Hi guys,
I have been following this thread for sometime.
Due to West’s endeavours i decided to try and go the seti route in mid January.
I’m diffuse probably would be a Norwood 5 pattern if I hadn’t started to try and treat this disease 20 years ago.
I’ve been on seti 2g a day for 9 weeks.
I took baseline photos of my crown but not my hairline before starting seti.
I read about all the sleep disruption problems and every other issue that some on here seem to feel they exhibit?
Took them all at face value.
First day I convinced myself I couldn’t sleep!
I could, I just convinced myself that all the various members worries and anxieties were correct.
Anyway after 20 years of maintaining somewhat although losing ground for the last 3-5.
Shedding has completely stopped and am sprouting new hairs all over the hairline.
Proper hairs not vellus!
I’ll be happy to post some pics if this continues over the next couple of months.
I’m not imagining this.
Seti at 2g is not cheap!
But it’s been a revelation so far.
I think West was right that one size doesn’t fit all.
I just felt compelled to try and give something back after all the useful info I’ve read here.
Good luck and thanks to you all.
I bought my seti from Lyphar, haven’t had the purity tested.
I’ve taken worse drugs
Hope this helps some of you.
Peace out