stuwesty7's story - (Age 25, pics)


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I seem to have had a shed since jan.
I have not changed my existing routine - other than spironolactone in the evening since december.
would spironolactone cause such a shed?
I am starting to think i may get to the poitn where shaving it off or hair transplant is the best plan.
I seem to have thin black hairs on my temples, as you will see in new picture. Will they get any stronger?
Has my proscar run its course. I have been on for 2 and half year now.
Any advice would be much appreciated


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treatments dont seem to be helping fill in the temples, I think if you want your perfect hairline back, you will have to get a hair transplant.

Your hair otherwise looks good, pretty thick overall.


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I have decided to take the buzz to see what the real damage is. I have moved to dr lee's Xandrox 15% in the evenings and spironolactone cream. I had noticed that trying to style my hair after putting foam on used to cause hairs to fall out so I am going to see how this goes. It is a bit fustrating as the rest of my hair is very thick other than the front which is very noticeable once my hair gets longer.
I have attached my buzz haircut would appreciate comments - where is my next move and anyone had succes with dutasteride at the front hairline


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