
so these libido side effects...


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I've tried Arginine. Doesn't work. Yohimbe, Ginseng, etc. When you have propecia dick, nothing will work. It's dead. Well, maybe v**** but who wants to start that cycle of dependency. As for it getting back to normal, not after a few months. It may take your hair a long time to show results but from what I've heard your hormone balance should be back in a few weeks, maybe 2-3 months, but after that there's no way. I've been to 2 doctors who have told me this. Actually 3 if you count the derm. Moral of the story: this sucks!!!!!!


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things seem to be getting back to normal now. At least I think anyway.

Less random boners but still than compared to 2 weeks ago. I'm hoping it continues to improve to the state it was before I started finasteride.


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never had any huge libido problems, but just for fun bought some yohimbe bark, made some tea and reduced it down. the results were pretty intense. wouldnt trust yohimbe pills to actually have any yohimbe in them honestly
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Hi Guys,

I saw how you guys were having alot of sides to propecia so I thought I would throw mine in as well.

I have been on proscar 6months now (1/4 a tablet), and my libido is dead I can not get it up unless I take a small dose of v**** (before propecia it was no problem). I also have got morning wood maybe 2 or 3 times since Propecia (it would be every day before propecia).

I can not gain muscle while working out, this could be because of my body type though but I heard dht is important in muscle building?

Also it seems my skin is extremely dry now and my face seems a lot older, dark circles under my eyes and more forehead wrinkles. I thought this might just be in my head but I took a look at pictures from 6months ago, compared to now and my skin looks a lot scalier.

You are probably asking why I am still on this sh*t after this many sides? The reason is it works... very well on everywhere except my frontal line... after reading these message boards about penis shrinkage and irreversible effects I am starting to freak out though and thinking of stopping, but I don’t want to lose my hair.


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genetically ungifted said:
Hi Guys,

I saw how you guys were having alot of sides to propecia so I thought I would throw mine in as well.

I have been on proscar 6months now (1/4 a tablet), and my libido is dead I can not get it up unless I take a small dose of v**** (before propecia it was no problem). I also have got morning wood maybe 2 or 3 times since Propecia (it would be every day before propecia).

I can not gain muscle while working out, this could be because of my body type though but I heard dht is important in muscle building?

Also it seems my skin is extremely dry now and my face seems a lot older, dark circles under my eyes and more forehead wrinkles. I thought this might just be in my head but I took a look at pictures from 6months ago, compared to now and my skin looks a lot scalier.

You are probably asking why I am still on this $#iT after this many sides? The reason is it works... very well on everywhere except my frontal line... after reading these message boards about penis shrinkage and irreversible effects I am starting to freak out though and thinking of stopping, but I don’t want to lose my hair.

Wow, we're in the same boat...


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Used propecia few years grew a lot.....decreased libido from the frist few days and it never improved.It was limp how hot the girl was....damn....!!Stopped propecia and hairloss continued....but libido improved dramatically....on the same boat now like prev years....use Toppik guys till something good comes out!!Propecia sucks big time!!


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Taking propecia was one of the worse decisions I ever made. I think it took over a month for my body to start getting back to normal after I quit.


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Just thought I would add a brief thought.

Propecia does not cause erectile disfunction, AKA, "I can't get it up, no matter how hot the woman is..."

Propecia can cause a LACK OF SEXUAL INTEREST, in a small percentage of users. Most sources say 5%.

Lack of sexual interest means: Your lady wants to bone,and you would rather watch another hour of Sportscenter.

Lack of sexual interest DOES NOT mean: Your lady wants to bone and you want to but your manmeat is still tenderized.

Basically it could make you less horny, not less hard.

Get it?

So if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction there is a problem with one of two things.

1. Your problem is in your head. This is the most common cause of this especially in young perfomance obsessed men.

2. You have a physical problem. Heart disease high blood pressue, diabetes, and other problems must be ruled out.

I know most of you don't want to believe this, but I wanted to say it again because it is just simply true.

If you have ED(erectile dysfuction) please see a REAL DOCTOR because you may have a serious medical condition.

Take care,


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hairhaircomeagain said:
JOE 4 words for whatever you wrote

That's only three words.

