Sorry I Just Needed To Rant 123 123


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I feel like I need to get off my chest some thoughts I have that came after I started balding.

Warning: It's a bit long

Before I realized I had hair loss, I was a happy guy. I hung out with friends sometimes, I enjoyed a lot of parties before being even 18 (because I live in a country that party is really easy to find) and I had some of the best moments of my life.

A few years later being 19 (now 21) I started to realize that I may had hair loss so I went to a dermatologist and here we are now.
I've discovered a lot of things about myself and think that maybe I didn't like that much going to parties and all that stuff and I really learnt the things I like to do and what I wanted to do for a living.

Some may say that then hair loss made me feel better because now I now where I want to be. Well, yes but obviously not.

I've discovered a lot of things that make my blood boil!
I saw how some girls are REALLY into looks only (I know, no sh*t Sherlock). How mean people can be if you are not acceptable looking anymore and you don't fulfill what I call "the social media standards".

And thinking about a conversation with my parents where they told how life was when they were young I came to realize that they had it WAAAAAAY better (at least them in my country when they were young, obviously it may not apply to everyone's parents).

-No social media: people wouldn't be comparing to everyone every f*****g time they can. And people live to show how perfect their life is. I bet 30 years ago people thought a bit more about what they wanted to be and whom they wanted to be with instead of picking friends to be more popular or have more likes on Instagram.
Also, you didn't have the exposure you have now. Imagine if you fail nowadays and compare it to failing 30 years ago. Now everyone will know if you're balding/have no friends/have no life just by checking your photos or your profile (I know I shouldn't care that much about what people think, I'm working on that but it's hard).

-People cared about more important things (not completely sure): Now it seems like everywhere you go you find SJW, angry feminists and all that stuff and it makes me absolutely mad. I'm sure there could be some of them that are not like the sh*t you can find in twitter but I don't think there will be a lot of people like that amongst them.

To finish this I have to say that now I'm thinking about moving to another country to start from scratch.I think I will have a buzz cut, leave social media and just have contact with the friends I really care about. But I just don't know if there could be a country where people is not that into looks, are a bit introvert (I may be
extrovert for Europe standards but here in my country I'm a bit introvert) and is hard to find all the stupidity of SJW and all that stuff.

End of rant.


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what is ur norwood degree? where are u from?


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another NW1 with a bit of recession on vertex

buy finasteride and delete the account from here

That post is from last year. sh*t got worst pretty fast and now I'm thinning all over. Just a bit of wind fucks my hair

Anyway, I just got that off my chest and that's what I wanted.

I'll never try finasteride even if that means I head nw5 in a few years. Even without hair I prefer not to use it, no matter how slight is the possibility of having sides I won't risk my well-being for hair. I know it won't be easy and that i'll probably be bald if nothing new comes out but that's what I want to do.


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I'll never try finasteride even if that means I head nw5 in a few years.


g.i joey

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Hair loss is not something that will stop me from being who I want to be.

no, it just stopped you from going out with your friends, making memories and its also forcing you to want to move country, the denial is strong. Unfortunately you didnt realize that you didnt like going out partying anymore because you were insecure about your balding, you were forced to. I suggest you stop living in denial and attempt to treat it, sooner rather than later.