Something I will always hate about going bald.

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Ive pretty much accepted that Im gonna be fully bald. finasteride, rogaine, nizoral and NANO have certainly helped me out tremendously and I really never thought 4 years ago that id still have this much hair. Anyway, I know im gonna be bald and after all these years im pretty accepting of it. sh*t happens.

Something that bugs me though. Im a pretty nice person but I assume at some point im going to get into an argument with a shallow jerk. Being bald is something that someone can always use against me in an argument. I can mouth off the smartest most wittiest insult there is and some jackass with a full head of hair can still come back and call me out for being bald. And even though its totally irrelevant to the argument, it will still cause damage.

Im not shallow but I know others are and this is something that is always going to piss me off.



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Well thankfully Ive got high school wrestling and some serious boxing and jiu jitsu training on my side.

But you're totally right. Physical confrontation is the lowest you can go. We arent f*****g cavemen anymore.


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There's an easy response. As long as you're generally witty and you aren't overweight, say the dude has a small penis and/or you had sex with his mom and end the argument right there.

Then he'll look like a whiny baby as he fails to come up with a better comeback.


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^^^I love that one....If the dude has a sister then you could say that you had a threeway :innocent:


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You will sound like a retard if you even attempt to come back with any of these.

If somebody calls you baldy, just accept it, its true, you grow a very thick skin eventually.


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BrightonBaldy said:
You will sound like a retard if you even attempt to come back with any of these.

There is nothing wrong in defending yourself as long as you dont lose your cool.That way they will realise that you are not the sort of person who can be taken advantage of.


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Someone insults my baldness I just shake my head as if they've said something as inane as "you smell of poo poo".

:shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:

uncomfortable man

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Agreed that momma jokes are retarded. Just tell them that god has blessed you in other areas.... :whistle:

uncomfortable man

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@ Emex, I could have sworn you were one of guys that advocated the "man up" philosophy when it comes to dealing with baldness. It's okay to admit that we all have feelings that can be hurt when others make fun of us for this. Just goes to show how much of an irritant going bald can be on someone's life.


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My Regimen
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OP, older you get the more likely it is that your peers will be hit with some degree of hair loss. I know I have a better set of hair then many on here, BUT I will never put a guy down over his hairloss because I have lost some hair at the hairline. Many other guys will be the same unless they are NW0s. Which are few and far between.


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Some people are just pricks.
I think I havementioned a succesful NW7 guy I know.
He loves to point to the physical defects other people have to bring them down.

One time he even made fun about the baldness of some random guy on the street :whistle:
Consider this is probably the rudest guy I know, and he doesn't lack any self-confidence or self-esteem
Losing some hair doesn't exclude you from being a bully

Nashville Hairline

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bigentries said:
Some people are just pricks.
I think I havementioned a succesful NW7 guy I know.
He loves to point to the physical defects other people have to bring them down.

One time he even made fun about the baldness of some random guy on the street :whistle:
Consider this is probably the rudest guy I know, and he doesn't lack any self-confidence or self-esteem
Losing some hair doesn't exclude you from being a bully
Wow. That's very interesting. Wonder has he been bald so long he actually forgets he's a bald guy himself???

You're probably right though, he's just a common or garden a**h** with self-loathing issues.


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Cuebald- theres nothing wrong with responding to snidey comments about hairloss but using any of the suggestions here would make you a laughing stalk, any guy using these would sound about as hard as a wet sponge to me.


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Oknow said:
OP, older you get the more likely it is that your peers will be hit with some degree of hair loss. I know I have a better set of hair then many on here, BUT I will never put a guy down over his hairloss because I have lost some hair at the hairline. Many other guys will be the same unless they are NW0s. Which are few and far between.

I know plenty of guys who are NW3's and ripp on baldies, there is a big difference. Most guys dont consider themselves bald until they hit NW4+. But I'm talking about guys in their late 20's - mid 30's.


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Nashville Hairline said:
Wow. That's very interesting. Wonder has he been bald so long he actually forgets he's a bald guy himself???

