Hello everybody, catching up on this post.
I stopped using minoxidil around May. Almost a year and a half of hassle and discomfort with seemingly no benefit, I felt done.
So, I stopped. Continued with my dutasteride regimen. I actually upped my dose of duta from EOD to 4x/week (Sun, Mon, Weds, Fri). I still take finasteride every day.. yes, yes, it's of no use, but I was paranoid to stop, and if it can't hurt anything (except my wallet), why not?
Well, the last six weeks I've experienced the worst hair loss of my life. I feel silly about any other time I complained about shedding. I'm losing hundreds and hundreds of hairs per day. Scared to touch my hair, scared to shower, have lost the ability to style my hair to look how I want. It's visibly noticeable now, to the point where I "came clean" to my fiancee about my behind-the-scenes obsession with hair loss and my fight against it. Considering buzzing just so that I don't have to think about it.
Shedding seems to be frontal, where I had been applying minoxidil, so perhaps it was doing something after all. Crown seems fine. I will post pictures on my next post.
I'm not sure what to do now and am open to suggestions. Here are the scenarios I'm considering:
• Get back on minoxidil immediately. Even though I was only using 1x/day and continued to lose hair throughout the 17 months I was on it, it was doing something and I'm now paying the price for dropping it
• Do not get back on minoxidil, ride out the shed, and let dutasteride do its thing. Maybe getting on minoxidil was a mistake in the first place. Perhaps it synchronized my hair cycle as its supposed to do, and now all the hairs that it synched are falling out. I could hold out, let this shed run its course, and see if I get back on a natural cycle with dutasteride backing me up as an anti-androgen
The above post really resonated with me (even if the guy has since been banned). I do have some degree of dysmorphia. I have always hated my hair and been concerned about baldness. And then I always look back at pictures from those times and think "Man, I looked fine. It's way worse now.." Perhaps I overreacted when I jumped on minoxidil, and perhaps I overreacted further when I got on dutas. But what is happening now is undeniable and extremely distressing.
Thanks for reading and for any advice you might have.