Spectral.F7 Astressin-B Topical Solution


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Honesty I'm sceptic.. I have been using Spectral F7 for 30 days now and noticed no difference at all. It's 60 ml in a bottle and should be appliced once a day using the spray applicator. 10 sprays. The thing is that 75% of the applied content evaporates into the air. Almost like if they inteded it do so.

Maybe because the product should run out quickly or maybe because we should breathe it in and get it into the body that way?

I switched to using a pinpett, applying 1ml with it will get alot more stuck on the head then using 10 sprays which I am guessing should be 2ml since the 60ml should last for 30 days?

Even if applied with pinpett it keeps evaporating ALOT. If the hand is put above the head big drops will evaoprate and get stuck under the hand. What does that mean? Will it affect the result?


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finasteride I just started using this product and I would be pissed as hell if I paid for a product with AstressinB and there is no AstressinB in it. In fact it would be criminal on the part of the company (especially DS labs which is a publically traded company) to state that the product has 15ppm of AstressinB per bottle and then fill it with apple juice instead or whatever. I say we send a bottle for a lab test (If the test is not too expensive I am willing to pay for it) and if it comes back with no Astressin then we should put all the execs at DS labs to jail!


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finfighter said:
Billchem said:
finasteride I just started using this product and I would be pissed as hell if I paid for a product with AstressinB and there is no AstressinB in it. In fact it would be criminal on the part of the company (especially DS labs which is a publically traded company) to state that the product has 15ppm of AstressinB per bottle and then fill it with apple juice instead or whatever. I say we send a bottle for a lab test (If the test is not too expensive I am willing to pay for it) and if it comes back with no Astressin then we should put all the execs at DS labs to jail!

I can have it tested by one of the chemists on my forum for around $400, but don't you get what I'm saying, they use such trace, miniscule amounts in this product that there's no way, it would work, and that's not even to mention the fact that it was only effective when injected!!! It has never been shown to work topically, the molecule is far to large to pass through the Stratum Corneum and into the dermis, because it is well above 3,000 daltons!

What do you think ppm stands for, I will give you a hint: part per million, IE: virtually nothing!

15ppm is alot when talking about alcohol^^


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Miniscule amounts or not the company's only obligation is to make sure that what's stated on the bottle is what's in the liquid. So if they say there is 15ppm AstressinB in the liquid and that's what I am actually getting then I have no right to complain, because I got what I paid for.

As far as if this amount of AstressinB is effective that's a whole other story. Although the amount in this product is 3 times higher than what was used in rats. The rats were injected but only for 5 days and this product is used daily. So potentially the monthly dose is higher than what was used in rats. The only thing that remains to be seen is if the product works topically. Many substances that work internally work topically, even finasteride, so it's not hard too imagine that AstressinB has potential too.


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Its worked better at reducing shedding for me, than Fluridil. I noticed that at moderate levels of stress, plus this solution thingy, I don't lose hair (much). When my stress spikes, its back to the sheds and this reduces somewhat. Is it due to AstressinB or something else, I dunno. I am sensitive to meds generally, both bimatoprost and finasteride gave me near immediate sides.


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Okay so in which controlled experiment are you analysing your 'sheds' and 'stress levels' to a level accurate enough to make those connections? Sorry but that's ludicrous.

The number of hairs falling off your head on a day-to-day basis is not an effective way to judge a product's efficacy.


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I am just posting what I perceive. I also happen to know my own life, the current situations that I face which in turn are correlated to the stress that I go through and can make a correlation with the amount of hair that I happen to lose.

As a matter of fact, my hair loss started when I went through an intensely stressful period of my life and my GP later noted - in fact a year or two later after I first mentioned it - that new research does show a correlation between stress & the onset of male pattern baldness symptoms. My hairloss also accelerated when I again went through severe stress a few years later.

Whats "ludicrous" is you throwing a temper tantrum at somebody you don't even know, posting their own experience because it doesn't happen to "be a controlled experiment".

And thanks for informing me, o' hair loss expert that the "The number of hairs falling off your head on a day-to-day basis is not an effective way to judge a product's efficacy." - gee, I guess the only way then for this community to learn anything about a product would be for I or anyone else to post in a years time and not respond till then.

Meanwhile, people will keep asking about what's going on and whether the product is a scam or whether it works. I thought posting regularly on this thread about what I observe on a frequent basis, would actually help those to determine over a period of time, whether I actually did see any tangible improvement or not. But then again, I must have been mistaken.

Yeah, I get it, you're frustrated about hairloss - so is everyone else. But instead of working your frustrations off via the keyboard, try doing something else, or try a little bit of politeness. It won't kill you.

Meanwhile, for those interested, I will continue posting what I perceive from using this product. If this product works - good. If it doesn't - then at least others will know about it.

Most of the folks here - including those who I have asked questions - are just giving their opinion. If I were to behave as you have with some of the answers I received about what their opinions were re: some products, then the replies would dry up pretty fast.

If you don't like it - don't read it.

