Spencer Forrest X5 Hair Laser vs HairMax Lasercomb


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Spencer Forrest X5 Hair Laser vs Hairmax Lasercomb

I want to buy one of these. Dose anyone thing there is a really deference in the two lasers? Spencer Forrest is a bit cheaper and I like the design better.


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Show us any results where these lasers work, many consider lasers to be 21st century snake oil


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It must have some effect, but are all the Lasers Lights the same?

[YouTube]<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/kJ0AaoVttO4&hair loss=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/kJ0AaoVttO4&hair loss=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/YouTube]

[YouTube]<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/F_K_P7CG5MU&hair loss=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/F_K_P7CG5MU&hair loss=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/YouTube]


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The difference is one is called X5 and doesn't work. The other is called HairMax and doesn't work.


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Why is there so many people that say it works, if it doesn't?



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how do you know these are genuine results, none of those guys post their results on the forums


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I guarantee you will find more than a handful here who have tried these and yielded no result. guys hair in the first pic looks wet, second one doesn't. Even if its not the case, still doesn't work. Why, because it doesn't work.


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First of all, I'll answer the original question... TECHNICALLY, the HairMax is the superior device. It's diodes rate at an output of 5mW where the X5's rate at only about 3.5. SO... that's your answer, but you should really completely forget about that question because you are comparing two things that don't come anywhere close to what you need.

ITNEVERRAINS is almost right. Those "standard laser brushes" *can* work, sort of, but yeah... the results aren't that great (if you are lucky enough to even have them), and only a very small percentage of the "best responders" to lllt get results at all. I'll go ahead and say that a "standard laser brush" is a waste of time, and it's almost criminal how much they cost. I explain the make-ups of those on my site, and I think you'll agree once you see what they are truly made up of.

I know the reason they don't work though... and it is really simple.... it's a math equation. You *have* to get a certain amount of energy to your scalp for lllt to be effective. Those laser brushes -including that one that I have on my page on how to build- only give about 1/10 the energy you need at the MOST. LASER THERAPY FOR HAIR LOSS OR ANYTHING ELSE IS DOSE DEPENDENT! The number varies as to what is considered "optimum", but the average min. and max. ranges you shoot for is 3 joules per centimeter squared to 6 joules per centimeter squared, with 3 being just about the minimum for results to start, and 6 being the most effective. The laser BRUSHES will give you something like 0.5 maximum after using it an hour (I'll refine the calculations at some point and have a user-friendly spreadsheet on my site... the guy that was going to do that for me disappeared.)

Yes, and LLLT is completely proven -there are many studies (I have one on my site now... but don't rely on me to bring you the info. My site is for *after* you've realized all of this) and the addition of it to your regimen has the best and most radical results out there of anything else on the market.... it's just you can't get it with a laser brush! It is NOT AN APPLES TO ORANGES comparison!

So why doesn't everybody know that? Simple... HairMax was such a scam and a disappointment hardly anyone is looking.... EVEN with "laser clinics" popping up in every city in the country that tout amazing results.

I could put charts up, and I can show pictures, but again... it's kind of late in the game for everyone to still be missing this. The data has been out there for a while. If you are really serious about learning why laser clinics are able to charge $4000 a year and not get sued, and why they show pictures that should make every single one of us say "Holy SH*t"... then you need to start digging on your own and wonder how you've missed the "Mack Truck" of hair loss treatments.

Go into a clininc and ask to see their results. Then, ask yourself how that is possible. This is apparently a big step for some people because for some reason a lot of people are absolutely horrified to learn 1) something new and 2) that they were completely wrong/misinformed about something so obvious.

I don't mean to insult some of you (lord knows you've insulted me, though, and recently), but you need a bit of cold water splashed in your face. It's mid-2008... it's not 1988, it's not 1998. In June of 2008, if you *still* aren't "getting it" about these laser clinics and their phenomenal results, you are really starting to fall behind. The evidence literally IS all around you.

On June 5th, 2008, if you...

