Starting Propecia


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Hi guys!

Its been a little over 2 weeks since I quit taking propecia 0.5 mg EOD because I was experiencing sides (difficulty achieving/maintaining erection, watery semen and loss libido ****ttt). Im almost 20 and want to get back on it, but if Im still experiencing sides after qutting would it be a bad idea to start back up now? Im thinking of weaning onto it as well by start at like 0.5 2x a week? what do u guys think??????


New Member
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i think so , i had a low libido too and now i quit finasteride ... i am thinking maybe i should start 0.5mg for every three days ... I think it would be better ...

Cincinnati Kid

Established Member
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Hi guys!

Its been a little over 2 weeks since I quit taking propecia 0.5 mg EOD because I was experiencing sides (difficulty achieving/maintaining erection, watery semen and loss libido ****ttt). Im almost 20 and want to get back on it, but if Im still experiencing sides after qutting would it be a bad idea to start back up now? Im thinking of weaning onto it as well by start at like 0.5 2x a week? what do u guys think??????
Well, your body needs to adjust to the medicine. From what I've gathered from reading a lot of people's finasteride stories, it's common to experience side effects early on. Your body has never experienced testosterone blockage before, and it needs to find a way to adjust to the medicine. It usually takes somewhere in the ballpark of 3 months. For me, I experienced minor side effects early on, but I dealt with it. Then, they worsened and I seriously considered getting off the meds, but I lowered my dosage to .625mg every day -- down form 1.25 daily. A few weeks later I leveled out and thankfully got my manhood back. So now my side effects have dissipated, and I'm still getting pretty good DHT blockage. That's just my story and my body. It's different for everyone, and only you can make the decision.


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thanks guys! I think im gonna give it a few more weeks and then probably start it up again and try and ride out the sides. I had started it in march and went about 2 months on it with sides so i quit, but i'd like to start it.