shave my head?


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smudge said:
yeah, i'll think i'll grow it out. i'm on a regimen of the big 3, and some supplements (MSM, B-12, Fish Oil, Multivatim). I'm in month 5 now, and haven't noticed any effect of my treatment. hopefully, i'll get something before the year.

also, not sure if i want to use concealers. It seems like one step away from a hair peice.

I wouldn't mind using concealers myself. I view them as make-up, and would probably use them if I could buy them without purchasing over the net.

Shave my poodle

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If you want the best concealer get some Dermatch, it would be perfect for your hair.


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Concealers being one step away?

I don't look at it that way. I use DermMatch everyday, I look at it like something that buys me time while i try to work on fixing the problem.

A hairpiece requires shaving your head to some degree, so that is something which is far more drastic than a concealer.

Get some Toppik and shake it in the back, i bet you'll be pleased.

I wouldn't reccomend Dermatch for the back its a bit harder with having to use two mirrors, and more time consuming than toppik.

dermmatch is best for the hairline though.