Starting out as "just friends" is not bad:


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It is actually good enough that some of you should insist on it. Obviously if you are a stud you might not need to, but hear me out:

Are you worried about spending a lot of money on women who only last 3 dates? Does it cost money to get to know them in the safety of a social place, but then not work out, sometimes after spending hundreds of dollars over several dates?

Well here is how you can go dutch without sounding cheap:
Tell her you want to start out as just friends. Then try to hang out and get to know her, going dutch, since you are just friends. If she will not give you the time of day, then she is not being a friend and is not worthy of dating you. But if she does hang out and get to know you, then you two will actually know each other if you do ask her out on a date later, which means there won't be the "but I don't know you" issue any more.

Also, you can vastly increase your social networking circle this way. Instead of falling for women who say they have stuff in common with you, you can get to know them and see which ones actually do have something in common. You can screen out the ones who only want money and not your personality, since you are going dutch. And many women on dating web sites specifically say they want to start as just friends, so it is easy to go along with. The two women I got physical with were introduced to me by other friends. My brother also noticed that once he got a girlfriend, all of a sudden other women saw him as available instead of as invisible. This is a good way to set all that off.

Do not worry if she dates other men. You should not be in love or hurt since you don't know her yet. Only ask her on a date when you know she is a match from your time together, not from what you hope her to be or she says she is.

And this way, you can have other female friends and date other women and not have one-itis with a woman who does not feel the same way back. One-itis is only bad if she does not feel the same way.


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But one thing to remember about making new friends is it is good to be picky too. Don't associate with bad/rude people who will bring you or your reputation down or get you starting bad habits.

And have guy friends too. You don't have to cut people off directly. Just hang out with them less if you don't like them or their activities.


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CCS i thinks the womans not right for you

maybes two much of the fins

maybes you go two Romania and worries the goats

maybes goat gives you marriages

or also possiable the mans two

this differant method

Bekim :)


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Trust me CCS its a bad idea. Women like men who are direct and purposeful when it comes to these things. Not guys who pussy around.


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I am going to have to agree with CCS for once. Recently, I joined an online dating service and I have been bombarded with a large volume women wanting to get to know me better. It overwhelming how many women are lonely and desperate for company. I would recommend alot of you to consider joining an online dating service as it opens your options to the whole world of women. I never expected to be contacted by so many women. As you all know by now my self esteem is not really at its highest level. But thanks to the attention I am getting lately its starting to climb. It is definitely a "beauty contest" so I will not lie about that fact. However, there are many guys with hair loss on there and the women do not seem to care about their hair but their profile. I wrote a great profile and these women are hooked on it. If some of you have read some of my posts on here you might realize I do have some pretty creative writing skills..................... :whistle: They like what I wrote about myself and very few make any comments on my looks. Of course, I am not the best example for some of you people because they can't tell I have hair loss. Most of these women know its important to start a good friendship first and if it works out so well they will take it to the next level. They like that level of comfort as well. If you are interested on getting laid for the nite, then I suggest you stick to bars or hookers. These dating sites are more geared for women desperately looking for Mr Right. You have to take your time to develop your relationship if you want it to last.
I am going to divulge something to all of you because its very ironic and it might help someone out there realize that life works out in strange ways. I was looking up this very beautiful girl I used to date about 13 years ago to see if she was still single so I can try again with her as she was on the rebound and very young when I met her the first time. For some reason due to lack of confidence and not being aggressive enough I let her drift away hoping she would chase after me. Bad move because she didn't do what I thought she would to. So I figured she was not into me so I just accepted my fate. Well, found her on facebook and she is married with two kids today and her husband is a NW5 and is only 36. He even had significant hair loss when they met as well. She looks even better now even though she had 2 kids. He is nothing great to look at either. When I was dating her, my hair was perfect and I didn't even think about hair loss because at that time in my life it did not exist for me. However, do to poor self esteem and no confidence in myself I blew it. And at that time in my life I was professional and owned my home too. I was a great catch but I thought she was going to chase me if I put some distance between us because honestly I thought she wanted that. We did not have the best communication maybe. What I learned from this whole ordeal is I am not going to let my hair or anything else stand in my way to find my soul mate. I am tossing my fishing pole into the world and going to catch alot of fishes. Some I will keep and some will be thrown back. But hopefully one day I am going to find that there was a gem inside one of those catches that I decided to keep and cherish for rest of my life. I hope some of you will read my story and understand it never too late to change your life around.


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Smooth said:
I highly doubt your male pattern baldness DH, sorry.. :dunno:
Smooth, you are absolutely correct I don't have male pattern baldness. I have FPB or diffuse thinning which Dr Shapiro confirmed. He is one of the most ethical doctors in the world. He would have turned me away if I had no hair loss. And since you trust s.a.f., he can confirm it too if he wants as he has seen my situation.


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seaback said:
I've never had the guts to register to an online dating site. I might consider this in a near future. DH was literally submerged by hundreds of women flocking to him but we all know that he is a very handsome guy with no hairloss and showing great talent in writing. Let's wait for the average Joe to give us his inputs.
Seaback, I think you missed the point in my post. The balding guy, the below average Joe got the beautiful girl who he found on the online dating site and I wanted and I was the handsome NW1. I lost her due to lack of confidence. I was trying to show that the balding guy can get the beautiful girl over a NW1 if they have more confidence. Secondly, if it makes you feel better mostly all the women who responded to me are nothing special to look at and all chunky or overweight women. Its not like I had gorgeous slender women wanting to get to know me better. Sorry I forget to mention that part. If I posted one of Peapody's pictures then I would definitely get all the gorgeous slender women hitting on me.


