Still Irritated... sigh.


Senior Member
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I'm shedding Vellus and Terminal. My terminal hairs are super unhealthy, loosing their width over the course of an inch. That kind of reduction SCREAMS scalp irritation to me.

Flux, thanks for the Emu offer, but I just ordered some from yesterday. I'm going to look for the extracts next time I'm at Costco. I am already taking some, but maybe I will double up my dosage for the time being.

Cosmo, thanks for the advice dude.

I'm also goign to try some new styling products, I have a feeling that the wax/gel i'm using to style with is not helping my situation one bit.

Thanks again,


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I read this post and i seem to have the same problems when it comes to itching (like almost everybody i think)

I'm justin my second month of minoxidil and proscar.

Should i quit the minoxidil or should i keep hanging in there?

Please tell me what you did and what do you advise me 2 do?

Only thing im sure of is that i'm shedding more then before....


Please let me know
