Steady diet of fish and fruits has worked somewhat


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haha cool I wish you luck man! :)

Like I've been saying though I would recommend throwing a malic acid supplement (the magic stuff in apples, or the main one anyway! It eats cholesterol and gallstones) and TONS of pomegranate (mainly for bacteria and parasites but also pretty much everything else imaginable lol)! That stuff is gold dust :)

Regular morning exercise even for just half an hour would be my third main recommendation, as it kickstarts the liver!

I'm still awaiting results but I've only really been on this full swing for about 2 days! I'm hoping all my learning and research will finally pay off!! *crosses fingers as well!*


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Thanks! Yeah I'm about to start the workout program again that I did last year and I'm planning on eating lots of apples now that you mention it. Did the colon cleanse for the liver work out well for you? It least had to make you feel better!


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Ah I didn't bother with that lol

I'm not sure whether a colon or liver cleanse is ESSENTIAL, as long as one cleans up fat, harmful bacteria and parasites. Afterwards I may do a colon cleanse to help things heal, or perhaps just eat lots of fibre or psyllium husks and water. Bile itself is great for improving colon health, so I'd imagine once my bile is sorted the rest will follow by itself! God I hope so!!!

As for apples, yeah malic acid is fantastic for clearing away fat including cholesterol. I combined it with choline/inositol and chanca piedra to really purge it out of my system! :)

the Last Fight

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Cleanses are a big scam .. the body does a great job in detoxing it itself, you just have to give it the chance.


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the Last Fight said:
Cleanses are a big scam .. the body does a great job in detoxing it itself, you just have to give it the chance.

Cleanses are just a way of speeding things up really. No-one really NEEDS to do a liver flush or colon cleanse, but they are faster than many alternatives. It's about what works for the individual. Many things such as calcified stones and parasites are very tricky for the body to shift without some help.


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Well I started eating apples today and let me say it is sure kicking me digestive system into gear! I haven't eaten apples in so long I didn't remember it being so cleansing. Hopefully it will have an effect on my hair too. I'm a month into growing my hair out long so we'll see!


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Thom said:
Well I started eating apples today and let me say it is sure kicking me digestive system into gear! I haven't eaten apples in so long I didn't remember it being so cleansing. Hopefully it will have an effect on my hair too. I'm a month into growing my hair out long so we'll see!

hehe cool man ^^ You may find that using things like malic and choline helps to solve the problem at it's source, although I don't know how often bacteria/parasites (mainly in the liver but throughout digestion) play a role - bacteria makes sense for me which is why I'm also eating at LEAST 2 pomegranates a day lol, as they're wicked at cleansing out the bugs I believe without harming the good bacteria... I think! Oregano and garlic and things seem to also hurt the good guys too (which your body encourages back, but still) >.<


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I might incorporate some pomegranate into my diet as well! I don't much remember what they taste like though, except for when it's mixed into the juice I get.

I've also been making my own orange juice with a juicer in the mornings before heading out to school. It's been giving me considerable energy and maybe it has some other benefits as well. Time will tell!


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Pomegranate is just wonderful - without doubt the most remarkable fruit I have ever come across! It seems capable of almost completely cleaning up gut flora including parasites and candida (and most importantly including those in the liver) - incredibly beneficial for hair loss of any kind. In addition it's got lots of vitamin C, lowers blood sugar, inhibits aromatase, increases SHBG, lowers cholesterol, and probably many, many other things. These days if I were to suggest just ONE natural treatment for male pattern baldness/Androgenetic Alopecia, it would be to just eat tons of pomegranates! lol :)


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Sounds pretty good! I'm looking forward to getting some. Have you you seen the best results by eating them in the morning or around night? In the morning I guess it affects how your day goes and at night it could effect your body "recharging" while you're sleeping.


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Well, I've yet to see results but then I've never targeted the liver and digestion before (I'm only around 3 or 4 days in). My friend had good results with morning exercise, pomegranate, etc though. Of course, if this works I'm not really just having a treatment - I'd be cured because the fat or bacteria or whatever that was messing up my liver will be gone. So then in essence the idea is I would be without male pattern baldness entirely unless something else in the future results in hormonal imbalance. This is how I currently see things anyway - man I hope it works not just for me but for others too! :)


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Well I'm eating good less to cure thinning and more to maintain my weight right now. As a said effect I have been getting better sleep, focusing better in school, and my digestive system is working better. I think all of those could alleviate stress and slow down the thinning. I'm ready to buy some pomegranates for it though!