You're probably right though, he's just a common or garden a**hole with self-loathing issues.
Lost his hair very young. It's probably more than a decade bald
Seriously, insulting this guy is impossible, he has many other physical traits that are target of insults but he is invulnerable to them, even trying it would get you into more trouble.
The other day I was thinking how he might had been before, since he was a good sports player, has an attractive face and even today is a very social person.
Maybe it was God's way to reduce the damage


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uncomfortable man said:
@ Emex, I could have sworn you were one of guys that advocated the "man up" philosophy when it comes to dealing with baldness. It's okay to admit that we all have feelings that can be hurt when others make fun of us for this. Just goes to show how much of an irritant going bald can be on someone's life.

You know, I still do kinda believe that we should "man up" when it comes to this baldness curse. But Im not going to be preaching it in a forum like this. I hate going bald just as much as anyone and I understand how it makes people feel. Its absolutely pointless and obnoxious to try to make people think like that.

Like Ive seen you post before, this is the one place where people can vent about this baldness irritant (i like that word to describe baldness btw) so why try to take that away. We're all in this together and its up to us to deal with it.


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emex4 said:
You know, I still do kinda believe that we should "man up" when it comes to this baldness curse. But Im not going to be preaching it in a forum like this. I hate going bald just as much as anyone and I understand how it makes people feel. Its absolutely pointless and obnoxious to try to make people think like that.

Like Ive seen you post before, this is the one place where people can vent about this baldness irritant (i like that word to describe baldness btw) so why try to take that away. We're all in this together and its up to us to deal with it.

Well thats exactly what most guys do, but I think we (on here) maybe have some other issues that psycholgically intensify the problem for us.


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s.a.f said:
emex4 said:
You know, I still do kinda believe that we should "man up" when it comes to this baldness curse. But Im not going to be preaching it in a forum like this. I hate going bald just as much as anyone and I understand how it makes people feel. Its absolutely pointless and obnoxious to try to make people think like that.

Like Ive seen you post before, this is the one place where people can vent about this baldness irritant (i like that word to describe baldness btw) so why try to take that away. We're all in this together and its up to us to deal with it.

Well thats exactly what most guys do, but I think we (on here) maybe have some other issues that psycholgically intensify the problem for us.

vanity, mostly.

i'm not one to say i'm 'vain' but when it comes to keeping my hair I guess I am. That's mainly why I'm here.

Also it's retarded we have to lose something thats, you know, part of us.


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emex4 said:
Ive pretty much accepted that Im gonna be fully bald. finasteride, rogaine, nizoral and NANO have certainly helped me out tremendously and I really never thought 4 years ago that id still have this much hair. Anyway, I know im gonna be bald and after all these years im pretty accepting of it. sh*t happens.

Something that bugs me though. Im a pretty nice person but I assume at some point im going to get into an argument with a shallow jerk. Being bald is something that someone can always use against me in an argument. I can mouth off the smartest most wittiest insult there is and some jackass with a full head of hair can still come back and call me out for being bald. And even though its totally irrelevant to the argument, it will still cause damage.

Im not shallow but I know others are and this is something that is always going to piss me off.


You aren't bald though so wouldn't worry about it until you ARE. And people will make comments. Friends and colleagues will make them jokingly and you just have to "pretend" it's not hurting you even though it is.

Now is a total stranger goes there, another story. At this point in my life, I hope that doesn't ever happen only because I will lose it. Forget just a fight, it would be worth it for me to pay someone to kidnap and torture his family. :)


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HatPrisoner91 said:
You aren't bald though so wouldn't worry about it until you ARE. And people will make comments. Friends and colleagues will make them jokingly and you just have to "pretend" it's not hurting you even though it is.

you know, up to a certain point people didnt say anything, once my balding became noticeable (nw3-4+) thats where people start make comments, one of my closest friends (used to be my room mate) always tell me to grow my hair long like it used to be 1-2 years ago.... i tried to explain that i cant, also my mother always tells me to grow it long lol, its like they have no idea what balding is :)
anyways, i just wanted to say that Hatprisoner makes good point, though im overall a positive person, the last year i understand that it doesnt matter what vibe you carry or your confidence if you really have a severe hair loss, then youll know the TRUE negative effects of that curse.
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