if that were the case than the chance of PFS wouldnt be so low as how how many people are currently on it right now for YEARS
There's actually been A LOT more people who have reported sides from Finasteride than you hear about. The Pro-Finasteride studies are funded by Big Pharma so they marketing of it is much better to get those false studies more widely available. They even secretly fund those so called "Independent Finasteride Studies" that so happen to be Pro-Finasteride studies and make it seem like sides are very small which is false.
There's been loads of new Finasteride studies which have actually revealed just how bad Finasteride is, with some studies showing people in the range of
30% to 60% + experience sides on Finasteride which are mainly sexual related. Mental sides are real too.
There's even been verified Doctors on Twitter that tweeted to other verified doctors on Twitter about how real the side effects on Finasteride are and how frequently they see them reported by their patients.
Also, a lot more people are speaking out about the side effects of Finasteride in recent years.
Propecia only became FDA approved in 1998, only a few people were using Finasteride back then, like any company only over many many many years did more people start using it as marketing increased. Millions weren't using Propecia and Finasteride until probably at least 10 years after its release. And it's only when many people used Finasteride and after many years of using the drug were people eligible to report on it, you can't just report after 3 months of use.
Furthermore, there have been lawsuits against Merck regarding Propecia.
Can't deny law suits. That's as cold hard facts as you'd ever get.
Also the internet and social media, etc wasn't popular at all back in 1998. In fact most people didn't even have cell phones compatible with the internet back then, most people were using Desktop Computers, not even laptops. Most people didn't even use Google back then. Google was literally only founded in 1998 as well. So most people only started using Google just before 2010. Most people could only afford smart phones with the internet or laptops around 2006 - 2013.
Also, most people took many many years to become proficient with the internet, probably only well after 2010. So of course you wouldn't have heard about it on the internet because the internet wasn't even properly established back then. It takes several years for Google to become as big as it is now in terms of information and users.
Furthermore, hairloss forums on the internet weren't even around in the early 2000's. People mainly only started creating and frequently using these hair loss forums well after 2010.
Also, you need to remember that the only people who could easily afford the internet, laptop, smartphones etc were the older people who were working for many years. These older people also are very slow with technology so it takes them even more years to learn how to use the internet, hairloss forums, etc.
Back then people didn't know they could get help online or that they were online forums for Hairloss out there that could connect them with loads of people also experiencing side effects, so that they can realize something is definitely a problem and so they can approach this problem legally and also that they can fight against what was initially claimed to be factual but is clearly not.
The timeline I've stated makes perfect sense as to why most reports against Finasteride only start popping up around 2011 and it has grown exponentially the amount of negative reports against Finasteride.
People are becoming more aware of the problems of the past. All these things take several years.
Furthermore, more opposition studies against Finasteride needed to be conducted these took several years as well and only happened well after Finasteride was FDA approved for Hairloss.
But not just that, men are highly unlikely to speak out or report sides especially sexual sides on Finasteride. Men like to suffer in silence as they feel embarrassed to express such things as if it takes away their manliness, this is common with men. Even when I had sexual sides with Finasteride, up until this day I haven't formally reported it to appear as a formal statistic against Finasteride, I at most just speak about it here on these forums.
Hence we also haven't seen such a high number of reports against Finasteride.