I think for most theres a great chance it will be enough. probably alone it wouldn't have been enough for me since my temples were dead for nearly a decade. most people seem to have worse sides with it than me in functioning sexually.
well, geez ive never heard of this,
but from what my own experience and from what ive seen in others, it shouldn't hurt your hair.
Bwahahahahaaha!! when you were recommending oral minoxidil so much on this website, I thought maybe you worked for thailand pharmacy.
sensitivity to androgens varies with individual and also increases with age though. and maybe with finasteride?
im not the best norwood judge but before i was at least norwood 3, maybe worse 3.5? with diffuse thinning pretty much all over the top. Its hard to say what norwood exactly now, the top has totally thickened all the way to norwood 3, fuzzies in the Norwood 2 area are getting cosmetically significant, while in the Norwood 1 area can be seen closely under the right light. and recently I am seeing tiny hairs appearing on the forehead below Norwood 0.
of course, gyno is getting pretty intense. I look fine in regular clothes but would probably look strange at a waterpark with my shirt off.
Thanks for the info haha! Have you thought about getting your glands completely removed then you would not have that problem
Also, I I finally received a reply from Thailand pharmacy addressing the issue and this is what they said.
Dear Andrew,
first of all please take our appologize for any inconvenience caused and for slight delay with our reply due to the Christmas holidays.
Regarding to your concern, the manufacturer New Life Pharma Co. Ltd. who is manufacturer of Loxidil Forte 10 mg started to have capacity problems with their production in October 2017 and since then they are not able to satisfy the local demand for Loxidil 5 mg and Loxidil Forte 10 mg. Once our stock of Loxidil was completely shipped out and New Life Pharma was not able to deliver any of new stock, we had to fullfill the big demand of our customers for Minoxidil pills accordingly. Therefore we have decided to ship product PIP minoxidil 5 and PIP minoxidil 10 instead to satisfy the orders of our customers.
PIP minoxidil 5 and PIP minoxidil 10 is manufactured by also well established manufacturer President Inter Pharma Co. Ltd. (PIP) and is fully registered, tested and approved by Thai FDA same as Loxidil brand. Its registration No. is 1A 246/52. minoxidil is normaly sold in pharmacies all over Thailand and is second most used Minoxidil medicine available.
Since we are shipping PIP minoxidil in October we have added and important notice to product page of Loxidil 5 mg and Loxidil Forte 10 mg to inform our customers that they will receive different brand instead of Loxidil which reads as follows:
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Due to the capacity problems of manufacturer New Life Pharma Co. Ltd. and consequent shortage of Loxidil, we ship PIP minoxidil 10 (Minoxidil 10 mg) from manufacturer President Inter Pharma Co. Ltd. (PIP) instead to fullfill the high demand of our customers. PIP minoxidil 10 contains the same active ingredient Minoxidil 10 mg and is fully equal alternative to Loxidil Forte 10 mg.
PIP minoxidil is deffinitely not fake medicine or any medicine of a bad quality. PIP minoxidil has to be produced according to the very strict pharmaceutical standards and must contain the declared amount of the active ingredient as it is fully registered and approved by respective regulatory body of Thailand which is Thai Food and Drugs Administration - Thai FDA. Thai FDA does not allow any of fake or low qualiti medical products on the market.
PIP minoxidil we have in our stock is delivered to us via the official distribution network and untill now we did not have any complaints whatsoever. We ship approx. 300 boxes of Minoxidil products on a monthly basis and if the minoxidil would be problematic product we would have receive a great amount of complaints untill now as it is already 3rd month we ship minoxidil as substitute for Loxidil.
In the meantime we have asked 2 other regular customers if they have got any problems with minoxidil. These customers have answered that they are satisfied with the product as they were with Loxidil.
Therefore we are confused why would you personaly have a problem with minoxidil and how did you come to a conclusion that it has no effect and is possibly fake.
We ship only approved and registered original products and we never ship any low quality or generic products unless specificaly mentioned.
We would love to continue to ship out Loxidil products made by New Life Pharma, however as they are not able to supply Loxidil to anybody at the moment, we are also not able to ship it to our customers.
We hope that all above mentioned serves you well and if you have any further questions or comments please feel free to contact us anytime again.
Best regards
Sasima Duangpan
With their informative post and good customer service and your testimonial to Minox10 I am now led to believe that the pills are legit and the reason I'm shedding is either from switching brands or dropping finasteride. So to anyone who got Minox10 I would rest easy, they are most likely the real deal!!
I'm still not getting back on finasteride yet.. Unless my hairline goes to suit that is... But my hair is still decent so I hope it stays that way.