Sorry for lack of updates this thread and forum reset my password and could not get back in !
Ok well it has been almost 6 months since I stopped all treatments and sadly no real change in appearance to my dark circles.
They are still dark and mean and makes me look at least 20 years older then I am, or ive never sleeped before or just become a UFC fighter whos got 2 bruised eyes lol
I would post a pic but there is no difference to the 1st pic I posted back in February 2012.
So Im still at a loss I tried sleeping on my back and on the other side (seemed to help a little), gave up on dozens of dark circle creams/cures.... but overall giving up the hair loss treatments made no difference, I have lost all my life less minoxidil dead hairs on my hair line and my hair looks poorer quality and less dense.... im also more horny so the hair loss treatments did get outta my system 100%, just not the dark circles.
It sorta sounds like the hair loss treatments were not responsible for my dark circles !
Ive read here:
Is another massive dark circles thread, most folk over there seem to think its still hereditary thing causing the dark circles and there is NO CURE, many also suggested it is to do with your Nasal passage if its blocked or you are unable to breathe correctly thru both nostrils you may have a nasal septum (nose) issue, so having blocked air ways can cause your eyes to build up and get dark.
Some others on there suggest change of life style and get more exercise.
Also alot have said if your bone structure in your face is deep as in your eyes are deep in there sockets you will get dark circles more, I think if anything I have this issue for sure since my eyes are large and quite deep, I look like I have a skeletor thing going on....
Again I may need to check my nose issue (since I can only breath thru one side usually and suffer excema/hay fever alot and perhaps I should take up exercise which I aint done forever lol
Anyhow if I make any progress or not ill update this thread ever so often !