Aaaand this is where Fred goes quiet. He knows this is the truth, whether he means to or not, he loves dragging people down to feeling as bad as he does, it's really sick actually. And I've been bringing it up for a while, the fact he keeps doing it, and any time I do bring it up, he shuts right up, that's the last we'll hear of it. Even if he does reply to this thread now, he won't want to touch this issue with a 10 foot pole.
Absolutely anything else I bring up, even if he's completely wrong and squirming out some twisted excuse to validate his thoughts, he'll still reply, damn sure, but this? Nope, never touches it, he knows what he's doing.
Just like that girl, he wants to put everyone in these little boxes he creates, and of course, none of these little boxes ever mean anything positive, it's always doom and gloom, and the "exposure" of human superficiality and greed, because he thinks 100% of people think like he does, that we're all biologically the same as apes. He reads one article that sort-of agrees with his thoughts (sometimes, not even at all, for example that cancer one) and then it becomes FACT, the confirmation bias is unbelievable.
But this gives him the strength to put others down, just like that girl. I can only guess he has a really empty life to do such things, and worse he's doing it on the pretence that he's doing us all a favour, which is practically borderline psychopathic. He claims it's to make us "real" so we don't wake up sad one day, and while I agree that being realistic is important, this is not at all the reason he constantly puts others down, what a load of bull****, he jerks off on the idea of everyone being as depressed as he is, and he'll continue doing his best to achieve this.
What annoys me more isn't Fred himself, because he's just some maniac who should be avoided, but the people who hail him as some sort of great visionary, that think these binary thoughts he has are "real" and revolutionary, and his greatest fans are the ones down the line who end up coming on here to say they're getting worse and worse, baldness is killing them and they can't deal with it. What a ****ing surprise that is! Well it's a good thing they remained "real" otherwise they might not be so damn happy right?