I mentioned sheds because they are very easy to track as far as I am concerned. When I am under stress, I lose more hair. It may not work that way for you, but it does appear to do so for me. If this product manages to reduce that - and which I should be able to determine after a period of time of sustained use - then it will have some use in a toolbox, as versus being a standalone miracle cure which I anyways don't expect it to be. The question then is of the relative efficacy at its cost. As its a fairly expensive product as far as I am concerned.

For those interested, the product seems to have some sort of thickening agent in it or just happens to stick on to the hair and won't easily wash out with just water. While it does add some sort of volume to the hair, use any sort of proper shampoo (say one like Nizoral) and it washes right off. The spray - is actually not as much of a plus as I had initially thought it was- as versus a dropper system. A dropper, as painful as it is to use (eg for my minoxidil) at least can be targeted at the roots as versus ending up mostly on the top of the hair.

I am currently using this product along with minoxidil but minoxidil usage is now minimal - basically 2-3 times a week, just once a day. It will help me track the effect of this product in a more noticeable fashion.


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For the dedicated approach - self experimentation & with pics galore, those interested should look here:

This is an attempt basically which recreates the Astressin-B thingy but on a budget basis. Now, if you see the December pics - there does appear to be regrowth, but what this tells me, is that this is a tough fight (don't expect the CRF blockage to immediately grow tons of hair) and there are side effects (the poster mentions several).

Hence my limited expectations from this Spectral F7 thing. A) There are doubts whether it will absorb systemically B) Even if it does, it has low dosage

Basically, reduced shedding & limited cosmetic effect is what one would cynically (or pragmatically) expect from such a product, if it did manage to systemically absorb Astressin into the body & it did work.

At $64 its anything but cheap. I am through two boxes now, and will give it around 4-6 more, to see if it actually does amount to something. If it manages to reduce my hair shed during the oncoming days, it'll be worth it. If not, then others can link to these reports and spend their money on something better.


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After three weeks on it, here is my feedback.
Note that I'm also very skeptical around astressin-b absorption due to its molecular weight.

However, when I apply it, let's say in the few minutes when I feel inflammation for instance after a meal rich in carbohydrates, it's instantly stop it. When I say stop it, I mean it's the same effect when I put ACV to stop inflammation, the effect is immediate (and lots of folks experienced it w/ ACV).

After applying it, I have the impression that it increases the thickness of hair. I'm Norwood 2 and diffuse only in the golf temples and front where shedding occurs occasionally.
I'm also under finasteride since a few years but its effect, slowly but constantly decline.
So I tried RU to replace it or enhance it w/o much success.
ACV was the only thing that slowed down the inflammation and shedding but I can't use it on a regular basis (except if I want to stay at home) due to its very strong smell.

So for now, this Spectral F7 is a good replacement for ACV.
But the bad thing is that the bottle run out very quickly. One bottle cost a lot, so if you purchase one bottle and if, and only if you see during the first days the same results than I, I suggest you to purchase others bottles quickly.

So how to explain its effect. I'm convinced that astressin as nothing to do w/ it. Even in experimentation, a topical can't penetrate a such molecular weight (I doubt nano encapsulation can change this).
The other active ingredients, according to the website, are:
Proharin-ß4, lecithin, GHK-Cu
My 2 cents, they would have found a good combination and dosage of copper peptide with one or both other ingredients (Proharin & lecithin) or none ;-)

Note that a few months/years ago, I tried almost all Spectral products and since this one, my level of confidence of this company was near zero, let's say snake oil company.

To sum up, it's stopping inflammation like acv (the effect stay much longer, let's say 4-5 hours ; my experience w/ acv is that its effect does not last so longer) and seems to thicken a little hairs. So my modus operandi is as follow:
- 1 application in the morning
- 1 before the midday meal or just after
- 1 around the evening meal
- and one before going to bed
I could probably remove one application w/o reducing efficiency but time will tell.



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A tip is to NOT use the spray applicator since 50% of the solution will end up in the air. Instead use dropper. By doing that you will save alot of bucks.


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I will agree with angusmojo about inflamation
i also use it only few days now and i feel my hair healthier with less shedding and no itchy


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Aks20, sorry for being douchey but my point still stands.

It's impossible for you to connect 'stress levels' and 'shedding' in the way you are trying to. You're 1. kidding yourself / wasting your own time and 2. possibly misleading people by suggesting it's possible.

I have every right to call out people making silly claims about products, that's how these forums work and that's how we all keep perspective about what does and doesn't work.

If you really want to document your progress using this product I suggest taking regular photos and using it on its own. Counting hairs will only serve to drive you crazy! :)

*Edited to be less douchey.


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Alright, I'd like to get in on this.

This is the reason why cortisol levels and hair shedding/loss are intertwined.

Cortisol(Corticosteroids) blocks cellular differentiation.

So, the reason we experience hair loss is because cortisol response from the DHT sensitivity eventually halts our hair stem cells from differentiating into the hair follicle matrix. At the same time the hair follicle matrix which produces the keratinized portion of the hair, is susceptible as well. Therefore over time as cortisol levels increase and begin to saturate the matrix the hair matrix itself begins to get smaller and thinner, then the matrix is unable to build a thick healthy follicle.

