Starting on Finasteride advice

Mr Wabbit

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Hello, Well i have final decided to take the plunge and start on Finasteride, how ever i have talked my self out of 1mg a day due to im scared of side effects (i know these are rare but i dont care). So i'm thinking of taking .5 every other day to start of with, then maybe after a month or so go to .5 every day if i see no side effects. Do you think this will help at all or will .5 every other day not be enough to make any difference?

Many thanks


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Yes it will definately help, will lower levels amost as much as using 1mg.

Mr Wabbit

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Hello, Thanks for the reply. Could you just tell me if the .5 every other day will be worth taking? I was thinking about doing this for 2mths and see how i go?



Experienced Member
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Mr Wabbit said:
Hello, Thanks for the reply. Could you just tell me if the .5 every other day will be worth taking? I was thinking about doing this for 2mths and see how i go?


It´s going to be worth it in the sense that it´ll certainly help your hair loss but I would recommend taking some Finasteride daily since by the second day you´ll have significantly less in your system. I think it´d be better to take 0.25mg every day instead of 0.5mg every two days. However, i´d still say the best thing would be for you to start with a little more since it´s a pretty safe drug. But this is up to you. Good luck!

Mr Wabbit

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Hello, Thanks a good idea, i never through of taking .25 every day :lol:

I do agree it wud be better if i just took the .5 daily but i would like to start of slow and build up, then just jump straight in, if that makes any sence

Do you think its possible to break the table down in to .25's oh?

Thanks again


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I think it´d be ok to split a Propecia pill into 4, however, i haven´t actually tried that yet. I´m currently taking Propecia 1mg every day but i´m going to try ordering Proscar and splitting that into fourths getting 1.25mg every day from it when i get through the Propecia i´ve got now. hopefully there won´t be a problem since i haven´t seen any sides from three weeks on Propecia and it isn´t that much of a difference. Will let everyone know!


Senior Member
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start at the recommended dosage for male pattern baldness then go down if you would happen to have sides, that way you can maximize your gains and prevent loss, which you would be likely to do if you start lower

you could build up too... but thats just additional time lost...