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Smooth said:
I really like you DH :gay: (i mean it.)
Smooth, I don't know if that is a complement or not? But if it is, thanks. If not, then I have no idea what you are trying to tell me. :dunno:


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I agree that starting out friends is a good move. First of all, making new friends, male or female is never a bad thing. Female friends also tend to have other female friends you can meet, and the more girls you know the better. Also when you go out, girls always give you attention if you are with other girls. Finally, becoming good friends with a girl can help you determine if you have chemistry with that female. If you sense the chemistry than make a move, if not, than you made a new friend, it's a win, win. I've dated many girls I started out as friends with.


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I've been talking to some old fashioned friends of mine. One of them says he always pays for his female friends too, even though he is not dating them. Though he also pays for me if the place is out of my price range. I still chip in a bit and order the cheapest thing on the menu when he does that.

But here is what is interesting:
The guys who pay for dates tend to expect women to prepare all the home made meals, and also to change the diapers, and to do the laundry.
The guys who want to go dutch tend to be willing to do all this other stuff themselves, 50-50.

Here is a big one:
Who gets up in the middle of the night to tend to a crying baby? I bet most of the old fashioned guys expect the woman to take care of that. I'd do it myself during the first 6 months, and then 50-50 after that.

So maybe women get offended at going dutch because their understanding is that they will have to do all that as well. Of course any guy can lie and say he will take care of all that later, and then not.

So, how many of you guys make a point of paying even for your female friends? If you are well off and them not, I understand. But I know poor guys who do this too.


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I've never thought of what you say this way, the thing is, although you might have a point, society doesnt know what you think, and when it comes to meeting girls there "rules" you dont break, one of which is to at least offer paying for the date, and its not because the girls "leeching" you for a "free meal" ( :shakehead: ) its because this is something that was implemented in the unwritten book of dating or whatever you wanna call it, and who who breaks it will considered a "cheap bastard" (just try to imagine the conversation between your date and her friends the day after, when shes asked how it went and has to tell them you didnt even offered to pay for it.... she most likely get brainwashed dump you and never see you again by her close friends {who by the way loves her and know her for years, vs you who she knows for a few weeks at best and probaby have guys standing in line to ask her out if she is a hottie, which is what you are looking for iirc} even IF she likes after the date)

as for the topic, what do you mean by "friends" ? i have about 3 close female "acquaintances" which i consider friends, but by my definition, that means i talk with them ALOT about all sort of things (mainly i advise them about dating) we go out every now and then, and i know them for years, i can sleep with them in the same bed and NOTHING will happen, they just like my buddies, so i dont consider dating them, my point is i wouldnt do all that with a girl im interested because it wont put in the right category in her mind, yeah sure there's a chance she will fall in love eventually, but i wouldn't count on that, so i dont go there, and i dont believe in being just friends with girls, there is ALWAYS someone who wants more, id rather my have cards on the table then hiding what i feel/want. (and all my 3 friends started off as something else, its just sheer luck that we ended up being just friends)


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If you are the person who invited her to do something, traditional you are obligated to pay for it. If she offers to contribute she has class but you still insist its your treat. After all, if you want to score some points you want to show you are generous in nature and not selfish. If she never offers to contribute, she expected you to pay since you invited her. Now if a girl invites you and says she would like to treat the next time you do something, you should offer to contribute but if she insists its her treat, then let her. It shows she is interested in you and cares about you. And it shows you like reciprocation and compromise. You will know she is no longer interested in you as a potential boyfriend when she asks to go out and you each pay your own way. That is a sign lets be friends for now. However, you can still insist on paying for her if you want to show she is making a big mistake on considering you as just friend. It shows that no matter what you are a giving and generous person and that might make her reconsider you could be more than just friends. If you don't look to pay for someone you invite to do something it may show you are not only cheap but not very generous. The point is if you can't afford to date a girl, then wait until you can. Most girls don't like you to leech off them unless they are desperate and you are so good looking they chase after you and they want to be the one who impresses you. Just remember if the girl is looking to treat you, she is looking at you as an investment that hopefully will end up into something serious where eventually she gets her investment back when you get some money and start being generous with her. However some guys will take advantage of this until eventually the girl get tired of doing it and moves on to someone who will invest in her. Just remember "actions" speak louder than words.

somone uk

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i think my friend courage wolf has something to say:


4chan FTW


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somone uk said:
i think my friend courage wolf has something to say:


4chan FTW

this strange

why you want make sex with wolf

maybes wolf bites nuts of

i alsos nos somone from the uks

Bekim :(


Senior Member
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Seaback, the signal for teasing is.............................................. :whistle: or :innocent:


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Awesome Hoppi signature ^ :mrgreen: CCS has competition !!!

somone uk

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Bekim said:
somone uk said:
i think my friend courage wolf has something to say:


4chan FTW

this strange

why you want make sex with wolf

maybes wolf bites nuts of

i alsos nos somone from the uks

Bekim :(
lol lol
the wolf is giving the advise
you need browse 4chan more :p


Established Member
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somone uk said:
Bekim said:
[quote="somone uk":2f7p59zw]i think my friend courage wolf has something to say:


4chan FTW

this strange

why you want make sex with wolf

maybes wolf bites nuts of

i alsos nos somone from the uks

Bekim :(
lol lol
the wolf is giving the advise
you need browse 4chan more :p[/quote:2f7p59zw]

maybes you krazy man lover

wolf not talks
