Sighconot's Story - (9 month update on page 4)


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Well... I guess it's time to post my own story here as well. I just signed up a few minutes ago, but I've been lurking for a little while. This forum has already helped me out in a way... before I read up on it here, I was about to blow some money on a scam product. Anyways...

I'm currently 18 (more or less... my birthday is just around the corner). It's hard to say when exactly I started losing my hair, but if I had to I would guess sometime when I was around 16 and 1/2. That summer I grew my hair out longer and I began to notice that my bangs didn't seem quite right (i.e. it seemed they couldn't cover quite enough of the forehead). Looking back on it, I realize that my temples were receding and that I was starting to thin at the front.

For the next year or more, my hair troubled me but I was never really worried that I was on my way to going bald. My dad and nearly every other man in his family had high temples, but didn't look bald at all; I figured I had just gotten it from them. Plus, because I kept my hair long for a while, it wasn't really noticeable. By the end of the year though, the reality of the situation was starting to dawn on me. I still remember getting a ride home from my friend one day... my hair was greasy that day (missed a shower to get to class, what can I say -.-) and he looked at me and told me I was going to be "one of those guys that are bald in a couple of years". That was a real slap in the face.

Not too long after that, I decided to shave my head (well, nearly... really thin buzz-cut I guess). My friends did it regularly just for the hell of it so they were suggesting I try it out, and in the back of my mind I figured maybe it would be better than having to trouble with my long hair (and its worsening quality). In retrospect... a mistake. I let my friends do the cutting and in the middle of it one of them exclaimed "f*** dude, you're balding!". That's when the situation fully hit me I think... they definitely had a point. With my hair so short, it was obvious just how much my temples had receded and, for the first time, just how much my frontal scalp had thinned.

After that incident I began to panic and looked for any sort of "cure". My parents were completely in denial, as if telling me my hair was perfectly fine and refusing to do anything about it would make me feel better. By the end of the summer though, I had finally managed to convince them that something needed to be done. Through the information I got from, I decided to start with the Big 3. I opened up the Propecia and Rogaine two days ago.

And that's the end of the 'story'... now more concretely about what I'm facing.

If I had to identify myself on the Norwood scale, I'd say Norwood 3. If I keep going without doing anything, I'm sure I''d get to Norwood 4.5 soon enough... but as it is, even though it's thinning, I still have a vidow's peak. Plus, I'm not really worried about the top of my head at all. You can see a bit of the scalp at the crown, but other than that the quality of my hair there is (I think) decent. This should give you a pretty good idea of what it looks like, even if it's a bit blurry:


I admit that I am worried it might become a problem in the future... but given how it is I'd be perfeclty happy with just retaining what I have. It's with the temples and frontal scalp that I'd definitely like an improvement over Norwood 3. Here's a picture without flash, that shows where I stand pretty well (although the hair does look better in person).


And with flash...


I've noticed people upload pics of their wet hair with flash... I guess to show it at its "worst". I don't have any pictures like that... but rest assured it looks horrible.

Anyways, I guess this is all. I started the "Big 3" two days ago and I'm cautiously optimistic. I'd be happy with anything that would stop my hair loss, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for some regrowth. If I could just get back to Norwood 2, I'd be ecstatic.


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If you can, take another pic with your hair held upward.

It looks pretty thick, you're 18, I wouldn't stress over future hairloss just yet. Enjoy what you have and focus on more important things... ie. college/university.


Sorry, dude, but I have to agree with IBM. You are only 18 and your hair doesn´t look "thick" at all. Good choice to start a treatment for your hair. Maybe you could add Dutasteride to your regimen since your hair loss seems rather agressive. Good Luck on whatever you do!


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Thanks to those of you who replied for your comments. There's no need to apoligize for being honest; in fact, I appreciate your honesty.

