Stopped spironolactone for 3 days and .....


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The Gardener said:
Lots of claims on this thread, and no clinical evidence.

Personally, I have had no side effects whatsoever and I use a ton of spironolactone. Maybe your lack of masculine 'hardness' is more a factor of whacking off too much? I'm not trying to be difficult here, just saying that you should be careful before making claims about certain hairloss treatments unless you have isolated that treatment as being the cause of the condition.

Case in point, the post above alluding to spironolactone causing Gyno. Poppycock!

spironolactone topical is synthesized in the scalp. And I have clinical evidence to stand up in defense of this. Do you have clinical evidence to stand behind your claims?

I was applying 2 times a day sometimes and after a shower as well
that might be the reason for it to get into my blood stream,
now i apply to dry scalp only 1 time per a day and only 0.25 on my temples dont have any side effects..
u dudes just dont believe me , but im saying after 3 days brake from spironolactone i got my libido back!

George Costanza

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I think you should try it twice a day again and see what happens. It could all be in your head. Fluctuations in libido are normal and could be caused by stress, depression, etc.


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i know our skin is a semi permeable..thats why if you wear lamb skin condoms you still get HIV....but im saying that is highly unlikely that spironolactone would even be able to make it to the blood.I was trying to get to what George said about it metabolizing before it gets to the skin but i didnt think i had to spell it out.


blue said:
i know our skin is a semi permeable..thats why if you wear lamb skin condoms you still get HIV....but im saying that is highly unlikely that spironolactone would even be able to make it to the blood.I was trying to get to what George said about it metabolizing before it gets to the skin but i didnt think i had to spell it out.

OK see what you mean, so it should be metabolized before it hits the blood stream, as opposed to it can't reach the blood stream, sounds good to me, I will now withdraw from this thread with a slightly bloodied nose.
