
sexual side effects of propecia


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well i finally decided it was time to combat my problems and start on the treatment

Ive recently started taking Propecia 1mg (daily) and it seems to me like the sexual side effects have already started

i was told that it was only a minority of people which encounter these problems and that they only last like a day or two

could someone give me more information about the seuxal side effects of propecia and maybe your personal experiences? it would be much appreciated.



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amrod said:
well i finally decided it was time to combat my problems and start on the treatment

Ive recently started taking Propecia 1mg (daily) and it seems to me like the sexual side effects have already started

i was told that it was only a minority of people which encounter these problems and that they only last like a day or two

could someone give me more information about the seuxal side effects of propecia and maybe your personal experiences? it would be much appreciated.

I lost morning erections after 1-2 weeks and as stated in my sig, as a result I lowered my dose to 1 mg every other day. They are definitely returning and if it keeps this way, I think I'll up my dosage again to 1 mg daily to try and see if it was temporary anyway.


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aso im itching all over my body - what the f***


I think for the first two weeks or so you may feel a abit strange down below. After that it should be OK. When I took Propecia I was like a bull in a china shop. Every time I had the opportunity I would bang like hell.

It kind of made me into a sex beast. But now things are normal and I am tolerating it quite well at the moment.

Hair seems to be doing OK as well.


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2 months in, morning erections minimal and generally suffering slightly, thinking of reducing intake to 0.5 a day or like provoious poster 1mg every other day.


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used to take propecia and stopped

Propecia worked well to re-grow my hair...but caused major erection started to become more depressing and I stopped it all together...ofcozz lost all regrown hair...but erection returned :lol: which is more imporatn at this stage of my life...never tried reducing the using toppik.....I guess some guys r lucky with no side effects...but not for me!!Good luck guys.....anybody trying revivogen?


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how funny i was just about to post something very similar..or was looking basically for a post just like this..

i started propecia on today's my 6th day...had some testicular pain, but that's gone now, but yeah i don't feel as 'horny' as usual...and my semen was watery, and ejaculation less strong...

will this continue or is this a bad sign, should i stop right away? Or give it a few more weeks/months...



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could try for a few weeks

I heard that some folks got their 'horniness' back in a few weeks time but I did not until I fully stopped it....good thing it did come back :) so based on my exp u can probably try it for some more time....

I can definitely say that more ppl have exp this sideeffect compared 2-3% reported by Merck......

You can look pretty silly in front of a hot girl (even with a head full of hair)


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after using propecia for a while is it ok to start taking it once every 2 days?

also any ideas on the long term effects on children you may have in the future?


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Hey, so i reduced my intake to 1mg every other day and it did the trick, morning wood, and semi hardons through the day returned which made me feel better as my nob turned into a lifeless thing for a couple of weeks, could have been other things but i feel the treatment was contributing. Hair is feeling good and some soft downy sort of hair on my hairline seams to be growing and thickening up which is really quite suprizeing. I think after a couple of years on this stuff you really could see some results. Keep going stick to the regimin and all that hair love. Hair Peace .


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I'm thinking of starting on proscar at a low dosage (1.25mg every second day) and just got my prescription yesterday but this 'lifeless thing' talk is a major concern. It seems to kick in pretty quickly and much more often than not.

I'd really like to hear about people who've never had any problems, or had them for a short period and then things went back to normal.


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If it helps at all, I've been on dutasteride 0.5mg/day which is even more hardcore of a DHT blocker than finasteride, and I've experienced no side effects whatsoever.


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I used propecia in april for about a week loss of libido and less erection are the first signs of side effects with in two days of the dosage 1 mg and my semen was watery. I stopped for about a week side effects are gone , then restarted taking propecia again hair started to fall rapidly, side effects popped up so decided that this is not the way to go becuase it is temporarily fixing the hair by altering the hormones in the body.

I have seen so many members expressing loss of libido and less erection, does every body fall in the 2% catogary of what merck claims to be? i dont think so.


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yep, loss of libido here after the first day of use. I cant still get it up, just feels kinda funny


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wangho75 said:
yep, loss of libido here after the first day of use. I cant still get it up, just feels kinda funny

You haven't been able to get it up for 5 months!?

How much do you take? Stories like this scare the hell out of me.


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I don't know whether one can know much after a couple of days, but here's my $0.02. I started taking Propecia back in December '04 b/c while Revivogen stopped my hair from actually falling out, my hairline kept creeping up, and my hair seemed to keep getting thinner. I also started minoxidil at the same time. Within 2 weeks, my libido was erratic and when it was there it was about 60% of what it had been, occasional testicular ache, wood wasn't as strong and was more difficult to maintain. Never had any of these problems before. Hearing that it often took some time for your body to adjust and that everything would return to normal if you went off it, and getting some good results with my hair, I stayed on it until end of April, with more or less the same sides, maybe slightly worse... then, I was able to get wood only about once a week in April, and that was it for me. I stopped taking it. I guess its hard to know what's in your head and what isn't, but how could the complete lack of morning wood be a psychological effect? I teach in the university, and am surrounded by hotties all day, I'm in great shape, and haven't been depressed. Whatever. It's the end of May now, and my sexual interest has definitely returned (mentally speaking, I mean), I get occasional morning wood, and I'm somewhat responsive to visual or physical stimulus...but its been almost a month, and I'm still not my old self. I'm giving it a couple more weeks, trying not to think about it, and then I'll go to my Doctor, or an endocrinologist or a urologist for some tests. Thank God my girl is cool. It isn't supposed to take this long to be back to normal is it? Damn it all to was really working on my hair too. And I'm not trying to scare people off; one of the reasons I decided to try it was that several of my friends are on it and they've had no sexual sides at all.

33, Nwood 3.v, 1.5 ml Revivogen, 2 ml of 5% minoxidil, Nizoral twice a week.


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Re: unacceptable

IfItsNotScottish said:
I don't know whether one can know much after a couple of days, but here's my $0.02. I started taking Propecia back in December '04 b/c while Revivogen stopped my hair from actually falling out, my hairline kept creeping up, and my hair seemed to keep getting thinner. I also started minoxidil at the same time. Within 2 weeks, my libido was erratic and when it was there it was about 60% of what it had been, occasional testicular ache, wood wasn't as strong and was more difficult to maintain. Never had any of these problems before. Hearing that it often took some time for your body to adjust and that everything would return to normal if you went off it, and getting some good results with my hair, I stayed on it until end of April, with more or less the same sides, maybe slightly worse... then, I was able to get wood only about once a week in April, and that was it for me. I stopped taking it. I guess its hard to know what's in your head and what isn't, but how could the complete lack of morning wood be a psychological effect? I teach in the university, and am surrounded by hotties all day, I'm in great shape, and haven't been depressed. Whatever. It's the end of May now, and my sexual interest has definitely returned (mentally speaking, I mean), I get occasional morning wood, and I'm somewhat responsive to visual or physical stimulus...but its been almost a month, and I'm still not my old self. I'm giving it a couple more weeks, trying not to think about it, and then I'll go to my Doctor, or an endocrinologist or a urologist for some tests. Thank God my girl is cool. It isn't supposed to take this long to be back to normal is it? Damn it all to was really working on my hair too. And I'm not trying to scare people off; one of the reasons I decided to try it was that several of my friends are on it and they've had no sexual sides at all.

33, Nwood 3.v, 1.5 ml Revivogen, 2 ml of 5% minoxidil, Nizoral twice a week.

After your tests at the endocrinologist's office and after confirming everything is fine, you can try finasteride at a lower dosage -- 1/2 pill of Propecia everyday. But I'm guessin' you probably want to stay well clear of the drug. Just an option in any case.



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Hello IfItsNotScottish ....I was on the same boat couple of years ago....but everything is perfectly normal now.....morning wood...hardness...everything is back.....its juss a matter of time for your body to be completed cleared of this 'Propecsucks' material!!As far as I can tell....this drug has helped a few but a 30-40% to folks using this have sexual effects ...not side effects!!


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I have had blood in my ejaculation for about 6 months and any number of scans and tests revealed no cause. While looking for related articles on the web I came across this site.
After reading through the forum I realised that I had many of the other syptoms mentioned. I stopped taking the hair loss pills and almost immediately the bleeding stopped and after 3 weeks things are almost back to normal.
I find this a major cause for concern and wonder if others have had the same experience. Seems to me this crap should be taken off the market!


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Re: Bleeding

aubrey said:
I have had blood in my ejaculation for about 6 months and any number of scans and tests revealed no cause. While looking for related articles on the web I came across this site.
After reading through the forum I realised that I had many of the other syptoms mentioned. I stopped taking the hair loss pills and almost immediately the bleeding stopped and after 3 weeks things are almost back to normal.
I find this a major cause for concern and wonder if others have had the same experience. Seems to me this crap should be taken off the market!

Uh. I dun think so.
