Shuggy's story. The fight begins!!!


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Thank you for explaining your progress in detail too. Yeah I think that's the perfect attitude to have, finasteride seems the best way to start. I think from the looks of your progress I will end up following the same route. I only bought finpecia over fincar because I wanted the smaller doses to start with.

Out of curiosity which type and strength of Biotin are you on? 1000mg tablets? Been thinking on taking extra supplements as my multivitamins don't contain much at all. As you say you can't be sure if its making any difference but it'll certainly be doing no harm.

Had a read of your story too. I definitely recommend taking pictures. More so for peace of mind if you didn't want other seeing them. 'Cause I know there's times even now when I think "oh god it's all falling out" but checking the pictures there's no visible difference.

Fingers crossed we both see some positive results and speak with you soon.


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Probably sensible to take photos. But the problem is, I don't think I will now ever stop taking finasteride because even if photos show a deterioration, the Finasteride could have slowed down the rate of loss. I have read that some doctors speculate that Finasteride probably works (in this sense) for everyone. So even a slowing down of the rate would extend the years of hair coverage to a possible point in time when A) I give even less of a f*ck! B) New medicines/treatments becomes available C) Hair transplants get better and cheaper.

I take Biotin 5000 mcg every other day and a Sanatogen A-Z multivitamin and mineral every day.

Some vitamins and some minerals are dangerous in excess so I would'nt go necking everything you can find. Some work synergistically, however, over consumption of others can cause displacement - I think Zn and Mg can displace each other such that paradoxically, over consumption of one could cause a difficiency of the other and thus associated health problems. Same goes with "herbal" stuff, herbal stuff can be dangerous, as anyone who munches on Atropa belladonna or Digitalis would soon find out.

I would like to add that I am not qualified in the field of medicine though I have read quite a lot about vitamins, minerals, medicines and drugs over the years.

Good luck with your progress.


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Good afternoon all. Just a quick update after 3 weeks on Finpecia (cut in half to 0.5mg).

I have started to notice a little ball ache during the second and third week (always the left) but nothing driving me crazy. If anything I'm hoping it's a sign my body is reacting to finasteride. During the 2nd week I had noticed slightly watery ejaculation but back to normal through this third week. Hopefully for good. Most importantly no difference to speak of in erection strength although I never really got morning wood as people speak of. Just there when I need it haha. I occassionally get an itchy scalp but again no more before starting finasteride.

My hair seems to vary like before I started finasteride, some days I feel like no hairs shed when brushing then others I see 10-20. Not many are thick hairs though. So I assume the shed has not started yet and hopefully won't come strong.

I know it's early days just wanted to document progress so far.


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Hi all, quick update at 3.5 months on 0.5mg finasteride + Nizoral twice weekly. I think I've been hitting a shedding phase for the last week or two. Feels like a large amount of hair falls especially when I shampoo. I'm taking it as a positive as I know people usually have to get through this stage before decent re-growth. Hair is definitely quite a bit thinner than when I started in July I just hope I caught it in time when finasteride works its magic in a few months time.

I wonder if anyone has some recommendations on a good conditioner to use as I find my scalp is quite itchy during the day. I'm currently using Head and Shoulders Itchy Scalp on my days off nizoral with a standard Herbal Essences Moisture conditioner but I still seen to have an itchy scalp. I've heard T-Gel is quite a good shampoo so might give that a go once my H&S runs out.


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I might get some soon and stick them on. Usually prefer not to depress myself with how thin I am going.