Jesus Christ what is your deal
Are you even allowed to search for investors on here? And sorry, I think anyone "contributing" is a sucker. People making money off baldness cures that are not even cures for a "disease" that only affects Europeans and Semites seem to be promoting the idea that there's something wrong with being bald. So what's your deal? Do you think it's wrong for guys not to mind going bald? Worst of all are partial "cures" which just keep the gambler hooked on making payments the rest of one's life. I have been at this for almost 37 years and we used to have no treatments save wigs/systems. What's wrong with wearing a system? Why can't you guys just be happy being male and white and running the world without whining if your hair gets thin?
None of you get it. Beards either cause baldness or they are so highly correlated with baldness that you can't have both. And yes I know there are exceptions to the body hair rule of thumb but probably few if any of you lack beard growth. Mine covered my entire face if I didn't shave and that was just as bad or arguably less attractive than being bald which is expected and neat and eh, I refuse to be bald but you guys are men. Act like it and stop pining for 18 year old hair or female hair cause yes, I have cracked the baldness code but you guys have not. All of your meds are hormonal and likely to make you chemically, less male in some way. People who don't secrete reductase never go bald and seldom have beards apparently and they look androgynous as do most of the people on the planet who lack beard growth. Figure out how to stop beard growth and then baldness will follow. But using meds likely to cause impotence and feminization and for minoxidil, bizarrely enough, body hair growth everywhere are a dead-end. Yes, JamesBooker, the guy with even a more annoying shtick than Janey, you have convinced me.
Look for meds that prolong anagen. That's what will crack the ahem nut of male pattern baldness not hair counts and not things that mess with your mind and your nether regions. How can you "use" your hair if your junk won't rise to the occasion so to speak. You guys are obsessed with hair loss which is along with beard growth, the most notable secondary sexual characteristic in whites/Semites. I was in a fraternity since I'm not gay, lol, or if I am, I am a femme lesbian. But the first thing I noticed after seeing thinning in the crown was that the guys in the frat with essentially no beard development (yet?) had perfect hair and perfect hair lines and chicks dig that because beards and bald heads are threatening to women unless you are a baby and yes, they and children usually lack beard growth. Dick size appears far less correlated with baldness than testicle size and beard growth. Chicks know this and chicks know which guys have the big ones and which don't, along with gay bottoms and people who shower without barriers in the shower room. All of that hair around their pretty feminine faces does not render them blind.
I lived in two countries largely populated by Mediterranean whites and the beaches are a scary place to go since you see many more guys with hair everywhere wearing speedos, gold chains and yes, completely bald. You can easily tell that hair loss and penis size are not correlated one iota, lol but looking like a baboon (does that hurt your feelings? Mine get hurt easily now) somehow doesn't entice female partners. Everywhere else in the world men's suit preferences have gone back to the 1920's like Ronald Reagan used to wear and lifeguards and such but not with these guys. They let it all hang out literally. Chicks hate speedos more than most men do because it divulges that which men universally avoid divulging, penis size. Nudity laws protect male egos much more than female sensibilities since until recently, females were deemed not to have interest in naked men not their husbands. 14 year old girls served as candy stripers and were in charge of catheter placement which is no fun for them or the guy but candy stripers do talk.... One last anecdote. Wally/Tony Dow was a great swimmer and diver and nobody knows where Mayfield is but until roughly 1970, only females were allowed to wear bathing suits in pools especially Y pools. Boys gym classes were au naturel and often with a female of under 30 years of age, monitoring. Since PE teachers also teach history, wow, that's an unpleasant dynamic. There are accounts of male swimming competitions just like the Greeks (except the Greeks didn't allow women to watch) with female spectators fully allowed. One woman wrote that she had several friends who pretended to be their sisters so they could all see big brother naked. Now that would be considered unusual if not child abuse but eh, males, who cares. Women and children first, men go down with the ship....
You guys are men and the next generation is looking up at you and saying, "no, no. I refuse to look like that, gender and hormones be damned. And you guys with nice faces could have what's in the pic number one below by using the one hair remedy that actually works and which unlike FtM meds, causes no permanent changes save breast growth which is highly unusual for XY females regardless.... Or you can adopt partial cures which seem to stop working around the time of male menopause and look like pic two. And for MtF's who claim that I am unusual, well, yes that's true but my question to them is: "Have you removed your beard yet?" Cause my hair didn't start growing back until after beard removal and then it start growing almost like clockwork. Before I literally couldn't shave because the growth was too strange for a blade to remove well and if I grew a beard, I always had dermatitis/facial rashes but if I didn't, my face would bleed everywhere and my daughter found that unpleasant and worried about me. "What, Janey worried?" Not me, not for a second since I had a revelation from Goddess about my true path back to Chad-dom, is it? It's better than being an incel, right? Janey doesn't know all of these new terms....
Goddess bless,