
Steroid Injections


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After being on Depo-Provera, I'm not into injections anywhere, for any reason. :freaked2: Still, I know they're supposed to work great for AA, not heard anything aboutusing them for Androgenetic Alopecia.

Go over to, they've got an active AA community over there.


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I have had Alopecia Areata for about 7 or 8 years now, I have used the steroid injections in the past year. They do seem to help stop the hair from falling out BUT, doesn't help grow it it's a little slow comming. They are worth a try tho! :) Good luck with them if you decide to go that route.



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jvantin1 said:
After being on Depo-Provera, I'm not into injections anywhere, for any reason. :freaked2: Still, I know they're supposed to work great for AA, not heard anything aboutusing them for Androgenetic Alopecia.

Go over to, they've got an active AA community over there.

I also was on Depo-Provera. Do you know if it was possibly the cause of your hair loss? Hair loss is listed as a side effect on the packaging of Depo Provera, but I was assured by everyone that it was not the problem in my case. I stopped taking it anyway and about three-four months later my hair started growing back. I am trying to find out if anyone else on Depo had a similar experience.

In regards to the steriod injections. I had them (amongst other things) when my hair first started falling out and they didn't do anything.


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Depo/Hair Loss Onto Laser Light Hair Therapy

I had been on the Depo shot for nearly 5 years until January of this year when I needed to get to the bottom of what is causing my hair loss. The 3rd year of use I noticed my hair loss & the texture of my hair went from extremely naturally curly my entire life to just wavy at best & limp, lifeless. I have noticed that I do not lose as much hair now, but I also haven't noticed much in the way of re-growth either.

I have just signed up for Laser Light Hair Therapy & begin my sessions this week. The price tag is a hefty $3,000 but at this point I am desperate & have tried other products, vitamins, etc.,

Is there anyone out there who has begun the Laser Light Hair Therapy treatments? Please respond with your experiences. THank you


There is not one treatment on this planet that can grow back a full head of hair.

The only permenant option at this time is hair transplant. That's the bottom line.

If the above statement was false then you and I would not be on this site.


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I am just looking for anyone who has gone through the experience of the years' worth of treatment of Laser Light Therapy. I understand that it will not "regrow a full head of hair" but it seems to be a better alternative that actually gets to the root of the issue (which is below the levels that the Rogaine/topical products do.)


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there's not enough data collected to prove hair growth from laser or steroid injections at the moment, sorry guys

trust me when i say this, when the cure comes, you won't need to ask on a forum like this, it will be front page news



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Interesting question. I don`t know about Steroid Injections, I've noticed that falling hair regrows with the use of cortizone injections. However, it does not prevent you from getting more bald spots. And It has side effects too.