spironolactone Cream


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Yes, Bryan Shelton. He passed away? What happened?

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damn, Just read that post abiut him.


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Its been awhile since ive been on this forum, long time no see rcom440, for all you guys that don't believe in spironolactone....Ive been using spironolactone for over 3 years now. Id say its helped me keep what I have. I am a topical guy, I use spironolactone and crinagen. Crinagen i was not very consistent but I have used it alot. I am also going to add lipogaine. Out of all those treatments the spironolactone is what ive used the most.
I believed in the science behind it, and 15 years ago people said minoxidil was a scam too. Also I'm trying to figure out why this site still promotes revivogen ? I havent heard one good thing about it, but then again as one poster mentioned...alot of these guys try something for 3 months half assed then complain.

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Also for those that don't remember me or havent seen me, my pix are on my profile. Judge for yourself If i was suffering from hairloss or not. Then look at my updated ones, and ill even post more. The newest key topical I plan to use is A-acid, which has solid science behind it.


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I could swear in past discussions people like bryan pointed out that topical spironolactone for all the talk and hype it gets actually had very few sound scientific studies showing it actually works. Its probably the best chance though at a topical treatment for male pattern baldness we have though so its safe to say its better then nothing

here is one thread from 2001 on it.


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Well I know people who use it (just like me) and continue to use it to this day. Simply put, the stuff works. Again ive read countless posts on guys that try something for 30 days and give up. At first It was comical...but now its a tragedy. I find that most people report success on finasteride/propecia/dutasteride...because it is a pill. It is extremely easy to pop a pill and not worry about applying stuff. I believe the benefit of finasteride vs topicals is the fact its easier to swallow the pill. However for those diligent people who do apply their topicals, they find that spironolactone does indeed work. Don't believe me ? My pictures of my results are posted in the blog.


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Your blog only shows an old picture from I believe 2007 and the picture you took prior to treatment with your hair buzzed. Am I missing something?


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I shall put another updated photo, im trying to work on a whole gallery. Let me see what I have now. BeforeSpiro.jpg Okay this one is BEFORE spironolactone, sorry for the lighting it was an old picture taken from a friend, I was at a restaurant and when I received this photo...I realized I thought I had a problem...I thought I was going bald from seeing that photo. AfterSpiro.jpg <------------In this photo I am using HIGH FLASH to show my results from about 8 months on spironolactone.

Apologies for hiding my identity, but I have and do compete in the public eye. So I wish to keep most of that private for now.


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Wow Not bad. Where do you source your spironolactone from and how often do you use it?

I frequent bodybuilding forums and lots of guys use nizoral more frequently than here. How often do you use it and is it 1 or 2%


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Abovedagame, I use nizoral shampoo as well, i scrub my scalp then let it soak in while i scrub the rest of my body, so it soaks into my scalp anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes. There is many shampoos that contain ketoconazale, Nizoral is just one brand, Lipogaine even makes a brand that does not dry it too bad.

As far as the spironolactone I use 5%, you can even buy the spironolactone off the link of this site, or amazon. S5 cream is what some call, or you can just search for "wholesale hair" and they sell it as well. spironolactone is a cream so its not as easy to apply, I only put it on my hairline, for the rest of the scalp I am using Crinagen. Crinagen seems to be very closely based to the revivogen formula. Id like to get more info on revivogen but unfortantly most users ive come across do not understand what revivogen is used for, nor do they apply the product as needed. Most users will try a topical for a month or 2 then ditch it.

I think finastride is great for many, if you read the success stories you can see many men have responded well towards it. As far as myself I just did not wish to even flirt with potential side effects. If somebody asked me to choose between my sexual vigor and libido over my hair....its not even a choice, I shall keep my vigor. I have noticed ALOT of men do not have the issue of balding, but its more of a negative view on life and self esteem. If I was to sit here and find a magical pill to cure baldness...and it did not say "FDA approved" most people wouldn't do it. Because as they say "misery loves company", my results are real and I don't need the crooked FDA to tell me they are :) {please note that side effects from finasteride are considered extremely rare, and on the success stories many users have reported light to none}

Now with that being said my hair is long now (to my shoulders) and I notice alot of hair still when I shower. So this is why I am starting the laser therapy + crinagen in addition to maintaining the spironolactone (spironolactone as you see in the pictures kept my hairline) I am still on the fence if i want to continue minoxidil (lipogaine)

I know my regmine doesnt seem as aggressive...but I must say my sex drive is about as aggressive as any man could ask for and I am in my 30's. Keep your zest for life as your number one goal.


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i m 17.5 male ...plz someone answer my ques in detail?..i m suffering from male pattern baldness ( male pattern baldness)?I hv consulted a dr. He recommended me 2 tables that is adgain and another one is pheloxy-hc he also suggested me to apply minoxidil daily 2 times nd he gave me ketoconazole shampoo too to apply on scalp 2 times a week ...i just wanna ask is ketaconazole nd nizoral same ???? As i hv seen one site that says big 3 includes minoxidil propecia and nizoral...i wanna take nizoral but dr. Has recommended me ketoconazole...is nizoral and ketoconazole same??? Nd plz also tell me is s5 cream good as i dont wanna take propecia coz of sides


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i m 17.5 old male
...plz someone answer my ques in detail?..i m suffering from male pattern baldness ( male pattern baldness)?I hv consulted a dr. He recommended me 2 tables that is adgain and another one is pheloxy-hc he also suggested me to apply minoxidil daily 2 times nd he gave me ketoconazole shampoo too to apply on scalp 2 times a week ...i just wanna ask is ketaconazole nd nizoral same ???? As i hv seen one site that says big 3 includes minoxidil propecia and nizoral...i wanna take nizoral but dr. Has recommended me ketoconazole...is nizoral and ketoconazole same??? Nd plz also tell me is s5 cream good as i dont wanna take propecia coz of sides


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i m 17.5 old male
...plz someone answer my ques in detail?..i m suffering from male pattern baldness ( male pattern baldness)?I hv consulted a dr. He recommended me 2 tables that is adgain and another one is pheloxy-hc he also suggested me to apply minoxidil daily 2 times nd he gave me ketoconazole shampoo too to apply on scalp 2 times a week ...i just wanna ask is ketaconazole nd nizoral same ???? As i hv seen one site that says big 3 includes minoxidil propecia and nizoral...i wanna take nizoral but dr. Has recommended me ketoconazole...is nizoral and ketoconazole same??? Nd plz also tell me is s5 cream good as i dont wanna take propecia coz of sides

Yes Keto and Nizoral is the same, Nizoral is the brand name and Keto is the substance that Nizoral contains. Why not keep things simple and do big 3?


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How do you guys apply the spironolactone cream? Do you massage and rub it in or just leave it to absorb?


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How do you guys apply the spironolactone cream? Do you massage and rub it in or just leave it to absorb?

Just spread it around the areas where you are thinning and just leave it. You don't needs to rub it in just make sure it's in the skin and not stuck on the hair.