1) still don't know the difference between a laser brush and a laser clinic device,
2) believe that laser clinics are lying about their results,
3) still think that this "laser thing" is a scam,
4) think a company is going to go BACK to the FDA just to charitably get a "better" rating on something that is already FDA approved when they can legally already use the inferior HairMax's FDA approval in their ads, JUST to satisfy a couple of dipshits talking to themselves in a forum,
5) still think a big company is going to ride up on a white horse and give you a nice, FDA approved cure in the form of a pill before you lose another couple of inches of your hairline...

...you simply at this point aren't being very "proactive", you are missing something as big as the side of a barn, and are falling behind and I'm embarrassed for you. You *don't* have the most effective regimen you can do, either, and that's the most important "revelation".

No hard feelings, it's just it's time to let go of the damage that hairmax caused in the marketplace and open your eyes to the obvious!

So what are the choices? :dunno: Make it yourself or spend $4000 a year on a clinic. The "Lasermax 75" seems to be pretty good, but I don't know, and I list what I don't like about them on the site, too. They aren't a match for me. The choice is up to you after you've "seen the light" on what people have been painfully ignorant to see.

As always, it's not my responsibility to teach you anymore after this. You've got to have the initiative to learn it for yourself!



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or get a hair transplant and walk around with a head of hair


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OverMachoGrande said:

First of all, I'll answer the original question... TECHNICALLY, the HairMax is the superior device. It's diodes rate at an output of 5mW where the X5's rate at only about 3.5. SO... that's your answer, but you should really completely forget about that question because you are comparing two things that don't come anywhere close to what you need.

ITNEVERRAINS is almost right. Those "standard laser brushes" *can* work, sort of, but yeah... the results aren't that great (if you are lucky enough to even have them), and only a very small percentage of the "best responders" to lllt get results at all. I'll go ahead and say that a "standard laser brush" is a waste of time, and it's almost criminal how much they cost. I explain the make-ups of those on my site, and I think you'll agree once you see what they are truly made up of.

I know the reason they don't work though... and it is really simple.... it's a math equation. You *have* to get a certain amount of energy to your scalp for lllt to be effective. Those laser brushes -including that one that I have on my page on how to build- only give about 1/10 the energy you need at the MOST. LASER THERAPY FOR HAIR LOSS OR ANYTHING ELSE IS DOSE DEPENDENT! The number varies as to what is considered "optimum", but the average min. and max. ranges you shoot for is 3 joules per centimeter squared to 6 joules per centimeter squared, with 3 being just about the minimum for results to start, and 6 being the most effective. The laser BRUSHES will give you something like 0.5 maximum after using it an hour (I'll refine the calculations at some point and have a user-friendly spreadsheet on my site... the guy that was going to do that for me disappeared.)

Yes, and LLLT is completely proven -there are many studies (I have one on my site now... but don't rely on me to bring you the info. My site is for *after* you've realized all of this) and the addition of it to your regimen has the best and most radical results out there of anything else on the market.... it's just you can't get it with a laser brush! It is NOT AN APPLES TO ORANGES comparison!

So why doesn't everybody know that? Simple... HairMax was such a scam and a disappointment hardly anyone is looking.... EVEN with "laser clinics" popping up in every city in the country that tout amazing results.

I could put charts up, and I can show pictures, but again... it's kind of late in the game for everyone to still be missing this. The data has been out there for a while. If you are really serious about learning why laser clinics are able to charge $4000 a year and not get sued, and why they show pictures that should make every single one of us say "Holy SH*t"... then you need to start digging on your own and wonder how you've missed the "Mack Truck" of hair loss treatments.

Go into a clininc and ask to see their results. Then, ask yourself how that is possible. This is apparently a big step for some people because for some reason a lot of people are absolutely horrified to learn 1) something new and 2) that they were completely wrong/misinformed about something so obvious.

I don't mean to insult some of you (lord knows you've insulted me, though, and recently), but you need a bit of cold water splashed in your face. It's mid-2008... it's not 1988, it's not 1998. In June of 2008, if you *still* aren't "getting it" about these laser clinics and their phenomenal results, you are really starting to fall behind. The evidence literally IS all around you.

