPDATE

There is no way to predict something like that.
the best thing you can do is find a doctor who does hair miniaturization exams.
This will tell you the amount of loss you are experiencing now.
That way you can keep an eye on it and try to prevent or slow it down.
The good news for someone your age is that there are at least four companies working on growth stimulants that seem somewhat promising so the longer you
can maintain the great head of hair you have now the better off you might be if a new therapy comes along.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

Sebastien said:
Just reached my sixth month mark on finasteride, very hard to tell if there is improvement or not, really depend on the lighting. In some I look like a mature hairline, others make me look NW2.5+. Well, if anything things didnt get alot worse so I guess that is positive. No (noticable) sides whatsoever. I think that the hairs on my hairline are thickening, but it is a very slow process. Here is a situation now, shorter hair.



I never had strong sidehair and speaking of slow balding here is a picture of my hair on the age of 15. As you can see there is a difference, even though it isn't a shoking one and the hair is already getting thinner there.


Also had a good conversation with a wig wairer and that might always be my last resort. Anyway curious what you guys think.

My dream hair :) :)


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos) NINE MONTH UPDATE, SUCCES?

So after a little over 9 months on finasteride and 2% ketoconazol shampoo, this is what my hair looks like. I dropped the 2% minoxidil after 2 weeks because my derm and I decided to evaluate finasteride results after a year.

The pictures on the first page are somewhat biased since they are after 2 months on finas (so after the shed). Therefore baseline here:


9 Months:

As you can see the hairline thickend up although the change is not drastic compared to baseline, but it makes a huge difference compared to the pictures after the shedding.

Ofcourse finasteride isn't a permanent solution since you might get side-effects along the road or anything but for now its probably my best bet. I have not noticed anything execpt less belly hair. Who knows, I might be fine for a long time.

I think I have been slowly balding since 15(!), and during my teenage years a took REALLY BAD care of my hair and health. I used to get a tower and vigerously rub it with a towel while applying gel and pulling it as hard as I can to get it to stand up and never used shampoo, which probably didn't help either (LOL FCKING STUPID). The past 9 months I have been living really healthy and treating my hair with care. I was pretty fat during my teenage years and maybe the insuline sensitivity/sexhormonebindingglobine played a part (didnt eat veggies).

As for family history: my mothers dad is NW1.2 at 85 (fck him seriously), my father is bald and out of his 3 brothers 2 others are balding. They bald really SLOW though. I looked up photos from when they were around 20 and they were pretty much in the same boat as me. They are around ~55 right now and they didnt reach their final destination yet (all are Norwood 5 - 6 now) but they kept their crown untill somewhere in their 30's.

Felt like I had to report back since succes stories used to give me hope!


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The crown didn't have any visible thinning, and when my hair is soaking wet you cant see any scalp. But yeah, it might have thickened!


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Hey guys,

So it has been aprox. 1,5 year now since I started 1mg finasteride a day. I (think) I am still in the same situation as my 9th month post, maybe a little worse, maybe a little better. It is quite hard to tell and I really don't want to obsess over it too much anymore. I could go and use minoxidil on my temples and maybe get a stronger hairline but I don't wanna go through the hassle and I might need it in the future when finasteride starts losing it's effectiveness.

I can therefore really advice everyone to start 1 treatment and evaluate after 9 months or so. I panicked at the start as well.

As for the side effect question: I still have had no (noticable) problems whatsoever (knock on wood).

Oh what maybe is interesting to mention is that I've been using Revita shampoo since January. I have had 2 bottles, 1 of which was very liquidish and another which is a really thick substance. Kind of wondering if the first one was legit but anyway; it hasn't done alot as far as I can tell but it's a nice shampoo.


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You are not balding, your hair is perfect!

It seems all this started because you got obsessed with counting hairs, which is not an indicator of male pattern baldness.