Not when the information given is false.
No one has "episodes" of hair loss, it starts, goes at a steady rate, and depending on the severity, you usually end up NW5-6, and in somre rare instances NW7.
Usually, when people who were NW5 have had two good FUE done, they're pretty much set for life. Not always, but usually.
Now what, just because you might be the odd case, you should just do nothing and live your whole life as a miserable bald man?
A total lie about hair loss being steady. It will slow down in early thirties and then start again rapidly in your 50s - 70's. In this thread we had someone who said their neighbor was a norwoord 1 in their 60s and went to a norwood 5. So much for steady hair loss. Also, you can see lots of pictures of guys who had full heads of hair up to their 60s or 70s and then lost it rapidly.
Fred, I suggest you get some life experience in this matter before being a Know-It-all at 24.