Sudden minituarization?


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Mickey said:
Just got back from having my hair cut short im pleased with it.The front isnt as bad as i imagined on top i have my thin areas.But now i have it short my scalp is full of red spots what the hell is these red spots :shock:

I've heard others talk of spots like that and may have even had some myself. I've been under the impression that they go away quickly, but show up quickly also. Do they itch, or burn?


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I have one larger one which is on its own which hurts when its touched but the others dont seem to be causing any pain or itch i have a cluster of 4 or 5 of them in my thinnest area.


Established Member
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Mickey said:
I have one larger one which is on its own which hurts when its touched but the others dont seem to be causing any pain or itch i have a cluster of 4 or 5 of them in my thinnest area.

Well, I don't know about that larger one that hurts, but I seem to have some of those smaller non-painful ones in my temple recession areas, and they don't seem to cause much problem except that I don't like having red dots on my head and also I associate them with male pattern baldness. Beyond that I really don't have a clue, but I do recall somebody else talking about the same thing recently in one of these posts. I sure somebody will have an opinion if you post the question.