I never said it would be marked down that significantly, someone else did. I don't think this procedure will cost anything close to 200k to start, they'd be pricing out 99.5% of the market. People are just throwing out 200k because Tsuji once randomly quoted 200-300k, but I think that would be because his chosen clinics would be the only one to offer it globally. For Stemson, if they go the mass commercialization route, I'm sure they'd be trying to get it as many places as possible because they would make money on a per usage basis through royalties.
I think the procedure will cost something like a moderately cheaper FUE, because it's essentially half of the same process (no extraction just implantation). Maybe 2/3$ a scaffold/graft? Maybe you end up paying 60k~ for 20-30k new follicles? Maybe this starts on the higher end of 5$+ per follicle unit to start?
Just a random estimate, but I don't see the use of using the hair transplant market as a a comparable to benchmark potential revenue (like they did) if you wouldn't be targeting a comparable price point. Their target demographic is younger people, also.