So Am I Suited For A Hair Transplant?


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Posted in another thread, but the consenus on prevention is to take finasteride. I have no interest in doing so and risking permanent harm.

So I'm considering my options with hair transplants. I think there's hair to be saved here with a bit of filler.

I'm 26, been slowly thinning out and now receding since I was around 23 after a lot of stress. Any idea of how many grafts I might need?

I'm considering having a buzzcut soon to just get ready either a) going bald or b) just to see how my head looks when i have a transplant.

I have read different views on the need to take finasteride post-op too, I realise this is to minimise the further falling out. But I read that people typically have 2 ops some years apart to then tackle the next set of falling out hair - do you risk ending up having a very weird patches of growing hair and bald parts in later life and if so is there a way back/reversal from that?

Love to hear from people who have had transplant without the use of finasteride.

EDIT: The photos are worst-view possible, unbrushed, unstyled, dry and scruffy. When done it looks better, but there's no denying there is some thinning happening.


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My Regimen
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100% shave it

youll look miles better
I'm not sure about a shave, but a buzzcut. The photos are intentionally bad, I don't wear my hair like this and can do a fairly good hiding job but ruffled it to stand on end etc for a clear view.

Anyway thats not what I was asking. Looking for advice on hair transplant potential.


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I'm not sure about a shave, but a buzzcut. The photos are intentionally bad, I don't wear my hair like this and can do a fairly good hiding job but ruffled it to stand on end etc for a clear view.

Anyway thats not what I was asking. Looking for advice on hair transplant potential.

thats what i meant a buzz cut. you have a frame, decent coverage still. itll look way better than that birds nest you got going on.

not sure about hair transplant, others here can help with that, but def shave it in meantime


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thats what i meant a buzz cut. you have a frame, decent coverage still. itll look way better than that birds nest you got going on.

not sure about hair transplant, others here can help with that, but def shave it in meantime

Yeah I think it might look half decent assuming I don't have a weird head shape under here. Birds nest haha totally is getting that way.

Ok thanks. I think I'm planning to go buzz, and in the meantime get info on a hair transplant then be in a ready position where i'm used to having a buzz to get new hairs. I've always wanted to try buzz but I want to do it on my terms rather than my DHT levels ha


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whatever you do, DO YOUR f*****g RESEARCH. a guy just posted here about his hair transplant. he got done in thailand and looks like he got fucked over. so be careful

i say shave it in the meantime to see if you like it. you can always grow it back


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whatever you do, DO YOUR f*****g RESEARCH. a guy just posted here about his hair transplant. he got done in thailand and looks like he got fucked over. so be careful

i say shave it in the meantime to see if you like it. you can always grow it back
yeah, thanks. I'd probably just go for a local place (London), the price difference doesn't seem enough to me to be worth making it more potentially traumatic to go overseas somewhere you don't feel as safe, I don't like flying for a start etc.. all for a cheaper deal. I'd rather pay for higher likelihood of quality here in London.

and yeah I think winter is probably the best time to shave it too, at least if you hate it you can easily cover up with a hat and no one asks questions haha


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yeah, thanks. I'd probably just go for a local place (London), the price difference doesn't seem enough to me to be worth making it more potentially traumatic to go overseas somewhere you don't feel as safe, I don't like flying for a start etc.. all for a cheaper deal. I'd rather pay for higher likelihood of quality here in London.

and yeah I think winter is probably the best time to shave it too, at least if you hate it you can easily cover up with a hat and no one asks questions haha

mate you have it all wrong here...

dont get a hair transplant based on price, dont get one based on travel. this is why so many get fucked up. if you want the best (or simply avoid being butchered) you need to pay it and travel for it.

and i dont know for sure, but im pretty sure london/england has a f*****g terrible reputation for hair transplants.

belgium has good rep for hair transplants. good prices. are u from england? u can get there by train

DO NOT COMPROMISE. going to doctor because hes nearer or because hes cheaper is not the way to be doing this man


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mate you have it all wrong here...

dont get a hair transplant based on price, dont get one based on travel. this is why so many get fucked up. if you want the best (or simply avoid being butchered) you need to pay it and travel for it.

and i dont know for sure, but im pretty sure london/england has a f*****g terrible reputation for hair transplants.

belgium has good rep for hair transplants. good prices. are u from england? u can get there by train

DO NOT COMPROMISE. going to doctor because hes nearer or because hes cheaper is not the way to be doing this man

I literally looked this up after I said the previous. I completely agree if you're going to do it then do it well, and Belgium is said to be the best place and yes it would be possible to get there by train. But I'd suck it up for a flight there if necessary its only an hour flight.

I'll look up Belgian docs.


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I literally looked this up after I said the previous. I completely agree if you're going to do it then do it well, and Belgium is said to be the best place and yes it would be possible to get there by train. But I'd suck it up for a flight there if necessary its only an hour flight.

I'll look up Belgian docs.

mate you sound like you have only just started looking into this. YOU NEED TO TAKE YOUR TIME AND RESEARCH PROPERLY.

or you will get fucked up man im telling you. like i said i dont know too much about hair transplants, hopefully the other guys here will help you. either way TAKE YOUR TIME.