It's only been about three weeks now since I've started my regimen, so I'm not here to talk about results. I realize that it usually takes time and, from everything I've learned on this forum, I'm prepared to be patient and persistent with this. I think it's enough time for one piece of good news though: I feel absolutely no side-effects. :)

The Rogaine is actually what's troubling me right now... it can be a little inconvenient to schedule applying it 2x a day along with the daily shower. What's the deal with that? How long after I take a shower before I'm allowed to put it on? Would giving it half an hour to an hour to mostly dry be enough? Cause that would seriously make things more convenient.

Only other small bit of news is that I've started shedding more hairs (i.e. I'm seeing more hairs on my pillow after waking up). I'm actually taking that as good news though, since I figure it means the Propecia is working.


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Yeah. my hair looks pretty much exactly like that.

My hairline was always fucked, it was always a V shape, but now it's thinning into a U and it's really pissing me off. All of the hair in the U is also thinning except a few cm at the front, which is really weird.

I've started Propecia (Proscar) since August.


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Not quite sure if that bald spot you took with a camra is a baldspot. It could be a cowlick.

Were you born with a cowlick by any chance, or did that spot just magically appear?


Experienced Member
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Sighconot, are you using the 'regular' minoxidil or the new foam stuff? I hear the foam stuff is easier to apply.


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porajj said:
...or did that spot just magically appear?

Nope. I've had it since as long as I can remember.

socks said:
Sighconot, are you using the 'regular' minoxidil or the new foam stuff? I hear the foam stuff is easier to apply.

Regular. I might look into the foam stuff eventually. Thanks for the tip.


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It's been about a month and a half. The shedding has kind of stopped, but judging from everything I've read here I'm not sure if that's a good thing. The itching is still pretty annoying, but I feel like maybe I'm seeing some small initial (presumably) rogaine results on the temples. The hairs there are still tiny and thing, but there seem to be more of them. I might get a haircut around the three month mark, so maybe then I'll have a better idea of where I stand.


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Sighconot said:
It's been about a month and a half. The shedding has kind of stopped, but judging from everything I've read here I'm not sure if that's a good thing. The itching is still pretty annoying, but I feel like maybe I'm seeing some small initial (presumably) rogaine results on the temples. The hairs there are still tiny and thing, but there seem to be more of them. I might get a haircut around the three month mark, so maybe then I'll have a better idea of where I stand.

That;s good to hear. My shedding hasn't stopped. I lose about 20-30 hairs a day now gah!

Yeah the itching does suck. It got quite bad for me last week, but the weird thing is that i'm itchy about half an inch from my hairline, where absolutely no hair is growing. I don't know what to make of it. (prays that the hair i had when i was 13 is growing upwards after years of being dormant and causing the itch).

Haha. Rogaine eh? I'm not at that stage yet. Good to hear from ya though.


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Err... just kidding. The shedding is still going strong. I guess it's just that I only really notice it during showers, against the white floor.

I've been taking pictures to keep track of my progress, but I don't plan to put any up until the three month mark. I'll get a haircut then, so it'll be easier to see where I stand.


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Well, just over the two month mark. I'm still shedding and my hair is getting pretty long so it's really hard for me to say if I'm having success with the thinning throughout the scalp. I can see the temples though, and what I see appears to be good. I focus most of the rogaine on the temples, and two months later I think I might be seing some improvement. I've noticed tiny hairs growing along my former hairline, and a seemingly better count over the whole area. But I don't know... it's too early to tell, and it might just be that I haven't had a haircut in forever. I'll get one in three months and hopefully then I'll have a better idea of where I stand. I'm gonna take some pics later today, but I don't plan on posting anything here until December 5th.


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Three month update

Before I post that three month update I promised, I'd like to put up my original baseline pics again for better comparison purposes.



Also, here are some pictures I took after about a month. There wasn't much improvement, and I think they did a better job of showing my situation.






Experienced Member
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i think it looks better
this length is also better then before in my opinion


Experienced Member
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There definately looks to be an improvement there, the hair looks healthier too. :D


Established Member
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Hard to tell...your hair looks healthier but it's difficult to see your hair line in those pics. Looks pretty good, though.