Second, nano lipid encapsulation does actually work very well for large molecule chemicals; > 1000g/mol.

Third, after the cortisol is removed the cellular differentiation is immediately resumed.

Forth, each person has a different threshold for DHT sensitivity and will incur a different cortisol response level. Some people may have a high DHT response that highly increases cortisol while others may have a very low DHT response with very minor cortisol increases. Therefore, some people may need to drop the cortisol by a large margin while other people may need to drop it only slightly.

So, in a true setting; not spectral F7. You would have a pure source of astressin-b encapsulated with nano lipids. Then you would apply that as much as needed to reduce your specific cortisol response to as low as possible.

My feelings on astressin-b are that while it works it may be impractical in the long run as it affects your ACTH levels as well as the corticosteroids.

I am reposting this from my blog.


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Hairhoper said:
It's impossible for you to connect 'stress levels' and 'shedding' in the way you are trying to. You're 1. kidding yourself / wasting your own time and 2. possibly misleading people by suggesting it's possible.

Hairhoper, unless you are a scientist or scientific professional connected with hair loss, I'll take my (and several other folks BTW) personal observations above your perception that stress is not tied to hair loss. Re: point 1 - not really anybodys concern is it as I'd be wasting my own time, And 2. Please let other folks make up their mind.

My hair loss was triggered by stress (if not for it, my male pattern baldness would have been delayed by a few years) and then accelerated at a time when I was under severe stress. And even today, when I stress out - my shed increases. Those are the facts as I have seen them. Your body may be different.

"I have every right to call out people making silly claims about products, that's how these forums work and that's how we all keep perspective about what does and doesn't work."

Its clear here in this discussion itself that there are several other posters who perceive this product actually has reduced inflammation. For me, this clearly came across as less itching & less shed. In that light, I am afraid, the only silly claims about any products so far are yours - because, a) you are not using the product and b) serving to just waste my time & yours by going on this irrelevant sidetrack.

If you wish to contribute productively, please do so. Otherwise, please desist.


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tedlin01 said:
A tip is to NOT use the spray applicator since 50% of the solution will end up in the air. Instead use dropper. By doing that you will save alot of bucks.

Thank you! I had this same doubt, and it feels good to have it confirmed.


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BMartin, thanks for that very educative response. I do follow your blog. So, given what you mentioned about nano lipid encapsulation, you are saying the spectral thingy may work? But boy o boy, is it expensive.

"My feelings on astressin-b are that while it works it may be impractical in the long run as it affects your ACTH levels as well as the corticosteroids."

Could you explain this please? What do you expect may happen re: ACTH levels and why is it inadvisable.



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angusmojo said:
After applying it, I have the impression that it increases the thickness of hair. I'm Norwood 2 and diffuse only in the golf temples and front where shedding occurs occasionally.

Be warned though, thats probably because of the product sticking to your hair. Use any decent shampoo (Nizoral) and it comes right off. :-(
I am now trying to use minoxidil foam (alternate days) and the Spectral regularly (every day*2). Aim is to use Spectral to minimize sheds while minoxidil thickens up crown. Lets see if it works!


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ACTH has to do with brain chemistry. The goal of any hair restoration treatment is to maximize benefit while minimizing side effects. And what we want is to block the cellular receptor sites for cortisol, specifically the hair follicle cells.

I can't find the reference right now showing the decrease in ACTH levels, when I find it I'll post it; until then don't quote me on that.

Aks20 said:
BMartin, thanks for that very educative response. I do follow your blog. So, given what you mentioned about nano lipid encapsulation, you are saying the spectral thingy may work? But boy o boy, is it expensive.

"My feelings on astressin-b are that while it works it may be impractical in the long run as it affects your ACTH levels as well as the corticosteroids."

Could you explain this please? What do you expect may happen re: ACTH levels and why is it inadvisable.



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Bmartin1134 said:
Second, nano lipid encapsulation does actually work very well for large molecule chemicals; > 1000g/mol.
Can you link us to any references which explain how this works?


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I am heaading home from Disneyland right now so I don't have a source. Basically though they use the same fat the makes up our cells membrane. They mix this into a solution containing whichever compound you want to encapsulate. Take that mixture and subject it to high frequency vibrations. The fat then clumps together into very small spheres which gives you basic lipid encapsulation. Nano sized lipid encapsulation I believe requires hypersonic vibrations or something like that.

Oh yeah, I believe they use phosphitydlcholine as the fat.

Anyways, our cells greedily want the fat for their membranes so they start absorbing the fat into themselves and as they do that the mixed in ingredients are absorbed as well. Picture two air bubbles in water combining it's similar to that.

So with the hair treatment the nano encapsulated product should get absorbed into the hair follicles where it is then absorbed into the cell.

So that's how it works, generally.

In the past I posted that I was unsure about the lipid encapsulation and the reason is this; cortisol slows down mRNA transcription so it may also stop the cell from absorbing nutrients as well or it may absorb incompletely. Kinda like putting the cart before the horse. Ill try and find some studies in regards to that. Now, I am interested too.