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mate you sound like you have only just started looking into this. YOU NEED TO TAKE YOUR TIME AND RESEARCH PROPERLY.

or you will get fucked up man im telling you. like i said i dont know too much about hair transplants, hopefully the other guys here will help you. either way TAKE YOUR TIME.

Hair transplants fully, yes. Don't worry I wouldn't rush it at all. I'm looking at diff docs and looking for decent trustworthy testimonials. It's a long way off yet anyway as I doubt I can afford it for some time.

i was but not anymore. i was on it for a year and got great results from it, but i felt terrible on it. it fucked me up

Personally this is why I wish not to start the drug. The risk of its affect on the mind is, to me, a risk not worth taking.


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Hair transplants fully, yes. Don't worry I wouldn't rush it at all. I'm looking at diff docs and looking for decent trustworthy testimonials. It's a long way off yet anyway as I doubt I can afford it for some time.

Personally this is why I wish not to start the drug. The risk of its affect on the mind is, to me, a risk not worth taking.

look i dont wana be discouraging finasteride for everyone. apparently im just unlucky. i think its bs but who knows. maybe you should try it and see. again do your research

plus man your 26 and have pretty aggressive loss, headed to nw5/6 at least. i dont think any decent doctor is gonna touch u if your not on finasteride. your hairloss is too aggressive. once your lose all that hair, your hair transplant at best wont make any real difference. at worst you could look like a freak depending on what you get done.

you gotta seriously think about all this man. RESEARCH.


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look i dont wana be discouraging finasteride for everyone. apparently im just unlucky. i think its bs but who knows. maybe you should try it and see. again do your research

plus man your 26 and have pretty aggressive loss, headed to nw5/6 at least. i dont think any decent doctor is gonna touch u if your not on finasteride. your hairloss is too aggressive. once your lose all that hair, your hair transplant at best wont make any real difference. at worst you could look like a freak depending on what you get done.

you gotta seriously think about all this man. RESEARCH.

I have done my research on finasteride. For two years or more. I'm too afraid of the adverse affects, and I decided against it. I've been on meds for anxiety before and it was hell for a while, I'm sensitive to any sorts of meds. Even if I make up symptoms in my head, I'm more susceptible to that. So it's just not worth it. I've had brain fog before, and I'm in a much better place now and know I don't want to risk going back there.
For every positive testimonial on finasteride, there's a negative. And those negatives are pretty insane and not to be taken lightly.

Yeah well I'm not planning on going on finasteride, so I'll just need to have some examinations and see whether it's worth it. My father was full on egg with sideburns, but my older brothers it hasn't affected the same except the eldest receded with age. I'm the youngest and it came after me at 22-23 after a lot of stress, so I suppose unfortunately for me I just kicked it off.


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I have done my research on finasteride. For two years or more. I'm too afraid of the adverse affects, and I decided against it. I've been on meds for anxiety before and it was hell for a while, I'm sensitive to any sorts of meds. Even if I make up symptoms in my head, I'm more susceptible to that. So it's just not worth it. I've had brain fog before, and I'm in a much better place now and know I don't want to risk going back there.
For every positive testimonial on finasteride, there's a negative. And those negatives are pretty insane and not to be taken lightly.

Yeah well I'm not planning on going on finasteride, so I'll just need to have some examinations and see whether it's worth it. My father was full on egg with sideburns, but my older brothers it hasn't affected the same except the eldest receded with age. I'm the youngest and it came after me at 22-23 after a lot of stress, so I suppose unfortunately for me I just kicked it off.

im not touching finasteride again or anything else that fucks with my hormones.

if your not gonna take finasteride your in a tough position. your hairloss is bad man. maybe you could get your donor looked at, see how much you use and create some coverage on top, but it will be thin. will it be worth? i dunno. like i said im not an expert on this. i just wana make sure you know what your getting yourself into. cos if you dont you end up seriously regretting it


My Regimen
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YOU SHOULD NOT GET A HAIR TRANSPLANT, PERIOD. It will be the greatest mistake you'll ever make. You aren't on ANY preventative medication. you get a transplant now, you will end up like me - with a patch of thick awkward looking hair, surrounded by receding behind it.


My Regimen
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YOU SHOULD NOT GET A HAIR TRANSPLANT, PERIOD. It will be the greatest mistake you'll ever make. You aren't on ANY preventative medication. you get a transplant now, you will end up like me - with a patch of thick awkward looking hair, surrounded by receding behind it.

Did you think about getting another transplant, to cover that up? Assuming you have good donor


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YOU SHOULD NOT GET A HAIR TRANSPLANT, PERIOD. It will be the greatest mistake you'll ever make. You aren't on ANY preventative medication. you get a transplant now, you will end up like me - with a patch of thick awkward looking hair, surrounded by receding behind it.

mate do you have any pictures of your hair i could see. its cut shortish right?


My Regimen
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mate do you have any pictures of your hair i could see. its cut shortish right?

i will never take another picture of my f*****g head again. sorry brother. ;)