Spectral DNC causes cancer


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So i just purchased this yesterday. Been debating between DNC and Rogaine Foam and decided to get DNC because many people seem to say it works, even though they are so skeptical and don't fully know what they are putting on their heads. So anyway after doing a lot of research I just found out that Spectral DNC has the ingredient: tricolsan.
That I found is a cancer causing ingredient! Do a Draze search on it.

So I believe Spectral DNC did testing for 2yrs before releasing the product. That definitely is not enough time to know a dormant side effect waiting to devour a person. I sure don't want to grow hair in exchange for cancer.

Did you all check your bottle ingredients? Any info on this? let me know ASAP. I will return my bottle and just get FOAM. That seems to be the next best thing and I hope it works.

BTY, Here is what DS LABS says about this:

Thank you for your email and your interest in Spectral DNC.

The only reason that Spectral DNC and Spectral RS contain Triclosan is because this substance is contained in Aminexil. Aminexil is a patented compound and therefore we cannot manufacture it ourselves. L'Oreal is the patent holder on Aminexil and we source this compound from L'Oreal. Also, because it is only a small percentage in Aminexil and there is only 1% of Aminexil in the finished products of Spectral DNC and Spectral RS, the concentration of Triclosan is very tiny, at almost insignificant levels.

Also, we would like to point out that Triclosan is widely used in toothpaste (for example, please check Colgate Total). In our humble opinion, it is much safer putting a small amount of Triclosan on the scalp then putting a large amount of Triclosan in the mouth.

Please let us know if we may be of further assistance.

Have a great weekend!


DS Laboratories, Inc.
Customer Service


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You really need to change the title of this post since Spectral DNC does NOT cause cancer. As the response indicates from DS, there is probably more triclosan in your toothpaste which you stick in your mouth everyday. (hopefully) There is no cause for concern.


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I noticed that "vtec" is a brand new forum member. Think he works for Rogain?


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you know whats funny? i noticed that ANYTIME someone raises a concern on a product that people are USING, those group of people begin to put down the people who began to dig deeper into a product.

You are right. I work for Rogaine. Rogaine stock prices has dropped so much since the release of Spectral DNC, that Rogaine requested ALL of its employees to begin bashing other hairloss products, start writing on message boards, and so on. Wow, cannot get anything by you hair_tomorrow.

I guess any new members joining will be working for a company. That is the purpose of these boards. The employees join to praise their products and bash others.

I was on propecia for 5yrs and wanted to stop that medicine so began looking into Spectral DNC. And I figured Ill post my findings here to see what others think... Who would have thought that @$$e$ like yourselves would be so ignorant to find something new on a product they are using..

TOOTPASTE does NOT sit in the mouth so long to get absorbed into the skin. Not to mention, all toothpastes dont contain it. You brush for few mins, and rinse. DNC sits on your skull till it dries up. Do the math.

Your not making me any money by stopping DNC or taking GNC or PNC. I can care less if you guys die and rot in hell.

I was trying to make awareness on a product that was only tested for 2yrs. Ofcourse DS LABS will justify their product. Did you expect them to put it down? hahaa

the title is fine. Spectral DNC contains Triclosan, and Triclosan causes cancer..

Do you guys think im not as eager to keep my hair on my head as you are? But at what price? In exchange for cancer?



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Dude...this website can probably be held accountable by DS labs for you stating that Spectral DNC causes cancer. You're making a ridiculous unsubstantiated claim about their product. You have no proof of this and until you find evidence a tumor caused by Spectral DNC you really should change the title of this post.


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vtec said:
TOOTPASTE does NOT sit in the mouth so long to get absorbed into the skin.

Are you actually trying to tell me that you honestly believe that one doesn't ingest any toothpaste while brushing their teeth? Please. Everyone here must have swallowed enough toothpaste for three tumors.


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vtec said:
you know whats funny? i noticed that ANYTIME someone raises a concern on a product that people are USING, those group of people begin to put down the people who began to dig deeper into a product.

You are right. I work for Rogaine. Rogaine stock prices has dropped so much since the release of Spectral DNC, that Rogaine requested ALL of its employees to begin bashing other hairloss products, start writing on message boards, and so on. Wow, cannot get anything by you hair_tomorrow.

I guess any new members joining will be working for a company. That is the purpose of these boards. The employees join to praise their products and bash others.

I was on propecia for 5yrs and wanted to stop that medicine so began looking into Spectral DNC. And I figured Ill post my findings here to see what others think... Who would have thought that @$$e$ like yourselves would be so ignorant to find something new on a product they are using..

TOOTPASTE does NOT sit in the mouth so long to get absorbed into the skin. Not to mention, all toothpastes dont contain it. You brush for few mins, and rinse. DNC sits on your skull till it dries up. Do the math.

Your not making me any money by stopping DNC or taking GNC or PNC. I can care less if you guys die and rot in hell.

I was trying to make awareness on a product that was only tested for 2yrs. Ofcourse DS LABS will justify their product. Did you expect them to put it down? hahaa

the title is fine. Spectral DNC contains Triclosan, and Triclosan causes cancer..

Do you guys think im not as eager to keep my hair on my head as you are? But at what price? In exchange for cancer?


Sorry - really didn't mean to set you off. (Bummer about Rogain's stocks though). :whistle:

Diamond Dave

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vtec said:
you know whats funny? i noticed that ANYTIME someone raises a concern on a product that people are USING, those group of people begin to put down the people who began to dig deeper into a product.