I know that real scientific evidence is usually ignored in favor of paranoia and group-think, but I figured hey, why not give it a shot.

Taking propecia with 0.00 problems,
Joe :)


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Hey Mr.Joe.....

Its nothing Mental..I am hard hard hard for any hot girl...anytime....!!You pop a freaking nightmare pill and when u ain't getting it...its nothing Mental....!!

If it works for you without sideeffect....fine..u r lucky...but do not give the advice about mental crap for everybody here!!

It is well know Propecia causes more than the established % for sideeffect reported by Merck!!

Its a great product if you do not like or want to have sex anymore!!hehe :D :lol: :) :lol: :D


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kingg008 said:
Hey Mr.Joe.....

Its nothing Mental..I am hard hard hard for any hot girl...anytime....!!You pop a freaking nightmare pill and when u ain't getting it...its nothing Mental....!!

If it works for you without sideeffect....fine..u r lucky...but do not give the advice about mental crap for everybody here!!

It is well know Propecia causes more than the established % for sideeffect reported by Merck!!

Its a great product if you do not like or want to have sex anymore!!hehe :D :lol: :) :lol: :D

Side effects occur in less than 2% of people...

End of story.


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Aplunk - I know you are making a point about not scaring people off finasteride, but really... Do you seriously still believe in the 2 %???

I don't mean to scare people off finasteride either, but the 2 % seems to be somewhat off target. With so many people experiencing decreased libido, ED, pains of different kinds, brain fog, liver problems and I don't know what else I doubt that Merck really told the whole truth, because several of these side effects that now seem to be related to finasteride weren't even mentioned in Mercks original material.
- I don't buy the 2 %.

But that said I know that finasteride is your best bet if you want to keep your hair. And I wish that I tolerated it better myself. So I don't mean to tell people not to do it. But I find it somewhat naive to believe in those figures.

Anyway sometimes it just bugs me that this site is so very one-sided when it comes to finasteride. Every newbie is told to get on propecia as fast as possible and that there is hardly any chance of side effects.
I think most people in here should know better by now.


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Keep in mind all you members of the members of penis paranoia patrol, that you erection challenged folks are:

A. Much more likely to run to a forum and question why your unit went soft than somone who has no problems at all, thus making it appear as though the % of side effects is higher than it is.

B. Refusing time and time again to visit a Doctor and find the real cause of your limp happy-stick.

Don't blame a pill that has literally nothing to do with the vascular reactions that cause an erection.

Propecia can cause a decrease libido in a miniscule amount of users.

Propecia CAN NOT cause erectile dysfunction.

There is simply no scientific way to support your claims.

The only way for there to be a link between Propecia and ERECTILE DYSFUCTION would be PSYCHOSOMATIC.

Happily taking a fantastic product and having sex normally,


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westcovinajoe said:
Keep in mind all you members of the members of penis paranoia patrol, that you erection challenged folks are:

A. Much more likely to run to a forum and question why your unit went soft than somone who has no problems at all, thus making it appear as though the % of side effects is higher than it is.

B. Refusing time and time again to visit a Doctor and find the real cause of your limp happy-stick.

Don't blame a pill that has literally nothing to do with the vascular reactions that cause an erection.

Propecia can cause a decrease libido in a miniscule amount of users.

Propecia CAN NOT cause erectile dysfunction.

There is simply no scientific way to support your claims.

The only way for there to be a link between Propecia and ERECTILE DYSFUCTION would be PSYCHOSOMATIC.

Happily taking a fantastic product and having sex normally,

Why did I stop using propecia, then 3 weeks later my erections were fine? Just a coincidence for me and thousands of others I suppose, lmao.

Serious can we ban this guy? He obviously works for propecia and spams for them on internet forums...


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I dont work for Propecia. I even buy my generic finasteride at the cheapest pharm I can find.

If it makes you happy to believe a pill can deflate blood vessels or whatever voodoo science you want to buy into go ahead.

I am sure there is an Herbal "cure" for baldness you would rather blow cash on.

Just remember people, millions of men take Propecia or its cheaper generic version EVERYDAY!

Only a tiny fraction of dudes have any side effects at all.


Stop treating yourselves.
