Stephen Colbert


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barcafan said:
s.a.f said:
Well I class balding as the the process of going bald: MALE PATTERN BALDNESS - Bald being NW5+ so if a middle aged guy has some recession but is not going to lose all his hair then I dont class him as balding I class him as having some recession.

Uh recession is baldness brah.

No its not :shakehead: recession is just recession.
If someone has a nw1 hairline but a bald spot on the crown is that baldness aswell?
No sane person looks at stephen Colbert and classes him as bald.
To the average member of society with or without hairloss baldness is someone who has no hair ontop of their head. Someone like Patrick Stewart.
Saying that someone with recesion is bald is like saying Tom cruise is a midget. Its like calling someone who is 5lbs overweight obese.


Just to clarify only one of these guys is bald (the one on the right) the other guy is not bald or going bald, he just has some slight recession.


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:agree: Thank you.


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s.a.f said:
barcafan said:
Well I class balding as the the process of going bald: MALE PATTERN BALDNESS - Bald being NW5+ so if a middle aged guy has some recession but is not going to lose all his hair then I dont class him as balding I class him as having some recession.

Uh recession is baldness brah.

No its not :shakehead: recession is just recession.
If someone has a nw1 hairline but a bald spot on the crown is that baldness aswell?
No sane person looks at stephen Colbert and classes him as bald.
To the average member of society with or without hairloss baldness is someone who has no hair ontop of their head. Someone like Patrick Stewart.
Saying that someone with recesion is bald is like saying Tom cruise is a midget. Its like calling someone who is 5lbs overweight obese.


Just to clarify only one of these guys is bald (the one on the right) the other guy is not bald or going bald, he just has some slight recession.[/quote:gha5xj11]

Think about what you just said.

Baldness means lack of hair. Recession isn't bald. It's BALDING. It means you have more 'baldness' than when you were a kid. A mature hairline is balding of the temples, because they lose their hair, but since it's so common there's no bald connotation. Temple recession is still androgenetic alopecia, but for some it just doesnt ever progress any further. That person will not be BALD, but he has BALDED to a very minute degree.

It's all semantics anyway, lets be reasonable, all we care about is how the public perceives us. Most of us would be happy with a socially acceptable amount of hair. (Whatever that is)


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barcafan said:
Think about what you just said.

Baldness means lack of hair. Recession isn't bald. It's BALDING. It means you have more 'baldness' than when you were a kid. A mature hairline is balding of the temples, because they lose their hair, but since it's so common there's no bald connotation. Temple recession is still androgenetic alopecia, but for some it just doesnt ever progress any further. That person will not be BALD, but he has BALDED to a very minute degree.

Baldness means bald - no hair on top. Not less hair than you used to have as a kid. When you were a kid you had no baldness so in that respect any degree of hairloss would be balding.
Is balded even a word?


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The fact that you're attacking my grammar shows you're pretty much grasping at straws.

You asked me if a bald spot on the crown is baldness as well.

My opinion: Yes.

Baldness can obviously come in varying degrees, with temporal recession probably being the most minor (and common) which is why it's socially acceptable, its more common than not, it's the norm. That being said, it's still androgenetic alopecia, dont the same underlying principles apply? (Dht / Receptor sensitivity etc). Is bald temples not baldness? Whether it progresses any further is irrelevant.

I'm looking at this from a more scientific point of view, while you're doing it from a sociological point of view.

In the end, i concede that you're only 'bald' (and therefore inhibited[socially speaking]) when other people see you as such.


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barcafan said:
In the end, i concede that you're only 'bald' (and therefore inhibited[socially speaking]) when other people see you as such.

Thank you.
Did'nt mean to be a dick Barcafan, but you know how I feel about people with minor hairloss (that only they can spot) who class themselves as 'bald' (and therefore in the same boat as the NW5+'s) when they still have the majority of their hair.

Ian Curtis

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This reminds me of an episode of Lost...some woman tells locke that she likes bald men and he replies...."I'm not bald", and then she says:........................................."I can wait"



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I remember that, he does actually look better bald as well. One of the rare ones :)