Should I Get Castrated And End The Curse Of Hair Loss ?


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> 17yo incel creates a thread with a threat to decimate his balls
> barely collects 2 pages

> fullhead mentally ill woman posts her *** in one of the most blackpilled places on the internet
> easily 25 pages

He isn't serious though. I hate to be that guy but this thread looks like he's desperate for attention.

Not gonna lie , I would do some desperate sh*t to keep my hair. But obviously there are plenty of more reasonable options such as duta or even plastic surgery.


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That being said the girls who post about their depression and anxiety all over Facebook honestly annoy me. Like do they not realize that most adults struggle with these things ? The world can be really shitty - mentally healthy people are honestly in the minority now a days. Attractive girls get attention for their mental illness while unattractive guys have to suffer in silence because no one cares.