On June 5th, 2008, if you...

1) still don't know the difference between a laser brush and a laser clinic device,
2) believe that laser clinics are lying about their results,
3) still think that this "laser thing" is a scam,
4) think a company is going to go BACK to the FDA just to charitably get a "better" rating on something that is already FDA approved when they can legally already use the inferior HairMax's FDA approval in their ads, JUST to satisfy a couple of dipshits talking to themselves in a forum,
5) still think a big company is going to ride up on a white horse and give you a nice, FDA approved cure in the form of a pill before you lose another couple of inches of your hairline...

...you simply at this point aren't being very "proactive", you are missing something as big as the side of a barn, and are falling behind and I'm embarrassed for you. You *don't* have the most effective regimen you can do, either, and that's the most important "revelation".

No hard feelings, it's just it's time to let go of the damage that hairmax caused in the marketplace and open your eyes to the obvious!

So what are the choices? :dunno: Make it yourself or spend $4000 a year on a clinic. The "Lasermax 75" seems to be pretty good, but I don't know, and I list what I don't like about them on the site, too. They aren't a match for me. The choice is up to you after you've "seen the light" on what people have been painfully ignorant to see.

As always, it's not my responsibility to teach you anymore after this. You've got to have the initiative to learn it for yourself!


is there any laser product/helmet etc that is as strong as your device. I dont have the time/resources/skill to build one but would spend $1000+ if required to buy one


Lasers are the biggest scam in hairloss history,And not even one thank you to bubka who told everyone here from day one.Ungratefull bastards.Hair lasers should be put in the snake oil hall of fame ,along with Flutagel.


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OverMachoGrande said:

First of all, I'll answer the original question... TECHNICALLY, the HairMax is the superior device. It's diodes rate at an output of 5mW where the X5's rate at only about 3.5. SO... that's your answer, but you should really completely forget about that question because you are comparing two things that don't come anywhere close to what you need.

ITNEVERRAINS is almost right. Those "standard laser brushes" *can* work, sort of, but yeah... the results aren't that great (if you are lucky enough to even have them), and only a very small percentage of the "best responders" to lllt get results at all. I'll go ahead and say that a "standard laser brush" is a waste of time, and it's almost criminal how much they cost. I explain the make-ups of those on my site, and I think you'll agree once you see what they are truly made up of.

I know the reason they don't work though... and it is really simple.... it's a math equation. You *have* to get a certain amount of energy to your scalp for lllt to be effective. Those laser brushes -including that one that I have on my page on how to build- only give about 1/10 the energy you need at the MOST. LASER THERAPY FOR HAIR LOSS OR ANYTHING ELSE IS DOSE DEPENDENT! The number varies as to what is considered "optimum", but the average min. and max. ranges you shoot for is 3 joules per centimeter squared to 6 joules per centimeter squared, with 3 being just about the minimum for results to start, and 6 being the most effective. The laser BRUSHES will give you something like 0.5 maximum after using it an hour (I'll refine the calculations at some point and have a user-friendly spreadsheet on my site... the guy that was going to do that for me disappeared.)

Yes, and LLLT is completely proven -there are many studies (I have one on my site now... but don't rely on me to bring you the info. My site is for *after* you've realized all of this) and the addition of it to your regimen has the best and most radical results out there of anything else on the market.... it's just you can't get it with a laser brush! It is NOT AN APPLES TO ORANGES comparison!

So why doesn't everybody know that? Simple... HairMax was such a scam and a disappointment hardly anyone is looking.... EVEN with "laser clinics" popping up in every city in the country that tout amazing results.

I could put charts up, and I can show pictures, but again... it's kind of late in the game for everyone to still be missing this. The data has been out there for a while. If you are really serious about learning why laser clinics are able to charge $4000 a year and not get sued, and why they show pictures that should make every single one of us say "Holy SH*t"... then you need to start digging on your own and wonder how you've missed the "Mack Truck" of hair loss treatments.

