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For the past several months, I've been losing probably 500 hairs a day.

Could this be normal hair loss? Can normal hair loss be that much? Or is it pure shedding.

I mean just this morning.. I rubbed my hair, filled a white page with it. Counted it, came to 115, thats just in the morning.

And my hair's gone really thin all over.. Big difference from last year.. is it a shed or just rapid hair loss, losing so much hair every day.


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500? I'm sure that's an exaggeration.

How oftern do you wash your hair?

How long have you been using minoxidil?


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-cj- said:
500? I'm sure that's an exaggeration.

How oftern do you wash your hair?

How long have you been using minoxidil?

If Im exaggerating at 500.. then 350 would be the minimum truth to it. Thats how bad I got it.

Everytime I put my hand through my wet hair.. I get at least 15 hairs at a time, and that goes on for about 25 times till I start seeing 3 or 4 hairs. (No exaggeration there)

The shedded hair: Majority are long, bit thin but normal size, with the sprinkled little vellus, crappy sprouts.

I wash my hair probably 4 to 5 times a week.

minoxidil use: 10 months ago, used for 1.5 months then quit. (only on temples, brought them back in 1.5 months)
minoxidil use: Started 1 month ago on temples again (temples are worse now)

I also used Propecia 3 to 4 weeks ago, took it for 8 to 9 days then stopped completely. Backed out. Won't go back on it, rather lose my hair finding a natural source. Yes thats how Anti-Propecia i am.


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Well perhaps it has something to do with starting and stopping the Propecia.

I go through a shed here and there using Min and finasteride, but I have not lost anything close to 350 hairs.

I lose about 50 on a bad day.

Add Nizoral if you don't use it already.

Good luck,


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Wow, I really wish I had an answer for you man. That's a huge amount of hair, almost sounds like a Telogen Effluvium attack. You been through a lot of stress or did something crazy happen?


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Whats the system for counting how many hairs you loose a day?

Surely you couldn't possibly cound or even be aware of more than 10% of the hair that fall out.


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I cant count a days worth.. just 1 session of rubbing worth... morning i counted like 115.

And its been happening for months now, even before the Propecia stop/start though its getting worse now.

My hair in less than a hair.. has gone from slight receding hairlines with good density to no density at all.

Right now.. around 60 to 80 hairs fell on my desk when i rubbed my head.

Im using Nizoral! Started Nizoral with minoxidil 1 month ago.

Please explain Telogen Effluvium?


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If what you're saying is true it doesn't even sound to me like male pattern baldness, even taking into account a minoxidil shed.

Telogen Effluvium is one possibility but why don't you just try Propecia and stick with it for a bit... even if you do get sides, which often DO stop? I'm not happy about taking it either but it's the best we have.


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Once every 3 days.

Yesterday... I shed around 100 hairs on my bed, by rubbing my head.

Later that evening in the shower, I shampooed around 100 hairs onto my hands.

Right now, few are falling onto the keyboard.

Whats happened since last year:

1. Surgery (11 months ago)
2. Overseas (9 months ago)
3. Dieting (On and off past 9 months)

I'd love to say these are the culprits, but don't want to get too far ahead, maybe I just have aggressive male pattern baldness?

All I know is 9 months ago, I had reasonably dense hair, with just temples slightly receded. Now I have no density whatsoever, you can see my scalp and my hairlines receded a little more.


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hey haircoverage after looking at your pics, i would say you have male pattern baldness (The other factors you mention could be playing a rold in further hairloss). i to have been shedding heeps lately, and things are only getting worse. I think we have aggresive male pattern baldness. Hopefully it will slow down...


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How many hairs do you lose a day?


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This is getting ridiculous.

Im losing 100+ hairs in the shower alone.

Through looking in the mirror, my whole crown has thinned so that wen it was wet and combed.. i looked like a bald old man with combover hair over the crown.

I can rub my head.. and I would say 100 to 150 hairs would fall onto the desk. My ENTIRE top head has gone thin, that it feels like AIR.

Understandable if this was over 5 or 7 years.. but we're talking 1 year here.


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This is getting ridiculous.

Im losing 100+ hairs in the shower alone.

Through looking in the mirror, my whole crown has thinned so that wen it was wet and combed.. i looked like a bald old man with combover hair over the crown.

I can rub my head.. and I would say 100 to 150 hairs would fall onto the desk. My ENTIRE top head has gone thin, that it feels like AIR.

Understandable if this was over 5 or 7 years.. but we're talking 1 year here.
Hi. Hope you are still using this email.
I have a simmilar situation of you and I really wanna know what happened to you.
did you lose all your hair or found another effective treatment.
Hope you are fine.


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Chiming in. I never shed much even when I noticed Hairloss two years ago at 40.

Now I stopped questing and started counting once a week after a wash and the number is a scarey 203, 189, 234 all after one shower. I have been on oral minoxidil for a year and RU for 4 months. I have near NW1 hairline with crazy diffuse loss.


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Chiming in. I never shed much even when I noticed Hairloss two years ago at 40.

Now I stopped questing and started counting once a week after a wash and the number is a scarey 203, 189, 234 all after one shower. I have been on oral minoxidil for a year and RU for 4 months. I have near NW1 hairline with crazy diffuse loss.
I think you mean very mild diffuse loss. Have you tried finasteride yet bluecyclone?


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I was told not to take Finasteride by my urologist and my endocrinologist. I of course took possibly a more risky approach with RU but take some comfort in the fact that’s it isn’t systemic.

I am trying to get comfortable with the risks and start a trial in Finasteride, debating low dose oral or a topical.


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I was told not to take Finasteride by my urologist and my endocrinologist. I of course took possibly a more risky approach with RU but take some comfort in the fact that’s it isn’t systemic.

I am trying to get comfortable with the risks and start a trial in Finasteride, debating low dose oral or a topical.

I would do low dose, .25mg/day. Start of taking every two days and work up each week to everyday. Have seen this reduces side effects. After a 6 months you can move to .5mg.


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Think I could recover some density? I’m afraid to drop the RU at this point.


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Exact same thing happening to me. Easily over 400 hairs per day. My scalp is also sore af, itchy and just straight up painful.