That article require logging in for me, but I am not sure how much faith I would put in the New York Times when it comes to medical issues like male pattern baldness. I personally would put more faith in real scientists doing real conclusive studies using real scientific methods and principles. The new york times much like yahoo news and others is more interested in entertaining us and giving us the average joe view then really giving us anything worth looking at. It seems we get very little real science and mostly fluffy opinion supported by an occasional article someone found through Google. Smoking is not healthy. Why do we have to connect diet, smoking and lifestyle things like that to male pattern baldness when clearly plain as day many Norwood 1 men do all of these things. Clearly there is more at play and to I guess explain out lack of understanding at the moment everyone wants to I guess hide behind blanket statements like smoking makes you go bald when its not anywhere near that simple if smoking does anything at all.
Really by all of us clicking away at the New york times website they really accomplished what they wanted more money. I doubt they did any real science to come up with that.
Really by all of us clicking away at the New york times website they really accomplished what they wanted more money. I doubt they did any real science to come up with that.