Shedding on Avodart after 6 awesome months.


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So I was on Propecia for 15 Months since May 13.

The sheddings were like a rollercoaster. Really dramatic and every 2 to 3 months without fail.

i bounced back most of the time but couldn't handle the ups and downs so switched to avodart in august 2014.

Hair got thicker and thicker until January when it was looking pimp. Got comments and stuff. But these last two weeks I have noticed some thinning all over the crown and vertex area.

Also noticed sweaty scalp and started reacting to minoxidil getting itchy and stuff.

Anyone else been on Avodart long term? Should I stick with it or go back to propecia? Bimonthly sheds and all?


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A huge second shed is quite normal on finasteride/dutasteride minoxidil. Occasional shedding periods in the future is also to be expected. That's just how it goes, shedding rarely stops completely given that hairs naturally need to shed and that their cycles are somewhat in sync when on treatments.

Wolf Pack

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A huge second shed is quite normal on finasteride/dutasteride minoxidil. Occasional shedding periods in the future is also to be expected. That's just how it goes, shedding rarely stops completely given that hairs naturally need to shed and that their cycles are somewhat in sync when on treatments.

Is shedding caused by finasteride/dutasteride actually a medical fact? I was under the impression not so. There is no proof finasteride interferes with the hair cycles. Minoxidil definitely encourages all hairs to go into and stay as anagen as long as possible so a shed is more likely here.

I see OP is on Minoxidil, probably attribute the shed to that or continuation of balding if the shed hair appears thinner/transparent e.t.c.


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What we all need to ascertain is what kind of shed we are having is it caused by Medication where hair is shed out and replaced with a thicker hair, a seasonal normal shed which everyone has, or miniaturization. Its terrible giving finasteride a year thinking its a medication shed only to realise it was miniaturization all along!. This OP said he responded to finasteride so chances are he's just responding to dutasteride. I think dutasteride sheds are more heavy than finasteride so ride it out. Everyones different some people notice hair stops falling out and don't have to go through the psychological trauma a shed brings.


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Definitely not miniaturisation. Hairs are thick, dark and grown long without a haircut. Just less of them.

My 'sheds' consist of reduced hair density on certain spots. Mostly crown and vertex area. But eventually it fills out again which leads me to believe this is normal hair cycle rather than miniaturisation.

During the finasteride sheds almost my entire scalp was visible. Not so much with dutasteride so I'm guessing I should ride it out.

Overall, lots less hairs on pillow, comb, shower drains, etc.

no pics unfortunately.


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Just thought I'd follow up on this...

3 months on I'm bouncing back. It got worse before it started getting better but I'm finally comfortable again. I've started RU as well about a month ago but don't think that's been long enough to be the reason for the regrowth.

i don't like taking pictures of the hair itself (too fragile to face it still) but wife was looking at our normal pictures and seems my hair is usually at its worse from February to May over the last 3 years. Not unlike our dog actually so it's probably seasonal.

anyway... Stay positive.