I was trying to make awareness on a product that was only tested for 2yrs. Ofcourse DS LABS will justify their product. Did you expect them to put it down? hahaa

Do you guys think im not as eager to keep my hair on my head as you are? But at what price? In exchange for cancer?


vtec...do not feel like the Lone Ranger when it comes to being put down here for the crime of having common sense. You now belong to my club.

Now I shall embarrass Beaner...Beaner I don't know what will happen to you after I make this post but we certainly agree on this subject. I know the worst thing that could happen to you is for the other members here to read a post where you and I are in agreement. Sorry if the lynch mob goes after you.

Now to display my gift of common sense and the reason I believe vtec is on to something here....

If vtec's post is just made out of panic (no disrespect Cassin) and DS Labs is trying to imply that Spectral DNC is safe by saying that it's ingredients are also used in toothpaste then why is this WARNING LABEL applied to Colgate's "safe" toothpaste???????

"As with all fluoride toothpaste's, keep out of the reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately."

I make more sense than anyone else I know.....


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because fluoride is great for your teeth but in large doses internally its toxic.... hence why you aren't supposed to swallow and just brush and spit.

It will cause flu like symptoms.

You go to the dentist and they put a concentrated version directly on your teeth and have you spit it out afterwards then rinse.

Just buy toothpaste - fluoride and you can swallow all you want

Diamond Dave

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Don't you think its more than just the flouride?

I agree though about the flouride. I've read all kinds of bad things about it.


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no it is because of fluoride...
Fluoride's ability to be toxic is based on body weight. Young kids only have to ingest 1/2 to a whole tube to die from it depending on body weight.

hence the "As with all fluoride toothpaste's,"


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Diamond Dave said:
vtec said:
you know whats funny? i noticed that ANYTIME someone raises a concern on a product that people are USING, those group of people begin to put down the people who began to dig deeper into a product.

I was trying to make awareness on a product that was only tested for 2yrs. Ofcourse DS LABS will justify their product. Did you expect them to put it down? hahaa

Do you guys think im not as eager to keep my hair on my head as you are? But at what price? In exchange for cancer?


vtec...do not feel like the Lone Ranger when it comes to being put down here for the crime of having common sense. You now belong to my club.

Now I shall embarrass Beaner...Beaner I don't know what will happen to you after I make this post but we certainly agree on this subject. I know the worst thing that could happen to you is for the other members here to read a post where you and I are in agreement. Sorry if the lynch mob goes after you.

Now to display my gift of common sense and the reason I believe vtec is on to something here....

If vtec's post is just made out of panic (no disrespect Cassin) and DS Labs is trying to imply that Spectral DNC is safe by saying that it's ingredients are also used in toothpaste then why is this WARNING LABEL applied to Colgate's "safe" toothpaste???????

"As with all fluoride toothpaste's, keep out of the reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately."

I make more sense than anyone else I know.....

So, I think I missed the part where I would be embarrassed or please at least clue me in so I can go bury my head. Don't you think you've been embarrassed, harrassed, ridiculed, and generally made a laughingstock a**h** over the last 7 days? Please DD, you are as embarrassing as the real David Lee Roth......and I'm a real DLR fan, but he's truly an idiot these days.

Diamond Dave

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beaner said:
So, I think I missed the part where I would be embarrassed or please at least clue me in so I can go bury my head. Don't you think you've been embarrassed, harrassed, ridiculed, and generally made a laughingstock @55**e over the last 7 days? Please DD, you are as embarrassing as the real David Lee Roth......and I'm a real DLR fan, but he's truly an idiot these days.

...er,uh....I was being sarcastic beaner......
Wow...you're even slower than I thought...Sorry I misjudged you.

As for me:
embarrassed...Not at all. I consider the source...
harrassed, ridiculed, etc....absolutely, comes with the job.


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you fail to realize that ... what we use goes through a system of checks and balances through the FDA saftey and toxicology experiments and has to be approved.

The so called "natural" companies like to make up myths to get people to buy their products for the fact that they can avoid the checks and balances by claiming something is natural or organic ... or a diet suppliment and sell it directly and in bulk. They attempt to try to use unfounded logic to try to explain their situations. Then it just spreads as a fun hippy urban legend.

This caused my skin to get red ... therefore EVERYONE's gunna get cancer...... oh noes!!!!

Oh wait i might be actually allergic to it or have sensitive skin... shhhhh! cant go back on my word now.

Diamond Dave

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SkylineGTR said:
The so called "natural" companies like to make up myths to get people to buy their products for the fact that they can avoid the checks and balances by claiming something is natural or organic ... or a diet suppliment and sell it directly and in bulk.

Absolutely true...we agree Sky...you're gonna get kicked out of the lynch mob if this keeps up.

I'm well aware of the word-games these so-called Natural companies try to play with their products.


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If you look around everyone that claims those myths is trying to sell something.

All natural toothpaste... or shampoo....

Those word games promote people to try natural remedies without actually trying to buy their expensive products. Thus perpetuating them ....

Your lumped into that group.... people that strayed beliefs off of natural companies myths.

Diamond Dave

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SkylineGTR said:
If you look around everyone that claims those myths is trying to sell something.

All natural toothpaste... or shampoo....

Those word games promote people to try natural remedies without actually trying to buy their expensive products. Thus perpetuating them ....

Your lumped into that group.... people that strayed beliefs off of natural companies myths.

Maybe you guys (this forum) lump me in to that group but I don't know why.
I don't use any shampoo at all, including natural ones.

The main difference between you and me, as far as shampoo is concerned, is I can produce many, many documents (websites) reporting about the health concerns of SLS and you choose not to believe it.
I know you play the "genetics" card where hair loss is concerned...but what about the countless reports on SLS and cancer, etc???

Don't you think there "could" be some truth in this or is everyone lying?