So. I'm on finasteride.


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I can't find much information on the mechanics behind 5ar inhibition. Does it eliminate the enzyme itself or bind to it and prevent dht from doing so thereafter? I broke down and got a finasteride prescription a couple weeks ago and noticed some fogginess after about five days. I'm not really one to talk myself into symptoms as well and don't believe it was psychosomatic. I persisted with the finasteride for about half a week thereafter but couldn't shake the shrink-wrap feeling that was accompanying my brain that coupled with the words 'long-term damage' found so prevalently all over the internet. I'm back off of it for the next two weeks and will likely try it again at a reduced dosage (maybe eod) at some point.

My concern at this point has less to do with the sexual sides than the mental. I know 5ar has uses outside of simple dht production and was wondering at what rate it replenishes itself after a finasteride pop. Some retard on reddit claims that you've abolishing the 5ar enzyme for life after popping a dose of finasteride. While I'm not necessarily susceptible to hysterics, there's definitely an amount of scholarly data on the internet expressing a concern in 5ar reduction.

Losing your hair sucks so hard....

g.i joey

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I can't find much information on the mechanics behind 5ar inhibition. Does it eliminate the enzyme itself or bind to it and prevent dht from doing so thereafter? I broke down and got a finasteride prescription a couple weeks ago and noticed some fogginess after about five days. I'm not really one to talk myself into symptoms as well and don't believe it was psychosomatic. I persisted with the finasteride for about half a week thereafter but couldn't shake the shrink-wrap feeling that was accompanying my brain that coupled with the words 'long-term damage' found so prevalently all over the internet. I'm back off of it for the next two weeks and will likely try it again at a reduced dosage (maybe eod) at some point.

My concern at this point has less to do with the sexual sides than the mental. I know 5ar has uses outside of simple dht production and was wondering at what rate it replenishes itself after a finasteride pop. Some retard on reddit claims that you've abolishing the 5ar enzyme for life after popping a dose of finasteride. While I'm not necessarily susceptible to hysterics, there's definitely an amount of scholarly data on the internet expressing a concern in 5ar reduction.

Losing your hair sucks so hard....

from what i learned from looking around these sites is that finasteride is a suicide inhibitor which does kill the 5ar enzyme but only temporarily(up to a week until fully replenished i think) but the thing is it is a 5ar2 inhibitor, and apparently 5ar2 isnt found in cognitive function but is more like in your prostate, hair, beard and body hair.. 5ar1 is more related to cognitive function but people take dutasteride, which inhibits both and dont seem to have problems.. hope this helped!


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That's definitely interesting Joey. Why are people complaining about brain fog then if 5ar2 has no correlation with the brain? Just asking for my own knowledge.

g.i joey

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I wish I could tell you but I really don't know. What I do notice is that only people who get ED and other effects are more likely to experience the brain fog. I think having an off day can make someone think they have brain fog, along with the other sides could be quite overwhelming for someone. I'm on the same boat as you, being on finasteride was so good for my sex drive, it helped me focus in class instead of popping stiffys randomly throughout my classes. But getting it up was NEVER a problem. But if finasteride were to start effecting my mind and thought process no I would definitely get off no questions asked.


Experienced Member
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The BEST way to stay on finasteride:-
1.pop the pill.
2. Forget getting into the forums. Live your life and don't share your finasteride usage besides your doctor.
3. Repeat step 2 until you see a change
4. If you do comeback, try to be practical.
5. Post on sucess section if you are good. If not then Side effects section.
Follow it and what ever happens, YOU are sure coz you took the step and did not resort to sh!t talking like the trolls here


Established Member
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How do you even know if you have brainfog? It's not a medically recognized term and not very clearly defined. One might be tired and think he got brainfog from finasteride.


New Member
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The BEST way to stay on finasteride:-
1.pop the pill.
2. Forget getting into the forums. Live your life and don't share your finasteride usage besides your doctor.
3. Repeat step 2 until you see a change
4. If you do comeback, try to be practical.
5. Post on sucess section if you are good. If not then Side effects section.
Follow it and what ever happens, YOU are sure coz you took the step and did not resort to sh!t talking like the trolls here

I fully agree with you that in reference to finasteride that this forum (and every other internet forum) spreads more hysteria than it does sensibility. But I also think that given the growing evidence about finasteride in reference to its potentially severe adverse reactions, evidence that can't really be denied, taking finasteride without at least some sensitivity or awareness to any negative effects that it's having isn't the best approach either.

And brain fog isn't a clearly defined term that applies to a set of blanket symptoms but just because it doesn't have a strict definition doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Again I don't feel that I'd be one to talk myself into symptoms and can say with near certainty that I experienced some sort've slight mental alteration. I'm not saying I suddenly turned into a retard and began slurring my words and licking the nearest wall, but I did feel something. It began roughly four/five days in. And I wasn't doing anything else at the time (drinking or abusing other unmentionables) that could be used to explain things.

I plan on going back on it in another week and giving it another try.