Stupid questions about hair loss!


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I'm going to post a thread about my story eventually, with pics before and now.
But for now I'll just ask a couple of simple questions:

First, I'm 21 years old, and you can't tell I'm balding, I'm a NW1, but I've been sheading like crazy for several years, changing my hair quality, though no balding spots.

1) Is it true that it might be a good idea massaging your head while showering? I've heard it stimulates your hair follicles?
I experience though that more hair falls when i rubb my hair, logically. If I just let my hair be I don't experience much hair loss, but i remember wrestling with a friend a year ago and my hair literally ran away from me.

Is this extra hair falling off from massaging my hair coming back (like a shedding) or should I stop touch my hair more than necessary?
For now I'm very careful about my hair while I'm not running my hand in my hair to see how many hairs that falls (why the f*ck do I keep on doing that though I know it makes me feel worse?)

2) I first noticed my hair loss(ing) when I was 17. I lose about 200-300 hairs a day, just by guessing. But I can rubb my hair to 100 hair falling in 5 minutes so I guess I'm losing that much.
The hair I lose are in various sizes, short, long, weaker, stronger etc. Is this a sign of hairloss or just that I'm normally loosing hair all over my head?
And can I lose 200-300 hairs a day without see a significant change in my hear within a 5 year period from now?

Thank you so much!


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FredTheBelgian said:
1) False, it's a myth but I heard that calcification played a role and that massaging was good for this, what do I know, I just never massage my scalp and my hair is ok

2) It's not noticable at the beginning, but it will be eventually

3) Seek for help on Hairlosstalk and Immortal Hair, you'll find what you need :)

Ok, so what you're saying is that just because I can't notice any balding, doesn't mean I'm not balding at all?

But can I lose 200-300 hair without balding?

And, if I start a regimen before noticing any balidng (with laser for an example) is there any chance that that will trigger my hair loss and make it worse? Should I wait with laser therapy when as long as I can't see no balding, although I'm shedding like crazy?



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THere's nothing stupid about your questions. 200-300 hairs a day is a sign of hair loss.

Massage you scalp before going to bed each night. It will have the same effect as when women brush their hair each night before going to bed.

Since when did you notice hair fall? I would guess you're in your twenties? Are you still in school or do you work in an office environment?


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freakout said:
THere's nothing stupid about your questions. 200-300 hairs a day is a sign of hair loss.

Massage you scalp before going to bed each night. It will have the same effect as when women brush their hair each night before going to bed.

Since when did you notice hair fall? I would guess you're in your twenties? Are you still in school or do you work in an office environment?

Is it a good idea massaging my head if a lot of hairs fall? I can easily rub 100 hairs away at the end of the day.

I first noticed it 4 years ago. The other day a friend of mine told me he thought my hair looked thicker, I'm not sure about that though. A couple of years ago people could make a comment about my thin hair, but I haven't heard any comment over the last year. Maybe it's because I'm aware of my thin hair, and therefore style it to look thicker, but I'm glad no one is saying naything about me getting bald yet.

Do you consider laser as a waste of money, or could it be a good start if one don't want to try finas?

Im 21 years old. I do study, and I know it can be due to stress, but I have loosen hair even when I wasn't stressed!



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Calm down.
You just seem the type of person who overreacts on minor or inexistent issues.
If you lose 200 hairs a day for years but still have thick hair, that means you have no problems!! This simply means that, althought those 200 hairs shed every day, they grow back as fast.

And another fact: if you don't see any balding signs it's ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE for others to see. Come on, it's trivial: you look at your hair from the shortest distance, you analyze it more than anyone, especially if yout concerned about it. Even when you would start losing hair, it would pass much time till somebody else observes it. And even so, very few people who would notice, would say it to you.


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Is it a good idea massaging my head if a lot of hairs fall? I can easily rub 100 hairs away at the end of the day.

If you don't rub it your scalp, it would only delay the hair from falling. It's much like not shaking a tree - the dead leaves would still fall off later. Your hair follicles is probably not getting enough blood supply.

Did you ever wonder why the sides and back of your head don't lose hair? Ask yourself this: What is your pillow doing to your scap everytime you go to sleep?

Read this: ... 01hair.htm

Engage in regular light physical exercises and I mean as regular as possible BUT NOT strenous exercises.

Don't drink milk. Have more coffee and tea.

If you decide on any treatments in the future, go for Rogaine - it the most effective among the safest treatments.

Do you consider laser as a waste of money, or could it be a good start if one don't want to try finas?
I wouldn't know about laser treatments. Finas is not safe.


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1: Take pictures. Take a picture now. Take one in 3 months. Take one 3 months after that. You need a baseline to compare to. You see yourself every day, so it's hard to objectivity judge if you're losing hair.

2: Massaging you scalp will have a minimal effect, if any. However, I don't see how it can hurt, so massage away!

3: finasteride is generally safe and well tolerated. I've been on it for over 3 years and have had no problems, and I've maintained pretty well.

Sure, there are those people that have had persistent side effects, but every drug has its potential downsides....even aspirin.


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I loose hair in a similar way . Crazy shedding , no obious thinning .
Untill I felt with my hand the difference of density between the top and the rest I really thaught it wasn't Androgenetic Alopecia


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@Freakout seriously :shakehead: I dont even know where to start on this...

Pillows massaging the head? Acting the same way as women brushing their hair before bed (why exactly)?

I think you misread the title of this thread its Stupid questions about hairloss not stupid answers!


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I Broke the Mystery of Male Pattern Baldness

Unlike most people, I don't have a 'silver-bullet' mentality. To me, male pattern baldness is not only multi-factorial but I believe it has multiple causes.

Instead of saying 'i agree', prove massaging does not work, guys. Come up with theories why male pattern baldness does not affect the sides and back of the head. Or provide clues to how bad diet can cause a "horseshoe" pattern.

I agree that massaging is not effective to most BUT that's only because a guy could be affective by multiple causative factors. To some lucky few, massaging maybe all they need.

To some other even fewer lucky few, diet may fix their case. But with diet I can only come up with logical associiations which, in my opinion, may be good enough to convince me to watch my diet.