Spectral DNC causes cancer


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Triclosan is in hand soap and dish soap. It inhibits bacterial fatty acid synthesis.

I've used it everyday, 6-7 times for quite a while. No cancer here.

From what I've read, the following is correct:


Health concerns
Reports have suggested that triclosan can combine with chlorine in tap water to form chloroform gas (PMID 15926568), which the U.S. EPA classifies as a probable human carcinogen. As a result, triclosan was the target of a UK cancer alert, even though the study showed that the amount of chloroform generated was less than amounts often present in chlorinated drinking waters.

Triclosan reacts with the free chlorine in tap water to also produce lesser amounts of other compounds, like 2,4-dichlorophenol (PMID 15926568). Most of these intermediates convert into dioxins upon exposure to UV radiation (from the sun or other sources). Although small amounts of dioxins are produced, there is a great deal of concern over this effect because dioxins are extremely toxic and are very potent endocrine disruptors. They are also chemically very stable, so that they are eliminated from the body very slowly (they can bioaccumulate to dangerous levels), and they persist in the environment for a very long time.

Triclosan is chemically somewhat similar to the dioxin class of compounds. Its production leads to small amounts of residual polychlorinated dioxins, and polychlorinated furans which are contained in small amounts, in the products that are using it.

A 2006 study concluded that low doses of triclosan act as an endocrine disruptor in the North American bullfrog.[1] The hypothesis proposed is that triclosan blocks the metabolism of thyroid hormone, because it chemically mimics thyroid hormone, and binds to the hormone receptor sites, blocking them, so that normal hormones cannot be utilized.

Triclosan is used in many common household products including Clearasil Daily Face Wash, Dentyl mouthwash, the Colgate Total range, Pepsodent, Softsoap, Dial, Right Guard deodorant, Sensodyne Total Care, Old Spice and Mentadent.

At this time, in the United States, manufacturers of products containing triclosan must say so somewhere on the label.


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The main difference between you and me, as far as shampoo is concerned, is I can produce many, many documents (websites) reporting about the health concerns of SLS and you choose not to believe it.
I know you play the "genetics" card where hair loss is concerned...but what about the countless reports on SLS and cancer, etc???

All you can do is show different websites that state the same myth with no actual proof. I have yet to hear see or find a single case of someone getting cancer from SLS... there has been no documented cases. So unless you can find someone that has physically been tested and SLS was the proven cause the myth has no merit.

The only thing people say is that it can potentially cause cancer.... you'd figure the years and years and years it's been around there would be some reported case.

The most its proven to be is an irritant after a rat got a rash after having it on its skin for over an hour. Who the hell leaves it on their scalp for over an hour?


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haha.. u guys are too damn much... defensive as hell. cannot take negativity about the product you use. go get cancer and burn in hell. i dont give a flying f**k.. i made a stupid mistake by trying to even say something negative that the HOLY Spectral DNC contains.. hahahahaha LMAO .. im out! ill go to another forum! Rogaine isnt paying me enuf for this $hit

i can tell by the users on this forum that they are shallow. their way or the highway. btw, Spectral DNC is NOT FDA approved! DS LABS avoided that question of mines.. not sure again why i shared that knowledge with you pathetic losers.. but thought it would be human of me..

Pe@ce out @$$e$


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what do you expect coming here to try and bash stuff.

You got your answer and it basically states "don't worry about it there isn't even close to enough in it to harm you." Hence why you shoulda changed the title to Spectral DNC does NOT cause cancer.

Everything in it is just a combination of stuff that has ALREADY been tested for years and years. So unless when combined it creates some kinda super acid.. there isn't anything to worry about.

Diamond Dave

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docj077 said:
Triclosan is in hand soap and dish soap. It inhibits bacterial fatty acid synthesis.

I've used it everyday, 6-7 times for quite a while. No cancer here.

Maybe you don't have cancer Doctor...YET

You didn't have hair loss until many years of shampooing and then BAM it showed up. I know, I know...GENETICS....gotcha. :wink:

Diamond Dave

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vtec said:
haha.. u guys are too d*** much... defensive as hell. cannot take negativity about the product you use.
i can tell by the users on this forum that they are shallow. their way or the highway. btw, Spectral DNC is NOT FDA approved!

vtec...I wish you would stick around and continue your dose of reality on this forum.
I have a suggestion for you vtec. Here is a forum that is open minded and doesn't ridicule you for having common sense.

Good Luck


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Solution: Kill yourself before you mutate into a giant cancerous entity! Please jump off cliffs as mass body clean up will be much more efficient.



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I looked up Triclosan on the Hazardous Substances Data Bank and found a few animal studies that indicated no carcinogenic effects...

/LABORATORY ANIMALS: Subchronic or Prechronic Exposure/ Subacute dermal toxicity was studied by applying a 5% suspension of Irgasan to the shaved backs of white-rats. No local irritating or systemic toxic effects were found.
[Lyman FL et al; Pesticides Symposia. Papers Presented at the Inter-American Conferences on Toxicology and Occupational Medicine: 245-252 (1968) ]**PEER REVIEWED**

/LABORATORY ANIMALS: Chronic Exposure or Carcinogenicity/ ...In an 18 month carcinogenic study, Irgasan was applied as 0.5 and 1.0% solutions to a shaved intrascapular region of the mice 3 times weekly. These solutions were not carcinogenic and no abnormalities were noted in body weight, food consumption, behavioral and skin reactions, gross and microscopic pathology, or tumor formation.
[Lyman FL et al; Pesticides Symposia. Papers Presented at the Inter-American Conferences on Toxicology and Occupational Medicine: 245-252 (1968) ]**PEER REVIEWED**


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A more responsible thread title would be "Concerned about an ingredient in Spectral DNC."

