Something I will always hate about going bald.

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HatPrisoner91 said:
emex4 said:
Ive pretty much accepted that Im gonna be fully bald. finasteride, rogaine, nizoral and NANO have certainly helped me out tremendously and I really never thought 4 years ago that id still have this much hair. Anyway, I know im gonna be bald and after all these years im pretty accepting of it. sh*t happens.

Something that bugs me though. Im a pretty nice person but I assume at some point im going to get into an argument with a shallow jerk. Being bald is something that someone can always use against me in an argument. I can mouth off the smartest most wittiest insult there is and some jackass with a full head of hair can still come back and call me out for being bald. And even though its totally irrelevant to the argument, it will still cause damage.

Im not shallow but I know others are and this is something that is always going to piss me off.


You aren't bald though so wouldn't worry about it until you ARE. And people will make comments. Friends and colleagues will make them jokingly and you just have to "pretend" it's not hurting you even though it is.

Now is a total stranger goes there, another story. At this point in my life, I hope that doesn't ever happen only because I will lose it. Forget just a fight, it would be worth it for me to pay someone to kidnap and torture his family. :)

pretty messed up


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HatPrisoner91 said:
emex4 said:
Ive pretty much accepted that Im gonna be fully bald. finasteride, rogaine, nizoral and NANO have certainly helped me out tremendously and I really never thought 4 years ago that id still have this much hair. Anyway, I know im gonna be bald and after all these years im pretty accepting of it. sh*t happens.

Something that bugs me though. Im a pretty nice person but I assume at some point im going to get into an argument with a shallow jerk. Being bald is something that someone can always use against me in an argument. I can mouth off the smartest most wittiest insult there is and some jackass with a full head of hair can still come back and call me out for being bald. And even though its totally irrelevant to the argument, it will still cause damage.

Im not shallow but I know others are and this is something that is always going to piss me off.


Forget just a fight, it would be worth it for me to pay someone to kidnap and torture his family. :)



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In my experience, it's only ever the loud, insensitive pricks that no one really likes/ those with serious self-loathing issues, who take time to point out mine or others hairloss in public.

Like this one time I was in a club with my girlfriend and I got chatting to this guy I barely knew from high-school, then after like 5 minutes he rustles my hair & is like "you're going bald mate!". It was pretty embarressing and luckily my girlfriend didn't hear what he said, but it was even more ridiculous because he was almost a NW2 himself and destined to be going down the same road as me.

Also one of my friend constantly rips on any man with a bald head or hint of hairloss, but I think this is all down it his own insecurity as there is some serious crown thinning in his family and secretly he probably fears the onset of this greatly.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
You aren't bald though so wouldn't worry about it until you ARE. And people will make comments. Friends and colleagues will make them jokingly and you just have to "pretend" it's not hurting you even though it is.

Now is a total stranger goes there, another story. At this point in my life, I hope that doesn't ever happen only because I will lose it. Forget just a fight, it would be worth it for me to pay someone to kidnap and torture his family. :)

Resorting to violence on innocent people just because something bad happened to you, nice.


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Primo said:
In my experience, it's only ever the loud, insensitive pricks that no one really likes/ those with serious self-loathing issues, who take time to point out mine or others hairloss in public.

Definatley they come across as assholes.

(but its still pretty embarrasing to be on the reicing end though.)


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It's most annoying when your own friends throw a 'joke' at you.

For example, a short while ago, two of my friends and I were waiting for a bus, and when it came I suggested to them that we sit in the back seats (for privacy) and one of them whispered to me "is it because you don't want people to see you're balding?" and to be honest, I don't know what came over me, but it was as if my ears/brain immediately refused to hear this because I actually thought I heard something else, but when I tried to recall it later on, it was exactly that. Sounds weird but I was as confused..


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Forget just a fight, it would be worth it for me to pay someone to kidnap and torture his family. :)



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Obsidian said:
Resorting to violence on innocent people just because something bad happened to you, nice.

Aren't I innocent to in this situation? Wouldn't stop this hypothetical person from trying make me feel lower than dirt. Screw them and anyone in their life.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Aren't I innocent to in this situation? Wouldn't stop this hypothetical person from trying make me feel lower than dirt. Screw them and anyone in their life.

You're only innocent in till you decide to hurt someone on your twisted image of guilt by association.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Obsidian said:
Resorting to violence on innocent people just because something bad happened to you, nice.

Aren't I innocent to in this situation? Wouldn't stop this hypothetical person from trying make me feel lower than dirt. Screw them and anyone in their life.

You're on the same level as the Taliban and Al Qaeda.


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Again, do I walk around and look for people to hurt? Of course not. If these people do, sorry but I have no sympathy for them.

Big difference. I don't enjoy hurting anyone unless they decided to hurt me or others first.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Again, do I walk around and look for people to hurt? Of course not. If these people do, sorry but I have no sympathy for them.

Big difference. I don't enjoy hurting anyone unless they decided to hurt me or others first.

Don't twist your statement around and rationalize it, you only just make yourself sound more mentally unstable than you actually are.You said clearly this if someone picked on you.

Forget just a fight, it would be worth it for me to pay someone to kidnap and torture his family.

It sounds like you would take great pleasure in hurting innocent people instead of the person who did it. Making it sound like you are afraid of him.
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