Something I've realized: Most people dont go bald.


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Not when the information given is false.

No one has "episodes" of hair loss, it starts, goes at a steady rate, and depending on the severity, you usually end up NW5-6, and in somre rare instances NW7.

Usually, when people who were NW5 have had two good FUE done, they're pretty much set for life. Not always, but usually.

Now what, just because you might be the odd case, you should just do nothing and live your whole life as a miserable bald man?

A total lie about hair loss being steady. It will slow down in early thirties and then start again rapidly in your 50s - 70's. In this thread we had someone who said their neighbor was a norwoord 1 in their 60s and went to a norwood 5. So much for steady hair loss. Also, you can see lots of pictures of guys who had full heads of hair up to their 60s or 70s and then lost it rapidly.

Fred, I suggest you get some life experience in this matter before being a Know-It-all at 24.


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The worst is bald men who hang out with these dumb w****s as friends, and ask for advice. They are told to expand their skills, dress trendier, and find a niche that brings out their inner side rather focusing on the exterior side of the picture. Meanwhile these bald-zoned individuals are either asexual handbags for said women or cuckolds in a relationship who are obvious providers, and get pity ****ed the odd time.

A bald **** will absolutely never secure down a women of substance, and if they do it will be a women who's settling for less. Never having an upperhand in a relationship, and always being on the edge of a break out. These women who secure a bald man know they have them on a leash. Bald men are automatically by default submissive in most relationships, because deep down inside they know they got lucky. They will always be on the edge, nervous around a man with hair, because he will win her over eventually given the opportunity.

Bald - ing something twenty year olds are humour to young hotties looking to fornicate, and get ****ed on the side. Online dating? forget about it unless you have the mental fortitude to get swiped right, and never responded towards. a baldites best bet is to cold approach, and take frequent trips to asian countries and let his dollar do the talking.
This summarizes it all perfectly.


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The passages and insight i provide remain somewhat valid even to this present day. Especially in the dating world which largely involves being judged on your photos online. With exception to a few niche baldos that manage to secure the payload in person. The demographic that does well for the balding man tend to be the thw burly bear type which you will commonly see on Grinder.

a lot of what was said stemed from my own insecurities and hate for hair loss - a continuous expression and reflection of my devious rage towards it.

It gets a little easier the older you get. Unfortunately money cannot buy you a great physique so that is something a baldite can strive to achieve. Deploying the sick physique look will yield great results for those that have a decent mug.

Shookwun approved


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