Diamond Dave

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Pondle said:
I looked up Triclosan on the Hazardous Substances Data Bank and found a few animal studies that indicated no carcinogenic effects...

/LABORATORY ANIMALS: Subchronic or Prechronic Exposure/ Subacute dermal toxicity was studied by applying a 5% suspension of Irgasan to the shaved backs of white-rats. No local irritating or systemic toxic effects were found.
[Lyman FL et al; Pesticides Symposia. Papers Presented at the Inter-American Conferences on Toxicology and Occupational Medicine: 245-252 (1968) ]**PEER REVIEWED**

/LABORATORY ANIMALS: Chronic Exposure or Carcinogenicity/ ...In an 18 month carcinogenic study, Irgasan was applied as 0.5 and 1.0% solutions to a shaved intrascapular region of the mice 3 times weekly. These solutions were not carcinogenic and no abnormalities were noted in body weight, food consumption, behavioral and skin reactions, gross and microscopic pathology, or tumor formation.
[Lyman FL et al; Pesticides Symposia. Papers Presented at the Inter-American Conferences on Toxicology and Occupational Medicine: 245-252 (1968) ]**PEER REVIEWED**

At least mice and rats are safe from Triclosan...
But check this out Poodle....

"Triclosan is found in hundreds of common everyday products, including nearly half of all commercial soaps. In addition to soaps, triclosan is found in deodorants, toothpastes, cosmetics, fabrics and plastics. It is used so frequently that triclosan has made its way into the human body; a Swedish study (Daily News, 12/12/01) found triclosan in human breast milk in three out of five women.
Besides formation of dioxins and chloroform, there are other health and environmental risks associated with triclosan. There is good evidence that with the continued widespread use of triclosan, antibiotic resistance will become increasingly problematic. Numerous studies have found that triclosan promotes the emergence of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics"

http://www.beyondpesticides.org/news/da ... _19_05.htm


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Second hand source material, Dave, and not NPOV either.

EDIT - I notice the Wikipedia entry on triclosan says:
An article coauthored by Dr. Stuart Levy in the August 6, 1998 issue of Nature (PMID 9707111) warned that its overuse could cause resistant strains of bacteria to develop, in much the same way that antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains are emerging, based on speculation that triclosan behaved like an antibiotic. Based on this speculation, in 2003, the Sunday Herald newspaper reported that some UK supermarkets and other retailers were considering phasing out products containing triclosan.

It has since been shown that the laboratory method used by Dr. Levy was not effective in predicting bacterial resistance for biocides like triclosan, based on work by Dr. Peter Gilbert in the UK [1] (PMID 12957932). At least seven peer-reviewed and published studies have been conducted demonstrating that triclosan is not significantly associated with bacterial resistance, including one study coauthored by Dr. Levy, published in August of 2004 in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (PMID 15273108).

Some level of triclosan resistance can occur in some microorganisms, but the larger concern is with the potential for cross-resistance or co-resistance to other antimicrobials. Studies investigating this possibility have been limited. (PMID 16922622)


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Its very obvious that brushing your teeth with that chemical will absorb way more then say, maximum half of 1 percent in DNC.

You dont just rinse and spit it out. You brush your tongue, sides, gums, it goes under your tongue, the best place to absorb stuff.

Also considering youll use DNC for maximum 5 years? Someone like me for 1 year? And toothpaste for life?

Yeah, flouride is also in toothpaste, and it does cause cancer.


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The Dercos energising shampoo with Aminexil does not contain Triclosan. Vichy uses and actually lists Triclosan as an active ingredient along with Piroctone Olamine in the ampoules as a means to fight irritation.
On Dercos' label: It also contains: TRICLOSAN to control the inflammation of the hairy leather. PIROCTONE OLAMINE which controls the seborrhea and the appearance of dandruff ( factors which aggravate the hair loss ).
It seems that DS Laboratories buy the aminexil from Vichy/ L'Oreal in the form of the ampoules and not as a concentration of pure aminexil. Also all Spectral products also contain Piroctone Olamine, which the Vichy shampoo doesn't contain either.
I don't like the idea of applying Triclosan two times daily ,having it sit on my head all day and absorb through nanosomes bioaccumulatively.
And yes, I avoid toothpastes that contain triclosan too.
If Spectral RS didn't contain triclosan I would probably give it a try. But I think the toxicity of triclosan is more proven than the possible effectivenes of Spectral or Aminexil to my hair.


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henryblack said:
But I think the toxicity of triclosan is more proven than the possible effectivenes of Spectral or Aminexil to my hair.



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JayMan said:
Thank god that diamond dave bastard left us

Regarding Diamond Dave, I think I have something alarming and rather sad to note:

Based on the .us site he always referenced and the style of his writing on the message board associated with it, it seems that ‘Diamond Dave’ was also the poster ‘Hairguy’ on that message board—the nutty one devoted to shampoo avoidance. The site admin rescently posted that message had reached him that this Hairguy was diagnosed with bone cancer.

Could be wrong, but that was my impression of who he was way back when he was posting here. Read his site out of curiosity during his tenure.

So much for worrying about Triclosan and shampoo.