You think that the sides some people reported were due to potentially 1-10% of random filler material? Rather than the drug that has an effect on androgen expression, which often comes with sexual sides. How in the world would that low a concentration of a random filler material or residue bring about sexual sides? There are way more chemicals that have 0 effect on sexual health compared to chemicals that might have some effect.
Exactly, so some people might experience sides with CB. Skin absorption differs greatly among individuals. Again, it is most likely that the people that reported sides are just more sensitive to it. It has nothing to do with purity.
Some people here did report them. It could be different individual absorption. It could be a different vehicle or concentration. It could be sensitivity.
Higher purity means higher concentration of CB. Higher concentration means a stronger effect. A stronger effect could potentially increase side effects. This is literally the case for any drug you would take....
When you have lower purity, it means the concentration of CB is lower. The CB will be less effective at androgen antagonizing.
There is a reason why people report more/stronger sides on Duta compared to Fina. Duta has a much stronger effect androgen inhibiting effect than Fina.
More effect on adrogens equal more POTENTIAL for sides.
Potency is a measure of drug activity expressed in terms of the amount required to produce an effect of given intensity.
Purity is a measure of the amount of API present in a sample compared to those of related substances, impurities, residual solvents, etc.
There is absolutely any correlation between those two.
A product can be as pure as you want, but at the end, the user decide of his concentration.
But the more pure he is, the more chances are taken to have the less possibles sides from an unknown cause (if there is any sides , which will be immediately be attributed to CB-01)
Cb active ingredients is the same.
You can have 93% pure CB and put 1% or 98% pure CB and put 1% (like Winlevi) it won't have any f*****g differences between those two despite the 5% difference of purity.
Because...of the 1% concentration.
Duta is a 5-ar-1 and 5-ar-2 and 5-ar-3 inhibitor.
Fina only a 5-ar-1 and 5-ar-2.
Again, nothing bout concentration or purity, 2 similars mechanisms but one is clearly stronger because he takes on an another alpha-reductase.
And most people here don't even test their products + they don't even know a reliable tester.
And saying "that low a concentration of a random filler material" about Chinese Alibaba research chemicals low-grade CB is quite sad from yourself to believe that.