
Seeking Advice For My Mum Regarding Hairloss


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Hello there,

I am no stranger to male hairloss. However, my mother is also losing her hair and I don't have the same knowledge regarding women's hairloss. I want to help her. Would it be possible for someone to give me a short primer on what she can do to improve her hair. She is in her mid-fifties, and well underway during the menopause(?). She has always said that she has high test levels, and is fairly hairy on her body for a woman. She has thinned out down her parting and also across the frontal area and her hairline. She also seems to be developing a bald spot towards the back of her parting. Is this a standard female pattern baldness pattern? Would women's Rogaine help? Any particular vitamins people would recommend? Or shampoos etc.

My mum isn't particularly internet savvy and is kind of burying her head in the sand regarding her hairloss (I noticed it a year to 18 months ago). But now it's becoming noticeable and I know it is starting to depress her since she had such nice thick hair beforehand.

Thank you for reading, I would be very grateful for any advice.

Antonio Joe

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Im also suffering from gradual hair loss due to stress in work
a friend of mine introduced a product from amazon
verseo hair growth shampoo and conditioner
which i gave it a try anyways they offer refund so i wont worry about getting my money back if i'm not satisfied with the result
and voila it works great growing my hair back tho you will not notice it immediately but just give it time to do its work
here is the link in amazon: