For those of you just beginning and wanting a reassuring story, look no further. I started taking propecia 1 month ago (32 days) and within the first 2 days I had major horomone swings. One day I was so incredibly heavy and tired and the next I was literally more energetic than I’ve ever been. Probably low test and then high test, who knows. But anyway, after the first few days I began to get soft erections, watery semen, brain fog (which lasted 2 weeks) and pretty much every side effect in the book. None of which were very severe, but nonetheless I persevered and after about 3 weeks I noticed them all going away at about the same rate, and as of this week I can honestly say I feel 100% normal again. Just get past the first few weeks and your horomones will normalize! Trust the scientific/medical community, they wouldn’t make a drug if the majority of people taking it were fucked for life.