Apples have been working wonders! I don't know why I never ate them before.


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hehe :)

This is the bit I suck at the most though (as people on here know!) - actually sticking with a regimen and staying focussed long enough for it to have effect. Thing is, I just KNOW I am so close right now. When I drank the lemon and olive oil drink (to stimulate the liver to release bile) a few days ago I had almost like a watered down version of my reaction to mayonnaise, suggesting that it's all connected. It was unpleasant but it made me realize that I must be along the right lines to fix this riddle my body has given me! *keeps fingers crossed!*

EDIT - To be honest, I am totally kicking myself for not having done all this almost a year ago, but I just didn't know what I know now then. This approach was suggested to me... god knows... well, maybe April/May last year but, I just was nowhere CLOSE to understanding things well enough to know why it worked for the other guy - to be honest neither of us were. Now I just need to stay strong and go for it!


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I used to not be able to stick with things but when you force yourself for more than 21 days usually it becomes habit and that's why it's not hard for me to eat good now because I forced myself to stick with it last year.

It does sound like it's doing good for you! Stick with it and make it a habit and I doubt you'll regret it!


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Thom said:
I used to not be able to stick with things but when you force yourself for more than 21 days usually it becomes habit and that's why it's not hard for me to eat good now because I forced myself to stick with it last year.

It does sound like it's doing good for you! Stick with it and make it a habit and I doubt you'll regret it!

Yeah true :) Also as I learn more my approach gets more targeted and refined, so hopefully that will pave a way to success. As I say I think the chance is pretty high that my problem is in fact bacteria (whether it's parasites as well makes little difference as common treatments for the former such as oregano, pomegranate and Humaworm tend to treat the latter too, I mean when you think about it the only real difference between bad bacteria and parasites ultimately is size!) so I am gradually learning how to heal it. It's been a rollercoaster all this, it really has! *do it for the dreads Hoppi, do it for the dreads!*


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Here's something I posted in 2004(elsewhere):

For example, most cases of acne are now believed to arise not only out of the presence of an androgen hormone called DHT within the sebaceous glands, but of an individual's particular sensitivity to that hormone. According to Garcia, hormone activity is profoundly affected by the balance of bacteria in our guts, because the liver's ability to successfully metabolize hormones, is greatly influenced by our probiotic health.


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That's very interesting! Glad to see there's some studies backing this up, at least as a possible cause of thinning or balding.

Hoppi, your growing dreads? Awesome! I'm one white guy who couldn't pull it off I don't think! :bravo:


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Wow, nice work Jacob! That's the thing - the liver is probably THE most pivotal organ with regards to male pattern baldness. I also do suspect the adrenals (DHEA) and prostate (DHT) of having potential roles in androgen imbalance, and poooossibly the kidneys, I don't know. The liver however for me is absolutely proven.

And yes I'd love to have dreads but whatever I do with my hair I need to fix it first! :)

I mean if it's any consolation to me, this implies my hair is at least fairly robust to androgens. It took until 25 (including drinking and fairly bad diet) and probably a quite severe increase in liver toxicity to pull my hair down, which makes me feel fairly confident about the future, other than perhaps my slight uncertainty about the influence of estrogen and particularly the prostate... if any o_O


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Do you take any sleeping medication? I took tylenol pm religiously every night the last two years and I've been off of it now for 2 weeks. I'm actually feeling a lot better and getting the same amount of sleep. I have recently read online about people saying their hair thinned after a prolonged use of tylenol pm. I'm starting to think that that, along with taking in too little calories a day (500 to 800) contributed to my thinning. Now that I am fixing it hopefully in about 6 months it will be back to normal.


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Thom said:
Do you take any sleeping medication? I took tylenol pm religiously every night the last two years and I've been off of it now for 2 weeks. I'm actually feeling a lot better and getting the same amount of sleep. I have recently read online about people saying their hair thinned after a prolonged use of tylenol pm. I'm starting to think that that, along with taking in too little calories a day (500 to 800) contributed to my thinning. Now that I am fixing it hopefully in about 6 months it will be back to normal.

hm, I wonder why. I've obviously heard of problems after steroid medications, but that's all really so far. If I manage to do this I'm gonna take MUCH better care of myself and my hair! hehe ^^