Starting To Wonder If Dht Is Really Relevant In male pattern baldness.....


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I actually think the thickness of the skin layers could be the biggest factor and it isn't ever mentioned!
I know it's only on wikipedia but look at this: "The Skin of the scalp has been scientifically examined for thickness. The posterior scalp skin thickness is 1.48 mm; the temporal scalp is 1.38mm; and the anterior scalp thickness is 1.18 mm."

Stating the thinnest layer is the scalp AKA where we lose hair and the thickest is the back where we don't.

Also there is a study showing the difference between female and Males scalp skin layers, I think like estrogen forms the female fat deposits (hips, breast) it also thickens scalp fats.

Also DHT being highly androgenic I would guess similar to steroidal use thins the skin at a higher rate. I think this is what causes male pattern baldness. The pattern must be for a reason!

I would post the links but it won't post because I'm a new member.
Thank you. Those are all relevant observations. male pattern baldness is complicated, we know that. I continue to be a bit of a naysayer related to male hair regrowth as opposed to maintenance but I am seeing some good basic restoration from a guy using a stack of things but he also uses estriol so maybe to some, that is cheating:)


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Yup, that makes sense. I had the itch and burning sensation on my head as well.

University was a factor among many at the time, so everything hit like the perfect storm.
I used to notice that being in a heavy wind used to "hurt" my hair in that tingly not quite pain but annoying sort of way when my thinning hair would blow around in a disheveled manner. But it might have been a nocebo type of effect.


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Could be something to that. I lost most of my hair at uni. I remember my hair falling onto my math textbooks when cramming for exams. There was also the omnipresent itch.
My second largest shed came when I moved abroad which was naturally accompanied by a lot of stress.
And a shitty uni diet of pizza I’d dare say.


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Thank you. Those are all relevant observations. male pattern baldness is complicated, we know that. I continue to be a bit of a naysayer related to male hair regrowth as opposed to maintenance but I am seeing some good basic restoration from a guy using a stack of things but he also uses estriol so maybe to some, that is cheating:)
I actually think the thickness of the skin layers could be the biggest factor and it isn't ever mentioned!
I know it's only on wikipedia but look at this: "The Skin of the scalp has been scientifically examined for thickness. The posterior scalp skin thickness is 1.48 mm; the temporal scalp is 1.38mm; and the anterior scalp thickness is 1.18 mm."

Stating the thinnest layer is the scalp AKA where we lose hair and the thickest is the back where we don't.

Also there is a study showing the difference between female and Males scalp skin layers, I think like estrogen forms the female fat deposits (hips, breast) it also thickens scalp fats.

Also DHT being highly androgenic I would guess similar to steroidal use thins the skin at a higher rate. I think this is what causes male pattern baldness. The pattern must be for a reason!

I would post the links but it won't post because I'm a new member.
Please can you post the link, think you ve established membership now!


My Regimen
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Please can you post the link, think you ve established membership now!
Yes of course, the thickness I just pulled off wiki :

The female to Male study :

And another one comparing scalp thickness of balding and non bald men:
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I actually think the thickness of the skin layers could be the biggest factor and it isn't ever mentioned!
I know it's only on wikipedia but look at this: "The Skin of the scalp has been scientifically examined for thickness. The posterior scalp skin thickness is 1.48 mm; the temporal scalp is 1.38mm; and the anterior scalp thickness is 1.18 mm."

Stating the thinnest layer is the scalp AKA where we lose hair and the thickest is the back where we don't.

Also there is a study showing the difference between female and Males scalp skin layers, I think like estrogen forms the female fat deposits (hips, breast) it also thickens scalp fats.

Also DHT being highly androgenic I would guess similar to steroidal use thins the skin at a higher rate. I think this is what causes male pattern baldness. The pattern must be for a reason!

I would post the links but it won't post because I'm a new member.
Fat transplants when?
Maybe the lack of anagen hairs reduces thickness and shrinkage of the shaft? I think this is the cause.
Just read the abstract it says advanced baldness has the difference in thickness but none in early baldness.
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I think I saw that someone was trialing putting fat deposits into the scalp, didn't hear anything though....not sure it's that simple.
That was some PRP via fat cells, not the same as this.


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I didnt read the whole thing, but isnt most of what you are saying is just the accepted theory today about hairloss? I think this is the consensus. Dht+tension+inflamation+low blood flow = dead follicle, basically. Am I wrong?
I don't think there's a single expert in this subject who accepts that, and for good reason. That sounds more like the usual broscience explanation for hair loss.