seems a bit odd

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Umm.. maybe. In the front I would always get a strand dangle and it would either be brown or white.

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Yes, but they started losing around their 30's. 2nd youngest male in my family, and my 2 older brothers have full heads of hair.

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I have an appointment on the 9th. So hopefully they're not lazy and tell me I have male pattern baldness and rush me out.

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Added in 2 extra photos. This is what my hair looks like somewhat greasy/messy


New Member
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Hey man i have a friend who is Completely bald i mean no hair in his whole body and he started like that! in a matter of years he lost all the hair in his body....If thats the case there is no cure. Go to a Doctos someone that lets you know whats going on man!
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Had an appointment, got ready for it. Mom refused to wake up. Didn't go. But hey I got a question. It's a bit of tmi. But is pubic hair thinning a factor to anything? About the same time I started losing my hair, my bush turned into twigs.


New Member
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Im telling you man! Thats exactely what happened to my friend! he became completely bald all over... Hair started falling in chunks and had not hair in his entrie body and for him is permanent. It oly happens to very few people im sure you have seen this before
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Yeah she's making me another appointment tomorrow. Well **** me.. I've noticed my arm hair, leg hair, is not as thick and is losing color. And my facial hair used to grown almost all over my chin, and now there's a bald spot in the middle like it's growing around a quarter.


Established Member
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Bald spot in the middle like it is growing around a quarter = classic alopecia areata.

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There is a forum somewhere specifically AA, you could ask the people there if you want.
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Good news I guess? I went and seen my new doctor and got some blood tests, my hormones are fine, and my thyroid/testosterone levels are completely normal for my age. He said he's 95% sure it's telegon effluvium and has referred me to a derma. Appointment is tomorrow, I'll let you guys know what she says.


Experienced Member
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Thank you for keeping us updated jayden, I'm glad your getting a PROPER diagnosis this time.


Established Member
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Jesus bro your mom is an idiot in denial. My mom is the same btw. She makes thing 10x harder for me as if they arent hard enough
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The derma said she thinks it's AA and i got a scalp biopsy, and won't know what it is for the next few days. :/

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God i know :p


Experienced Member
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Well at least you got a biopsy, but your derm said she thinks its male pattern baldness which leads me to believe she is retarded. I'd advise to see a hair transplant surgeon.
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the old guy thought it was male pattern baldness she thinks it is alopecia areata. but the old dude should really be re-educated :p

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GOOD NEWS, i got my scalp biopsy lab results and it's Alopecia Areata incognita :DDDD she now has me taking some topical solution that should have my hair growing in no time.