Just like how in 1994 people thought the internet would be useless, and then Google was founded in 1999.
Just like how storage and processing speeds went from Gigabytes to Terabytes but people didn't think it was possible.
5 years ago we didn't have widespread use of CRISPR in HUMANS using Cas-9 nor mRNA
5 years ago we didn't have an even more advanced version of CRISPR than even Cas-9 called CRISPRoff and CRISPRon
5 years ago from a certain point in time we didn't know people like Elon Musk will introduce a battery via Tesla that could last 500 000 miles, more than the lifespan of some cars.
Point being, technology is moving rapidly, and you can never base the future based on the previous 5 years when it comes to new technology and inventions.
I have no idea who thought the internet was useless. They talked incessantly about the information superhighway in the early 90's. France has had or had minitel which was quite advanced even in the early 80's and you could do banking and pay bills and what not. Dial up was big going back to the late 80's with compuserve and a couple of others. Lexus and Westlaw were completely changing the practice of law and now we never use those fancy volumes from West Publishing any longer. War Games shows back in 1983 some of the cool tricks one could use with dial-up. I think everyone predicted the internet would be huge. My ex-wife worked at AOL and they were initially mostly a dial-up but then added a browser and ruined it but this was maybe 1997 and people went nuts when AOL switched to monthly pricing.
Here, you are dealing with a hormonal phenomenon that essentially only affects one race, whites or two or three if you don't consider Indians from India and Semites to be white and you guys write about it as though baldness were a universal problem. The Inuit have no baldness nor is male hair distinguishable from female hair; the same is true for many Native Americans, Siberians, Africans without white genes or Arab genes, and for many Asians, at least formerly and so you guys are trying to cure a "disease" that does not actually exist.
White males have beards and often abundant ones. Beards are essentially negatively correlated with scalp hair. Baldness is a secondary sexual characteristic that begins in puberty and virtually no one is unaffected by the age of 30 in terms of the texture and the ability to grow it long. Anagen is the key here and you guys are looking in the wrong place. I am no geneticist but my understanding is that the baldness gene is actually several genes and changing any of them might be in conflict with the final goal. We already know how to cure baldness. It's called castration and it usually stops all further hair loss. You guys are men and you are most likely white although Asians increasingly have issues too but much less so. You were not meant to have abundant hair on your scalp. That's for juveniles and females. Lions and other animals have similar types of hair or keratin changes that indicate virility and maturity, horns, antlers and tusks among them.
What difference does it make whatever happened in the past? That says nothing about resolving the issue of white males not being happy with the scalp hair given to them by Goddess. If you really cared you could use HRT meds and then de-transition while staying on dutasteride. You won't keep all of that hair and it might not grow as long but it will last a long time based upon Noah's testimony. He's lost some in the temples over 18 months and he has great hair. Are you guys microneedling every week?
Anyone chasing hair is chasing either youth or androgyny. I am chasing both but improving your hair takes you towards androgyny which is great. Baldness is the opposite of androgyny. Anagen is the key and you guys chase hair counts which are a result of anagen increasing.
Some of us admit vanity and it's not a bad thing. I had zero self-esteem before and that's all but universal on here. There are plenty of treatments if you want it enough.
Sorry if this sounds negative but we need to specify that baldness is largely a problem for people who originate in Europe especially near the Mediterranean. My guess is that it is a mutation but it definitely serves to indicate from a distance who is male and who is not and there are good things and bad things about that.