theoretically it should do both things:So you guys doing sublingual are doing so to 1.) avoid the liver breaking down the drug so you can use less for similar results and 2.) to avoid the side effects like fluid retention, fatigue, etc..?
ive been off oral min for about 7 months and I’m JUST NOW starting to regain composure. That drug DESTROYED my face. Under eye bags, fluid in forehead/upper eye lids, crippling fatigue.. sh*t was intense. Hair growth was unreal though. Grew thicker than ever in my life. My hair regrew better than it did in high school and went from an undercut to full blown surf like chin length hair in 6 months lol.
1.- have a more significant impact on hair growth compared to same oral doses, and
2.- minimize hemodynamic effects. (bloating, dizziness, tachycardia and low bp, etc)
I've used up to 12.5mg sublingual min and haven't experienced any adverse effects other than hypertrichosis. I'm yet to see if it has a more significant effect on scalp hair (or any haha) than oral min.
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