Sighconot's Story - (9 month update on page 4)


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Well, it's now been some 4 months. I'm not posting pictures (month 6...), but I have to say there is definitely a big improvement over baseline and it is becoming more and more noticeable as time goes on. For the first time in a long, long time, I feel content with how my hair looks. The only problem is that I've also seen a lot of hair-growth in less desireable areas. Shoulders, arms, hands, and even facial hair. I'm blaming it on the Rogaine... I've already lowered my dosage a bit and I'm thinking of switching to 2% and/or applying it just once a day. Hopefully I'll see some improvement with that over the next month, otherwise I don't know what I'll do. I plan to eventually get laser hair removal done either way... before the summer, or as soon as it's warm enough to start wearing the short-sleeved shirts (next to the face, the hands/arms are killing me most).

Far Too Young

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You're eighteen man. That hair coming in in the other areas is about right on time. My hair loss just recently ramped up (about the 18th birthday), and I've also seen body hair increasing in other areas. I'm figuring I owe both to the increase in DHT that comes as you leave puberty (puberty was early for me). Hopefully finasteride will help by providing a readjustment of the DHT levels to what they were before, and rogaine will supply the amount of hair that would make it tolerable again. Then again, maybe not. We'll just see. I'm one and a half months into rogaine 5%, three days into finasteride, and about a month into daily nizoral. Try the nizoral if you haven't already.

I think that the shorter hair makes your hairline look much better than the long. You wouldn't want it to be real short, but not too long, the extremes are both very revealing.


New Member
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dude, your results are amazing i cant believe your not in the success forum, i have similar hair to you and youve just given me massive hope, im only on propecia though and nizoral(im 21).

just wondering what do you put most of your re growth down too , the finasteride or the minoxidil???


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Well, it's the six month mark today. I'll take pictures sometime in the next week and put them up. I'm definitely a lot better than I was six months ago, but I think I might've just hit my first real shed... for the first time in a while, I can see a bunch of hairs on my hands during showers. This has happened for the last few days, so yeah...

I'm very "content" with my results though, because my hair looks decent again. I'd be lying to myself if I said there hasn't been any improvement.. I no longer have to wear hats when I go outside and people would never be able to tell that I was balding. But I'm not "happy" with my results either: my hairline is far from restored and the overall thinning is very noticeable when my hair is wet. Granted, I think even that is better than it was (i.e. maybe being stuck in the rain wouldn't so bad this time), but I won't be able to say that I'm truly happy untill my hairline is more/less back to where it once was and the scalp thickens a notch or two.

Really, after the imrpovement from baseline to month 3, I'm a little disappointed that month 3-6 hasn't seen as drastic of a change. Still... I'm only halfway there, I'm in the middle of a shed, and (from everything I heard) the best results are yet to come. Here's hoping that the next 3 months will see even more regrowth/restoration.


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I swear I'll post pictures that highlight the regrowth and what/not soon.... like, later tonight.

Until then though, here are just some quick screenshots I took with my webcam to show how my hair "normally" looks. I think you can understand why I'm pretty happy with what I've achieved so far.


Don't mind the awkward eye-censorship :lol:. I just like to maintain at least some semblence of privacy over the internet.


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To give you a better idea of the improvement I've had, here's a shot of my head from a picture taken a week or two before I began the regimen.


Compare that to the above post's shot of my head from the same angle.



Established Member
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WOW! those are amazing results. I would be VERY happy getting those results and I dont believe my baseline is even quite as bad! This is a very inspirational story for me.


Established Member
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:notworthy This is one of the best results I've ever seen, congrats!!

You must extremely pleased.... let's hope these treatments maintain our regrowth for another decade or so.


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Well, I finally took those pics and I'm gonna try posting them later tonight. These pictures will actually show in detail the improvement that I've made from baseline - in other words, they wont be as good as the pictures just above. Those pictures a few posts back show the great improvement my hair has made in terms of how it normally looks... when I go out for example. These pictures that I just took, on the other hand, will show that I still have some way to go before I can be truly satisfied with the state of my hair. That said, there is definitely a noticeable improvement from baseline.


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Eh, screw it: I'll just do it right now. Here they are... no need for lengthly commentary since I just wrote something in the post above. Overall, a step in the right direction.

Edit: When I made the post above, I hadn't really compared the new pics to the older ones... I was distraught because in these new pics I could still see my scalp and the situation didn't seem that much different than it was several months ago. Of course, after sitting down and carefully comparing the pictures, the improvement is quite noticeable. You can see the rough outline of my old hairline... hopefully that will be completely refilled soon.









Baseline (w/out flash):


Now (w/ flash):



Established Member
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It's looking fantastic. I do think your hairline is making a huge comeback.

Sir Guy of Frizzbourne

Established Member
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Try not to feel too down. Most people would kill for progress like that. That's a pretty incredible amount of regrowth. Give it some time to grow in. I think you're gonna be much happier.


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Well, here's month 9. The location/lighting is completely different, so I can't quite replicate the month 3 and 6 updates - sorry. And please ignore the rogaine residue. -.-





Experienced Member
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Is it just me or does the 6 month progress look better than the 9 month progress? Maybe it's just because you dyed your hair? Nevertheless those 6 month pictures look great so well done. Did you get any side effects from the propecia? As for the laser removal why not just purchase hair remover cream?


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Hi Person. I can see where you're coming from, but I think that's mostly because of the different location; as you can see, the 6 month photos were taken in a place with no artificial light, whereas the 9 month photos came from right in front of a bathroom mirror. There's other stuff like that - I just realized after I posted that I was holding my hair differently, and I'm pretty sure it gets naturally lighter during the summer. Either way, make no mistake: my hair definitely hasn't regressed any. If anything, it's getting slightly better over time - especially around the temples.

To answer your other questions: 1.) no, I've had absolutely no side-effects from the propecia, and 2.) the body hair thing isn't bothering me as much as it once was... I think I blew it a bit out of proportion. Either way, I'm not getting laid these days so it's really not much of a problem :roll:


Senior Member
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short hair looks a lot better


Experienced Member
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Count yourself lucky mate, at least you are not getting laid by someone you don't want to get laid by - I am in love with someone else which is a bummer. Anyway us 18 year olds need to stick together - hair loss at this age sucks big time doesn't it? I am going to post some pictures of my hair soon.