Go into a clininc and ask to see their results. Then, ask yourself how that is possible. This is apparently a big step for some people because for some reason a lot of people are absolutely horrified to learn 1) something new and 2) that they were completely wrong/misinformed about something so obvious.

I don't mean to insult some of you (lord knows you've insulted me, though, and recently), but you need a bit of cold water splashed in your face. It's mid-2008... it's not 1988, it's not 1998. In June of 2008, if you *still* aren't "getting it" about these laser clinics and their phenomenal results, you are really starting to fall behind. The evidence literally IS all around you.

On June 5th, 2008, if you...

1) still don't know the difference between a laser brush and a laser clinic device,
2) believe that laser clinics are lying about their results,
3) still think that this "laser thing" is a scam,
4) think a company is going to go BACK to the FDA just to charitably get a "better" rating on something that is already FDA approved when they can legally already use the inferior HairMax's FDA approval in their ads, JUST to satisfy a couple of dipshits talking to themselves in a forum,
5) still think a big company is going to ride up on a white horse and give you a nice, FDA approved cure in the form of a pill before you lose another couple of inches of your hairline...

...you simply at this point aren't being very "proactive", you are missing something as big as the side of a barn, and are falling behind and I'm embarrassed for you. You *don't* have the most effective regimen you can do, either, and that's the most important "revelation".

No hard feelings, it's just it's time to let go of the damage that hairmax caused in the marketplace and open your eyes to the obvious!

So what are the choices? :dunno: Make it yourself or spend $4000 a year on a clinic. The "Lasermax 75" seems to be pretty good, but I don't know, and I list what I don't like about them on the site, too. They aren't a match for me. The choice is up to you after you've "seen the light" on what people have been painfully ignorant to see.

As always, it's not my responsibility to teach you anymore after this. You've got to have the initiative to learn it for yourself!


No No No NO! Don't make fun of the HairMax laser comb! It has the teeth which seperate the hair so the laser can better get to your scalp lol!

Seriously though I can't believe they use this teeth thing as a reason to suggest their laser is more effective. They use this teeth line all the time. Hellooooo its little piece of f-ucking plastic!


New Member
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I can say FOR sure that the X5 is a superior device. Maybe the HairMax has been around for a while, but has anyone tried it? The thing is a cheap plastic comb that looks like something I could buy for $5 at some store. And it costs $600? Thats RAPE!

And unlike the HairMax people, Spencer is being honest, saying it is IN clinical trials and that they HOPE it will prove to be effective. If you visit their website they don't give you all the BS about it definitely working. They don't give you the HairMax BS about 45% it works for in 2 weeks... that's crap. Even Propecia and Rogaine don't work in two weeks, hell... rarely do they work by two months. At least Spencer gives you time to try, and if nothing else, they don't break the bank for you to do so.

I love my X5, it definitely makes my hair look a lot thicker. Did it grow hair? I don't know about that yet, but I know it makes a big difference cosmetically... a lot more than some volumizer has ever done. It's a cool product and affordable IMHO. Just me.


Established Member
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I can't believe this is still being talked about. Lasers do not regrow hair. Never have, never will.


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ive been using the x5 too for about 3-4 months and its thickened up my existing hair a lot. im still confused as to how this works without growing new hair but it does.

and OMG the X5 says its lasers are 4.5mw rather than 3.5mw. plus i use it longer than 15 mins and its part of the big 3 regeime too.


Established Member
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Guys, instead of posting replies such as "lasers are snake oil" why don't you educate yourself first about lasers and hair loss.

Using a lasercomb and then coming to the conclusion that laser therapy is ineffective because you did not see any results, is pure ignorance.

Learn. Read. Become not so ignorant.



Established Member
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been to OMG's page, seen his and all the others LLLT device links from his site. what I have yet to see is a decent result. A true result, not some pic that is so easily dismissed its ridiculous. Show me someone, anyone, who was NW5 and is now NW2 and i'm on board. Until then, I have and will call BS. I have not been shown a laser can stop, much less reverse, the genetic predisposition of male pattern baldness.