So Close To Using finasteride. Need Some Positive Experiences To Finally To Do It.

Saulo Mota Martins

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I am at the same boat man. Everyday I wonder if I start or not this sh*t. I can't really think in another thing. This is a true dilemma.


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I was 21 when I began taking it, I was also scared of sides. 2 years later, I have zero regrets. Listen to me, if hair is important to you (obviously it is) just take the drug. Stay positive and you'll be fine. I think side effects are mental to be honest.


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Hey man, I'm in the same boat as you as I'm a little nervous to take finasteride but my hair loss is starting to get pretty bad. I've been considering it but the thought of sides is pretty scary.

Would you mind please keeping us updated on how things are going for you? I'd be very interested. Thanks man, and good luck!


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Another in the same boat :(

I have propecia right in front of my eyes, but I'm too scared to take

Mr. Prince

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Ok just woke up. I had a semi boner waking up which I didn't have for about a week. Probably not related to finasteride but it's a good thing for me. I also noticed that I'm more relaxed in my sleep. Probably also not related to finasteride but I think it's because I feel I don't have to be anxious about my hair anymore lol.

Also I really won't be able to comment much on the sexual side effects as I'm trying this nofap thing.


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Ok just woke up. I had a semi boner waking up which I didn't have for about a week. Probably not related to finasteride but it's a good thing for me. I also noticed that I'm more relaxed in my sleep. Probably also not related to finasteride but I think it's because I feel I don't have to be anxious about my hair anymore lol.

Also I really won't be able to comment much on the sexual side effects as I'm trying this nofap thing.[/QUtOTE]
I find the no fap thing extremely pointless psychology or hair loss wise. It does indeed lower your testosterone but growing hair back because of it seems like bro science to me. People say it helps you to stop objectifying women.. well let me tell you i've done it for a couple of months and found that statement to be false.

Mr. Prince

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I find the no fap thing extremely pointless psychology or hair loss wise. It does indeed lower your testosterone but growing hair back because of it seems like bro science to me. People say it helps you to stop objectifying women.. well let me tell you i've done it for a couple of months and found that statement to be false.
I'm not doing for my hairloss lol. I have ED before starting finasteride because of addiction to masturbating.


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On finasteride for 7 months now, and I'm way above baseline. Been on Minoxidil for 10 months now too tho so i don't know if it's only the minoxidil but since my donor thickened up considerably (i don't use minoxidil there) i guess finasteride it's doing it's job, glad i did start it only 3 months after i noticed my hairloss!

g.i joey

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On finasteride for 7 months now, and I'm way above baseline. Been on Minoxidil for 10 months now too tho so i don't know if it's only the minoxidil but since my donor thickened up considerably (i don't use minoxidil there) i guess finasteride it's doing it's job, glad i did start it only 3 months after i noticed my hairloss!

Crazy, I specifically remember you writing in the brotzu thread (correct me if this wasn't you) saying if they don't deliver by end of 2016 you were getting on propecia, glad to see you're reaping the benefits man :)

To op, don't comment on analyze anything for now, you will be going through a sort of adjustment phase with ball ache here and there. I'd say give it 3 months and see how you feel after that. I'm 11 months in m, somewhat maintaining but no tegrowth. Some say you can expect some after 12 months, I'm not getting my hopes up but am definitely welcoming some regrowth lol


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I'm 16 years old and have been taking .5 mg finasteride for a week with no side effects yet but I'm confident nothing will happen as long as I carry on my life without worrying about it all the time.


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Crazy, I specifically remember you writing in the brotzu thread (correct me if this wasn't you) saying if they don't deliver by end of 2016 you were getting on propecia, glad to see you're reaping the benefits man :)

To op, don't comment on analyze anything for now, you will be going through a sort of adjustment phase with ball ache here and there. I'd say give it 3 months and see how you feel after that. I'm 11 months in m, somewhat maintaining but no tegrowth. Some say you can expect some after 12 months, I'm not getting my hopes up but am definitely welcoming some regrowth lol

Yup that was me :D, i didn't wanna wait any longer and here i am more than half a year later, time flies by so quickly. I mean some ball ache at the start is pretty normal but sides like that disappear after a couple of weeks. I just quit reading the fear mongering and finasteride + minoxidil changed my life quality significantly. Would advise everyone to at least try it!

Mr. Prince

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Ok so I decided to take it every day. First day was good. Got a good orgasm (RIP nofap). I'll probably stop doing it from now on unless I get horny naturally.


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Ok so I decided to take it every day. First day was good. Got a good orgasm (RIP nofap). I'll probably stop doing it from now on unless I get horny naturally.
It's like an addiction, once you stop for a while you wont feel the urge to masturbate as much as you currently do.


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I tried finasteride for 2 days and i remembering going to the toilet more and a slight decrease in appetite... although maybe i was just nervous after taking it? i dunno... its just what i noticed.

Am tempted to try again but i feel like my body reacts oddly to DHT blockers.

Mr. Prince

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Update: I failed nofap lol and with that I noticed that my libido and erections are normal. I orgasmed one time and it was soft. I did have soft orgasms before so idk.

On the 4th day (Today) I noticed that my right breast was a little bit tender. No pain or aches or soreness. Just that it feels warm and tender. This is honestly what I feared the most. I can get by sexual side effects but gyno will make me quit. Hopefully this is only temporary. If this continues for more than one week I'm afraid I'll stop and maybe start over with a lower dose or taking it every other day. Oh and it seemed to get better as the day goes on.

If anyone had a similar experience please share it with me.
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Mr. Prince

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Another update: Breast tenderness is gone. Didn't even last 24 hours which is good. Orgasms are still weak, although maybe a little better? Erections are the same, libido is the same, just having problems with orgasms. I think it's due to the prostrate shrinkage from finasteride? I still plan on taking 1mg for one more week.

Mr. Prince

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One week update:

Positive: Hair seems healthier? I don't know how to describe it properly. Still same density and thickness.

Negative: Some orgasms felt weaker. Erections and and libido are normal.


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One week update:

Positive: Hair seems healthier? I don't know how to describe it properly. Still same density and thickness.

Negative: Some orgasms felt weaker. Erections and and libido are normal.
hey bud, I rarely login but felt compelled to give a tip I got from here:

There was a Japanese study done where 0.2mg of Finasteride daily gives nearly identical results to taking 1mg daily. Graph:

the plus side is that your meds will last a lot longer as well. Also be sure to get off of this stuff in advance if you're trying to conceive children at any point for a period cause I've read about birth defects (micropenis being one).