So very sick and tired..


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More repulsive than a mutilated body (cause I know you feel like you are losing a part of you along with your hair) is a mutilated mind, a mind that has given up. I will not start preaching about analogy, proportion and loss of perspective, mostly out of respect for the intensity of the things you feel right now.

But my gut tells me that a man who is willing to give up life due to hairloss, will also give up due to the next available reason when male pattern baldness gets out of the way. Fix your hair, but you will have to short things out even if treatments work wonders for you. You lost yourself somewhere along the way.


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I'm wondering - how bad is it really? Care to post some pics for comment? I bet it's not as bad as you make it to be.

And something like 85% of people at least maintain with finasteride, so your chances are good.


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I concur with SE- Freak.

I've struggled too, much like you and feel shitty a lot of times inspite of spending generously on treatments and doing everything I can and I am still loosing the battle. I knew I would loose but I had to fight and I still am.

There are many more battles to be fought in this journey of life. Hairloss is just one of them and maybe a minor one. The pain is all emotional but your mind has the ability to get rid of it. You control your mind and mind conquers all. Time will heal that pain so stand up if you've fallen and keep going. Perhaps every dark cloud has a silver lining somewhere.


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treeshrew said:
I'm wondering - how bad is it really? Care to post some pics for comment? I bet it's not as bad as you make it to be.

thanks & see new avatar [now removed. sorry, I got hammered after bearing soul so took it off]. I'm not holding hair back - the corners run back in deeper. The temporal recession is very angular and reinforces the swoopy M shape. I hate that accursed M shape with a passion.

EDIT: I've edited some of my disturbed ramblings and left the hair concerns and removed the depressed stuff because I'm a bit embarrassed. Thanks again for all your help, I feel much better.

You're all correct, it's not that bad and I need to get some perspective and to continue seeking help for my anger and depression. When most of the world is beneath the hunger line and atrocities occurring every day, to be so depressed over hair loss is not right.


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rage_and_despair said:
treeshrew said:
I'm wondering - how bad is it really? Care to post some pics for comment? I bet it's not as bad as you make it to be.

thanks & see new avatar. I'm not holding hair back - the corners run back in deeper. The temporal recession is very angular and reinforces the swoopy M shape. I hate that accursed M shape with a passion. My GP is confident I will get some regrowth but she did mention the dreaded 'transplant' word last time I saw her, and from what I've obsessively read on the net, there's very little hope for regaining front hairline. She doesn't see the difference medically between front and crown, but it's not her field.

It just all happened so fast, in ~3 years, that it really smashed my vulnerable self esteem to pieces. I wish I wasn't such a naive young adult and started finasteride years ago.
By being subjected to western advertising and culture for 30+years, my male pattern baldness has become an impairment to living my life to its fullest. I don't care if people think I'm vain or crazy, my pain is very real and crippling to me.
where do you get your transplant information from? Very little hope for regaining the hairline from a transplant? Are you nuts....thats WHERE the transplant comes in most handy.
Maintain what you have with your meds- Get a transplant and fix your hairline. Case solved for hopefully enough time a better cure comes out.

and youre over 30 years old and your hair looks as good as it does in your avatar? Are you serious? There are kids 16 years old on here who look worse than you do...imagine how they feel, yours just started 3 years ago at 28. Theirs started at 16!!!!!!!


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do you know a lot of 30 year's old that dosent have that M shaped hairline ?

dudemon said:
When the hair in those areas miniaturizes, it stays the same length permenantly (about 3/4" long max). Then, it will fall out and never grow back, except as a tiny "peachfuzz" - like the hair on your knuckles.

maybe your knuckles . mine has terminal hair :crazy:


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I sometimes don't think hairloss is really as bad as we initially think. I care about hairloss because I want to get a good girl and do not want to be treated differently. However, now with my hairloss I will get a girl that is a lot less physically attractive. But, she will accept me for me. Do you really want to be with a girl who wont go out with you because of your hair? Looks fade anyways. ANd if anyone makes fun of you for your hair they are very immature and I'd feel sorry for them.


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Sorry to say this but your Avatar looks like the AFTER pic of a very successful hair transplant.
You have nothing to worry about.
Read a few books regarding BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder)
That is more likely to be the culprit of your depression instead of hairloss.


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Oh sh*t...if your hair looks like that in avatar then what the f... are you crying for???
Relax, you can do well with are still far far away form being NW3.
Good luck!


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SE-freak said:

More repulsive than a mutilated body (cause I know you feel like you are losing a part of you along with your hair) is a mutilated mind, a mind that has given up. I will not start preaching about analogy, proportion and loss of perspective, mostly out of respect for the intensity of the things you feel right now.

But my gut tells me that a man who is willing to give up life due to hairloss, will also give up due to the next available reason when male pattern baldness gets out of the way. Fix your hair, but you will have to short things out even if treatments work wonders for you. You lost yourself somewhere along the way.

powerful advice. well spoken se.

Bald Dave

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I wish I had a hairline like yours! I am a nw4/5 aged 26 and your a nw1 aged 30???

uncomfortable man

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Accursed M shaped hairline? Do you know what I would give to have that hairline back? You don't know what bad is, alright. You have no clue what it is like to suffer from REAL hairloss at all and your thread is an insult to anyone who has. You have no right to come on here and complain with hair like that f*** face. Either your an a**h**, delusional or a delusional a**h**, geez.


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uncomfortable man said:
Accursed M shaped hairline? Do you know what I would give to have that hairline back? You don't know what bad is, alright. You have no clue what it is like to suffer from REAL hairloss at all and your thread is an insult to anyone who has. You have no right to come on here and complain with hair like that f*ck face. Either your an a**hole, delusional or a delusional a**hole, geez.

Cool down.

He is not responsible for everyone else's problems so no need to show teeth. He is not even ungrateful, as one can live in his "relative" hell and be in real pain even sporting a NW1. His problem is definitely not his hair though, I can give you that.


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uncomfortable man said:
Accursed M shaped hairline? Do you know what I would give to have that hairline back? You don't know what bad is, alright. You have no clue what it is like to suffer from REAL hairloss at all and your thread is an insult to anyone who has. You have no right to come on here and complain with hair like that f*ck face. Either your an a**hole, delusional or a delusional a**hole, geez.

Dude take a chill pill. male pattern baldness is frightening for anyone first experiencing it at any age, yes he has nothing to worry about it but when you deal with hairloss for the first time it really is a smack to your self-esteem. Besides he admitted he was overreacting. :shakehead:


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My Regimen
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UC probably insults other users more than anyone else here, yet not even a warning for him from the mods. Him and HP91 are always telling people what they can and can't say and even how they are allowed to feel. Amusing.


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ghg said:
UC probably insults other users more than anyone else here, yet not even a warning for him from the mods. Him and HP91 are always telling people what they can and can't say and even how they are allowed to feel. Amusing.

Look in the mirror there buddy. Your first posts were EXACTLY that. Telling people what they should think about their hairloss.